Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn > Forum Games - The Beer Cellar!

Change a Letter III

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Right, time for a new CTL game.

The rules:

* You may exchange any letter in the word for any other letter to create a new word
* This may not be the same as the previous word
* You can also remove or add letters so long as:

* it is not the first or last letter that is added or removed and
* no additions or removals have been made within the last 10 entries.
So, let's start this one off!

I'm not smart enough to understand all those rules. :P

I shall get them rewritten for your Trotskyist-bovine self by some random Spart  :)

Cuddly Khan:
They will still be torn apart by the Wibulnibs!

Look out! Wibulnibs sighted aport!


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