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Aviarium: fantasy art of dragons, time-travellers and winged people

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I NOW ALSO WANT TO READ ARDAN SHAKESPEARE -it literally only just occurred to me how different that might be!
Ah. Didn't think about flying posture at all, actually. Hmm... The exploding dragon idea is truly beautiful, it sounds like something you might find  in a discworld novel :D but I don't think I want to go quite that whacky (things get a little serious later on in the novel and I don't think the risk of your dragon blowing up quite fits) - how about dragons having hollow bones like birds?

The History plays would certainly have to be rather amended! Aldarion and Erendis instead of Antony and Cleopatra would be a fun one...

Hm, well, that decreases the weight, but not the relative balance along the body which I think is the issue? The question is basically how the back part of the body gets enough lift to go horizontal rather than just flopping down behind the wings.

You know so many obscure Tolkien characters I'm lost 😂 but I'm sure it would be brilliant bc how could Tolkien and Shakespeare as a writing colab not work? Also, what about elves ending up in the regular Shakespeare plays, say, or Macbeth with hobbits 🙂?

now have to experiment with giving dragons more bird-like tails I think, that's fun 😊 I love figuring this kind of thing out. I'll definitely end up keeping a range of dragon designs, anything I like the aesthetic of.

Aldarion and Erendis is great, it's a whole tragic story in Unfinished Tales of a Numenorean prince who frequently abandons his wife to go sailing off to defend Middle-earth but ultimately causes evil due to his estrangement from his own family.

And yes, more experimental dragons is good :)


Winter, a time traveller who accidentally wanders into a different universe, only to find herself completely out of her depth. She's used to having a weird relationship to time energy, including being able to (sort of) fly by riding on it, and being unharmed by even massive quantities of energy. But that's nothing on what happens in Atana, a place where everyone can (sort of) fly, and nearly everyone can actually manipulate magical energies, and Winter is one of the weakest, not the strongest.
Some things about the universe-after-one are familiar: divisions based on ancient conflicts and racial hatred, hundreds of small nations that can't necessarily agree about anything, and slightly dubious heavily-discounted folding beds.
Others are not. Dragons were a bit of a surprise. Thousand-year-old magical curses that affect the fate of the whole universe are also outside of her field of experience. As is an impending crisis in spacetime that may or may not be the apocalypse.


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