
Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn => General Chatter - The Boozer => Topic started by: lordryan756 on September 17, 2011, 11:41:14 PM

Title: My Own Website!!!
Post by: lordryan756 on September 17, 2011, 11:41:14 PM
Hey, Exilian! After being inspired a little bit by Jubal (http://www.wavcott.demon.co.uk/james/index.htm) and also having a bunch of coding experience and thing's I'm proud of, I decided to create my own website. It is hosted at http://www.x10hosting.com . My actual website is http://www.supergaming.x10.mx/Index.html ! Anyways, I've decided to post a linky here for you guys to help me improve it and give me ideas! So, I'll leave you to it!

Extra links without playing Hide and Seek in the text:

http://www.wavcott.demon.co.uk/james/index.htm <--James website (Not sure if still being edited =/)
http://www.x10hosting.com <--My web hoster!
http://www.supergaming.x10.mx/Index.html <-- (Yah, sucky name, I know. Couldn't think of anything better at the time, so I might change in the distant future)

Oh, and please note that the E-Mail listed there is for stranger visitors, you guys can contact me at RyanBallou_97@hotmail.com since you guys are special =3

Edit: Also, I need some input whether to keep the "Shoutbox" or to place an actual chatroom (http://www.xat.com). Please give input!
Title: Re: My Own Website!!!
Post by: Marcus on September 18, 2011, 12:04:01 AM
The banner could do with being clearer for a start. ;) I appreciate the fade in/out idea, but it doesn't really work.
Title: Re: My Own Website!!!
Post by: lordryan756 on September 18, 2011, 12:04:57 AM
Yah, I was using a Gradient in Paint.net, knew I should have chosen a different font color =/