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Rome - Total Realism / Re: RTR8 Beta v3.0 Multiplayer Party-up thread
« on: December 03, 2016, 03:06:27 PM »
I would like to play some games with people through Hamachi, is anyone interested?

Organisation and Coordination / Re: Mapping Department Organization Thread
« on: November 15, 2016, 04:59:16 PM »
Remember that we will need to sacrifice 2 regions for the indian ocean/red sea/persian gulf and caspian sea. If we don't do this it would cause issues with the AI.

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Regarding african elephants
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:04:51 AM »
Well Hannibal had probably at least 1 Syrian elephant, the rest of his elephants were probably north African, but it's also possible that it were bush elephants or Syrian elephants but the latter two are very unlikely.

Regarding the Ptolemaic empire, they probably used bush elephants

The Seleucids used mainly Indian elephants, which the seleucids recieved from the Mauryan King Ashoka between 305 BC and 301 BC, however it might have been possible that the Seleucids also deployed several Syrian elephants (if this was true they were only very small in number).

I personally think we should make all types of elephants available to each elephant faction as aor troops (Indian, Syrian, north African and bush elephants) ;I wouldn't give the Romans access to Syrian elephants since those were extinct by the time the Romans reached Syria; we could however represent them as expensive mercenaries that don't replenish.

Rome - Total Realism / Regarding african elephants
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:44:57 PM »
Hi guys,

I did some research on elephants and I was suprised about some facts about african elephants:

I found some info on this site:
Is keeping African elephants more difficult?

The rumour is wrong that Asian elephants would be easier to keep in zoos or circuses than African elephants.
Both elephant species live in various circuses and zoos. The only thing that rendered the Asian elephants better known as working, zoo and circus elephants is the Asian tradition of catching and taming wild elephants.
So the most famous zoo and circus elephant "Jumbo" was a african bull.

When the Belgians in colonial times intended to stub the jungle of Belgian Congo, they employed Indian mahouts, who successfully caught and trained the African elephants according to the Asian method. Nowadays safaris on the backs of African riding elephants become more and more popular in Africa.

here is some info regarding Ptolemaic elephants: (according to all four links Europa Barbarorum got it wrong)

And here you can find info about hannibal's elephants:

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Bug report thread
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:08:51 PM »
Can you invert the spear of the original model then?

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Bug report thread
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:46:30 AM »
I tried to fix the way nubian cavalrymen are holding their shield but I screwed up the model :P @xeofox can you fix this? My model is basically the Nubian infantry model with an inverted spear so it can use a different animation.

Rome - Total Realism / Indian elephant skins
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:05:03 PM »
Most of our indian elephant's skins look like african elephants. However there's a huge difference:

Indian elephant:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

African elephant skin:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Thermopolium - Communication & Chat / Re: The Bacchanalia Thread
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:12:28 PM »
is there anyone here who knows this band:

Organisation and Coordination / Re: Mapping Department Organization Thread
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:16:01 PM »
As far as the cultivated land is concerned, I'd personally prefer to distinguish between pasture and arable land. Gradations in actual fertility are largely accounted for by climate zones on the campaign map and terrain related gradations should be taken care of in descr_geography for the battle_maps. So, what remains would be variations due to things like lithology? I doubt that's worth spending 3 groundtypes on (4 if you count wilderness, which you might, as it too tends to be open country).

Here's my new suggestion, the problem is that many aspects of ground types are hard-coded so not everything is possible:

Swamp: Wilderness (this would be used for sandy deserts when used for the desert climates or badlands in combination with semi-arid climates) ;hard coded: movement penalty

Wilderness: Rangeland ;hard coded: shares uncultivated strat map texture with low fertility

Low fertility: Pasture  ;hard coded: campaign map texture will change gradually when farm upgrades are build (but you can also use the same texture), farms will appear on the battlemap when farms are build, but those can be removed

Medium fertility: Arable land ;hard coded: campaign map texture will change gradually when farm upgrades are build (but you can also use the same texture), farms will appear on the battlemap when farms are build, but those can be removed

High fertility: Very fertile arable land ;hard coded: campaign map texture will change gradually when farm upgrades are build (but you can also use the same texture), farms will appear on the battlemap when farms are build, but those can be removed

Hills: Hills ;hard coded: bumps appear on the campaign map

Low mountains: Mountains ;hard-coded: impassable

High Mountains: Alpine peaks ;hard-coded: impassable, peaks appear on the campaign map

Sparse forest: Open/Sparse woodland ;hard coded: armies can use it to ambush other armies, sparse trees appear on the campaign map, but can be removed

Dense forest: (Dense) Forest ;hard coded: impassable, dense trees appear on the campaign map, looks weird if the trees are removed

Beach: dense shrubland (we can keep it as coast if you want) ;hard coded: nothing as far as I know

many other things like forest and shrub density, relief, micro ground types, e.t.c. can be edited in descr_geography.db

I would rather not re-purpose the beach. I think it's got some special properties that would make it hard to use elsewhere, thought I cannot be sure as I never tried it.
RSIII uses it as a desert groundtype and it works well

Organisation and Coordination / Re: Mapping Department Organization Thread
« on: November 07, 2016, 09:50:02 PM »
Maybe we could reassign the ground types and change swamp in something that can be used on more area's.

My suggestion is:
Swamp: Wilderness (this would be used for sandy deserts when used for the desert climates or badlands in combination with semi-arid climates)
Wilderness: Infertile Grassland (can be used in combination with the humid continental climate for a transition zone with the steppe climate)
Low fertility Farmland
Medium fertility Very fertile farmland
High fertility: Irrigated farmland
Hills: Hills
Low mountains: Mountains
High Mountains: Alpine peaks
Sparse forest: Open/Sparse woodland
Dense forest: (Dense) Forest
Beach: shrubland

This system would also be a lot easier for campaign map textures, it would also makes it easier for me to merge ground types (rocky and sandy desert) and to have better transitions between for example continental and steppe. It would also work better with my movement system since it would allow more use of the "swamp" ground type (for my movement system it's better to limit movement on many tiles)

Rome - Total Realism / Sprite generation tool (please read)
« on: November 06, 2016, 08:10:06 PM »
Hi I wonder if someone still has this ancient tool on his pc:
If so it would make sprite generation a lot easier and less time consuming :)

Rome - Total Realism / Zama
« on: November 05, 2016, 09:22:52 PM »
The battle of zama might never have happened and might have been roman propaganda, well at least according some historians.

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Saka
« on: November 05, 2016, 08:10:15 PM »
Xeofox, can you use a different interpolation to scale down the saka symbols? It's way too blurry right now. also, the saka symbol doesn't highlight when you hover over it with the mouse

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Player formations
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:27:06 PM »
Okay we'll use that formation then. I might remove the phalanx with intervals from the list since this formation can be achieved by selecting units in the right order and then forming a single line, but I think this formation might be useful to the AI, but it would require testing to see if it handles it well.

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Player formations
« on: November 04, 2016, 12:53:23 PM »
The question is: is it useful to the player? I want to add more basic formations that are directly usefull to the player, like an echelon formation which is very useful to perform the obilque order tactic. Any formation slot should be used for a formation that offers a tactical advantage to the player, otherwise the player (at least me) won't use it and as a result it's a wasted formation slot.

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