Game Design and Project Resources: The Workshops Quarter > Computer Game Development - The Indie Alley



Calisthenis of Green Day:
I made a Pong game using Game Maker 8. It's nothing special and there are many things that aren't perfect about it.
Please ignore the highscore table, I played it a lot in it's production (testing) and as you can see from the top, spent a little too much time playing it.

Any feedback would be nice.


* (1.22 MB)

The main problem is the fact that the AI bat just moves in a preprogrammed path rather than trying to follow the ball. This makes it nigh on impossible to lose...

The look is good, though, and the physics is fine.

Private Clark:
Yeah good start besides the AI part, idk how to do that either, maybe post a topic asking for help on the game maker forum.

Calisthenis of Green Day:
Thanks for your comments! :)

Basically what you want to do is get the ball's y-coordinate, then write a loop which every half second or so tells the bat to move towards that y-position at a certain speed.


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