Coding Medieval Worlds 3: Landscapes and Backgrounds

Call For Participants

A workshop for historians & game developers: 25-26 Feb, 2023

Historical and fantasy worlds with medieval inspirations are as much defined by what lies behind the action as what takes centre stage. People’s relationship to and reliance upon their world, its strategic and tactical importance, and who occupies it beyond the core focus: these elements are central to historical narrative and gameplay alike. How we render these worlds, too, is crucial. Soundscapes and visuals are key to immersive, interactive tales and to providing cues and grounding to game experiences. In this workshop we’ll examine these elements and more from developers’ and historians’ perspectives, and discuss tackling these shared challenges!

When: 25th Feb & 26th Feb 2022, 1:30pm — 8pm Central European Time

Where: Wherever you can connect to a video call!

How to participate: Email or by December 31st with your name and a sentence or two on your background and interest.

We have a limit of around 30 people, half spaces for developers and half for academics (independent scholars, early career researchers, and hobbyist & indie developers are all welcome). We examine all applications and ensure places are available for scholars & developers from diverse & marginalised backgrounds. Do get in touch with any enquiries at the above email addresses.

This workshop is a collaboration between Exilian and the University of Vienna, Austria.