
Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn => Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! => General Chatter - The Boozer => Mafias and RPGs => Topic started by: DeepCandle Games on May 29, 2016, 02:16:15 PM

Title: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 29, 2016, 02:16:15 PM


Deeper n' Darker is an FRPG(Forum Role-Playing Game) with an adventure that takes place in the ancient landscapes and mighty kingdoms and empires that reside in the world of Thaelanc. Introduce your own heroes and stories into an adventure that you control through your choices. Beware, however, for Thaelanc is beautiful and glorious, but beneath it's surface lies a sinister and fiendish side to everything you thought you knew.

Delve deeper into Thaelanc to discover wealth, knowledge and power!
Venture into the darkness of this same world to destroy the foul forces that try to destroy such
treasures... or join them.


Character descriptions:
To make things simple, each player has 3 sentences to introduce their character, 8 key words to describe the most important things about them, and 2 sentences to describe a basic outline of their character. Images to display characters would preferably be avatars and icons or be added as a "spoiler" so we don't end up with clutter. Each player makes one character only and must edit that post if they need to update anything about them. This includes items, inventory, clothing, armour, and just about anything you need to keep track of including relationships with NPCs or other player characters.

Characters will have to have these fields of value and will be given 12 points to distribute to their discretion.

I recommend not overdoing it in one field. example; strength: 8 etc etc, since you will certainly need the other perks at-least in a basic level

Bonus points from items can be added up in brackets next to the original character information. Example: (strength: 3 [+2])

Age/life expectancy:
Star constellation:


I will also allow players to create themselves pets. (Assuming they are small enough that we don't need to micromanage them)
Pet information that should be added to your creation post should be:

Age/life expectancy:
Favourite food:
Dominant sense (may come in useful later on):

Feel free to ask any other questions!

happy gaming! i'm hoping you can enjoy it.

I have decided to track player's character creation posts by linking them into this next section of the first post.
 Any updates you can do can be applied through editing your original posts by following the links you find here.
If your character is not here let me know immediately and i will update it as soon as i can.

Player Characters:

BearKnight's Dwarf, Moglav: http://exilian.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=4568.msg106278#msg106278

Jubal's Dwarf, Andvari:

Othko's Human, Borgon:

Son Of The King's Human, Riofaal: http://exilian.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=4568.msg106754#msg106754

Map Description Post:

There is now a party inventory. Each party will have their own, However it is recommended to stay unified as you may need all of the trinkets you find.

Party inventory:

The Skeleton Key
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 29, 2016, 02:45:25 PM

its a cold, misty night, with fog covering everything farther than a few paces ahead of most people. the moon is hidden behind the clouds, shining faintly through them, yet one quaint little inn, The Hunky Hogg, seems to be quite the opposite.

the doors burst open and new faces clamour in every few hours out of the cold, usually greeted by shouts that they're letting in the chilling air of the night, and returning with moody glares and "I know!"s, although after a few tankards of ale, things go back to normal.

due to the cold coming in from being the beginning of winter, the usually quiet tavern is bustling with folk from all over the local valley, mostly farmers and peasantry sharing a hot cooked boar, or a refreshing ale as they chat merrily to their friends.

here, among the cushioned seats, and softened smiles, is where your journey begins!

note: when you are ready to begin, ask the bartender about Tusk Mountain, until then, players can mingle or attempt interacting with various people and items in the tavern, getting used to their surroundings.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 29, 2016, 02:45:52 PM
character creation for: BearKnight

name: Moglav
age: 87 (life expectancy: 800)
star constellation: Magris (looks roughly like a tankard of ale)
species: dwarf

name: gizmak
age: 3 (expectancy: 9)
favourite food: tree roots and dried fruits
dominant sense: smell

Moglav is a youthful man (atleast, for a dwarf) , who had been travelling the land for ingredients and stories, looking to brew a fine ale with the former as he experienced the latter. it wasn't long before he stumbled into the Hunky Hogg Inn, looking for the most potent ale he could find, whilst plonking himself down in the most comfortable seat he spotted.
as for stories, this time, he would soon have his own to tell..

key words: stout, friendly, cheerful, optimistic, stubborn, short, curious, loyal

outline: Moglav is friendly and outgoing, more so than even humans, and enjoys telling a good story while he tucks into a large portion of whatever meaty animal is on the menu (hog meat is his favourite). he is short, broad, and has a large, chiselled face, mostly covered by his oaky beard, his coif, and a few slight wrinkles.

Mining pick of Finding: Lights up with an orange glow when the user is near minerals

Ring of Blasting: can be used to create a small blast from the top of the ring.

Pouch of Hydration: replenishes itself with water. can be used up to twice a day,

Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on May 29, 2016, 03:04:45 PM
I'll play, sure :)

Time to break out the Calasson clan again...

Intro: Andvari Calasson is a relatively young dwarf, a journeyman runecrafter. His clan, the Calassons, are widely regarded as "a bit odd" and somehow not quite respectable - whilst undeniably good engineers, well-trained runesmiths and skilled warriors come from the Calasson clan, they are somewhat eccentric, not very wealthy, and too inclined to friendship with outsiders for the liking of some of the bigger and wealthier dwarf clans. Andvari himself has left his home and hold mainly driven by curiosity, having a great wish to learn and chronicle more of the world and its depths.

8 key words: Runesmith, Historian, Quiet, Absent-minded, Knowledgeable, Intellectual, Kind, Diminutive.

Outline: Andvari is a careful, thought-out character who sometimes takes a while to engage with what's going on around him and prefers to solve problems through his expansive intellect rather than anything coming to blows. He is lightly built for a dwarf, with a long, thin, black beard, deep brown eyes, and wears slightly faded robes in a teal-blue colour.

Name:  Calasson
Age/Life expectancy: 120/800
Star Constellation (you can make one up and tell other players what it looks like): The Wayfarer (somewhat similar to our Orion).
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 4
Cunning: 3
Reflexes: 1
Awareness: 1
Species: Dwarf

Staff with Rune of the Moon-Shadows: Anyone in 10ft radius of the staff with hostile intent takes a -1 to awareness, making it easier for Andvari to wander around unnoticed. Is also a big wooden stick that can be used to hit things.
Runestone of light: Can be activated/deactivated at any time, glows creating a small amount of light, equivalent to a torch.
Runecarving of rest: One-use only block of wood with a rune of confusion, when activated it will disintegrate and any nearby enemies/hostiles (within the same room) will become drowsy or fall asleep.
Travelling cloak, robes, paper, pens, ink, wood and stone chisels, small runesmith's hammer, supply of home-made cheesebread.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 29, 2016, 11:12:04 PM
the tavern bustles with activity, with people coming and going, just as busy as it was when you arrived.

//just supporting the atmosphere
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on May 29, 2016, 11:24:16 PM
I quietly sidle through the crowds of taller humans, purchase a good cup of mead, and then find a stool near the fire to warm up.

OOC: How many players do you envisage needing for this? I'll post a link to the thread on our Facebook group to see if we can tempt any other old hands in :)
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 29, 2016, 11:31:42 PM
i doze off in the corner near the hearth and snooze contentedly

//the more the merrier, but i'm not going to be keeping track of everything, like i hinted at. i imagine that people dont mind the re-edit/action system anyway.

so when everyone needs to start we can, and others can just be encountered later on, should work out
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Othko97 on May 30, 2016, 09:52:47 AM
I am so in.

Age/Life expectancy: 20/70
Star Constellation (you can make one up and tell other players what it looks like): Carcharadon (somewhat like a bird in flight)
Strength: 2
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 1
Cunning: 2
Reflexes: 3
Awareness: 2
Species: Human

Borgon is a young man who only recently left his home in search of adventure. His trade is ostensibly a hunter, used to long trips in the wild hunting game to sell in his small town. He arrived at the Hunky Hogg after a long journey away from his boring old life in search of a more interesting one.

Key Words: hunter, sharp, rash, cheerful, adventurous, easygoing, friendly, inquisitive

Outline: Borgon is a young man hoping to find an adventure, or at least some form of trouble, leading to a tendency to act rashly. He is reasonably short for a human, with the beginnings of a beard roughening his youthful face.

Bow of the Hunt: +<insert reasonable amount of damage here> to animals
Torch of Undying Flammability: A torch with an everlasting flame {if this is too OP then let me know, it can have some kind of rest period or something}
Quiver of Replenishment: Magically regenerates <sensible quantity of arrows> every <sensible time frame>
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 30, 2016, 10:24:41 AM
a young human enters the inn, bumping his way to the counter to make an order before slipping back into the bustling crowd. he looks somewhat like a hunter

//note: i have changed the point distribution system to be easier to keep track of and more flexible to the players. enjoy!
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on May 30, 2016, 11:22:35 AM
OOC: Fixed my point distribution. Also, what species is Gizmak?

Andvari pulls a thick sheaf of paper out of his pack, and starts making some brief notes on the inn, in a surprisingly flowing handwritten script (unlike the sharpness of runes, designed to be chiselled into rock, the letters of the Kartvel script are quite graceful in form). He carefully unwraps a small loaf of cheesebread from his pack and starts eating it as he works, noting down details of the building's apparent age and masonry.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 31, 2016, 01:11:35 AM
the inn bustles on, but there appears to be trouble! a man is refusing to pay, and tempers are high between him and the barman. someone might be getting hurt if no one intervenes!

but that doesn't mean that anyone will..

// thats his name. well- i guess the question is still valid in a

he is a miniature sheep; he is smaller than my fist. i keep him in a pouch on my belt and use my shaving knife to shear him when he needs it.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Othko97 on May 31, 2016, 09:57:50 AM
Borgon sits quietly in the corner enjoying a tankard of ale, shaking off the chill of the outdoors.

OOC: Also fixed my distribution.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 31, 2016, 11:14:37 AM
the dispute dies down and the stranger leaves in an angry huff, his purse a little lighter. the barman breathes a sigh of relief and returns to cleaning the ale-soaked tankards

//players so far:
jubal as  Andvari the Dwarf
othko as Borgon the Hunter
BearKnight as Moglav the Dwarf

potential players:
The Khan
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on May 31, 2016, 11:52:48 AM
Should we list our equipment in our character-sheet posts?

Andvari inspects the craftwork his various pieces of gear; runes can create powerful magical items, but they take time to inscribe, and avoiding chips or damage thereafter helps keep them at full strength. Satisfied, he returns to his mead, his eyes ranging around the bar for things of interest.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 31, 2016, 11:56:32 AM
// now that i think about it, i'm not sure. maybe adding it to our signature's would be the easiest way?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on May 31, 2016, 12:06:57 PM
I think in the character sheet makes a lot more sense - the signature is displayed around the whole forum, so having to use it for one specific game seems over the top. I think if we keep them in our character posts, and maybe have links to each of the character posts in the very first post of this thread? (You can click on the title of an individual post and get a URL to go straight to that post).
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on May 31, 2016, 12:08:36 PM
I've updated the original post with character sheet links, you can all use those now to document items and information (unless you feel comfortable with using your forum signatures. i have done so as i didn't have anything that important in it)

i will also be colour coding text from now on. read below, or check out my signature:

orange: Item pickups and other item related information

yellow:Narration and whole party/environment effects

red:  buffs, debuffs, and other character specific effects

green: NPC thoughts

lime green: NPC dialogue
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on May 31, 2016, 08:59:09 PM
I've written out my starting inventory, given myself three quite low-powered runic items to start off with (essentially, I think the way it should work is that I can create new runic stuff if I have the material and tools, the bigger and more durable the effects I want the harder they are to make and the longer it takes). :)
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 01, 2016, 02:05:19 AM
The Inn starts to quiet down as customers rustle off to their rooms for the night. the fire is still burning warmly.

//Update for all players: you can now start with three items. be responsible and dont make them ridiculous. But have fun!

ps: non-magic items and tools are also permitted, as long as they dont provide any extra combat advantage
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 01, 2016, 11:29:01 AM
The cold begins to seep into the main room. luckily the fire is kept going by those still awake, crackling and flickering gently in the midst of the room, warming you and your companions. There appears to be a few pieces of parchment spread across one of the tables, scrawled upon in detailed markings and notes, weighed down by a half full tankard of ale and a small ink-pot along with an equally miniature quill with red feathering. Warmth is filling your bodies from the feet up and making the room seem cozier. The night draws on.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 01, 2016, 11:59:53 PM
Andvari notices the inkpot nearby, and looks curiously at it, wondering if this indicates a scribe who can tell him more about the area, or something even more interesting...

Is the parchment abandoned as far as I/Andvari can tell?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 02, 2016, 01:53:49 AM
A short man returns swiftly to the table and mumbles to himself, returning to his work. he appears to be making a map. he looks up quickly with his mouse-like face and whiskery beard, startled by your sudden approach.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 02, 2016, 10:36:26 AM
Andvari wanders over.

"You appear to be a fellow being of letters, sir. May I enquire as to your work?"
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 02, 2016, 01:05:41 PM
W-why yes i suppose this is something of the sort. A little more complex perhaps.

He presses the parchment out flat, blots of ale and other substances staining various parts of it as he points to several figures and landmarks and begins to discuss them in excitement.

These are the Stones of Guldan, The lost temple of Almarad is here,this is The Crystal mines of Fargulf, and here are The Ruins of Haestus. O-oh, and here is our lovely Inn, but of course!

When mentioning the Inn he jabs a little section in the south-west corner of the map, surrounded by several mountains and a dense forest. you notice a body of water marked that flows through the woods and into the lands beyond, passing through several valleys and forking between its first fork; the northward stream, and its second fork; the eastward stream, each one passing either side of a huge mountain labelled "Giant's Peak Mountain".

Beyond The Giant's Peak Mountain lies a series of large swamp-lands to the north and west known as The Plague Marshes which merges into  The Great Western Jungles that span across the west edge of the map, renowned for their fierce native species. Along the bottom of the map lays a large string of mountains called "The Black-Spine Mountains", in which is rumoured to be settlements of Minotaur.

The Centre of the map depicts a great set of plains and meadows, with the occasional forestry and many named blots with the titles of various villages and cities of The Central Kingdoms, while most of the north is swallowed by an inland sea, known now to the poets and journeying folk as "The Flooded Lands", with many island settlements. It is said that both the most beautiful and ugly of creatures reside there.
The east however dissolves into sand, with a landmark noted as "The Red Canyon" inscribed into it. This single chasm bored so deep into the earth that you need to use advanced cave systems to reach the surface at its floor, splitting into other wide canyons and several large subterranean tunnels. The Red Canyon is used by many travelers to journey quickly between the settlements that dot its domain.

The various landmarks he has inscribed onto The Merchant's Map that you notice include:
The Stones of Guldan

The Lost Temple of Almarad

The Crystal Mines of Fargulf

The Ruins of Haestus

The Giant's Peak Mountain

The Plague Marshes

The Great Western Jungles

The Black-Spine Mountains

The Central Kingdoms

The Flooded Lands

The Red Canyon
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 02, 2016, 09:59:19 PM
"Have you been to many of these places? Can you tell me more about the stones of Gulden? I craft words upon stone, and any stones worthy of being named sound like a place to visit..."

Stroking his beard, Andvari scans his eyes across the map.

Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 02, 2016, 11:11:32 PM
The man chuckles and looks at you with an expression of amusement.

Well they're actually a series of pillars, inscribed with runes. It has been said they used to be a location for sacrifices. There are atleast ten, and they all reside on a hill.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 03, 2016, 11:06:12 AM
"Interesting, I shall have to go and make notes on the runecraft."

Andvari activates his light-stone to illuminate the map better than the flickering candles and firelight will allow.

"And these crystal mines?"
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 03, 2016, 12:32:30 PM
Ah they are a site of constant warfare, where many factions have risen and fallen through it's vast prosperity, yet only a few have withstood the test of time.

Looking closer you recognize faint borders marked out among the regions of the map, with several great empires and kingdoms, and a swathe of smaller states, some independent, some not.

The glaring exception of course is the majority of The Plague Marshes in which only reside a series of small settlements, and The Great Western Jungles , riddled with villages and tribes, but with no prominent civilization.

The Red Canyon is a wasteland with whole settlements that sometimes shift locations, due to the abundance or lacking of water each year. It is for this reason that no one seems to bother recording their locations, making the land more mysterious than it already was.

//You know, now that i think about it, it would be really cool to actually create a map of this, but i don't really know how that would work out. any tips?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper n' Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 04, 2016, 03:23:52 PM
I awaken at the sound of your voices and after finishing the last of my ale I splash what remains onto the hearth, making it roar, the flames licking at the air around it as I stare into it, smiling smugly to myself as if I were re-reading an old joke.

I take a seat across from both of you and start looking at the map, taking in its details with great curiosity and observation as my hand plays with one of the locks of my beard absently.
Shortly after, i scan the room, noticing a hunter slouched against his chair, snoring gently, as well as several shields of the local holds adorning the walls. My attention turns back to you and i stretch my back muscles before speaking in my rumbling voice.

What might you two 'ave been up to? Planning a trip?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 05, 2016, 10:05:12 PM
OOC: I can make a map to the specifications above, if you want? :)

"Not so much planning a trip as thinking about what trips could in fact be planned, though the former question may soon become the one that I am attempting to answer. That is to say that I am not quite planning a trip, but I am planning to plan a trip, if there is a trip that can be planned."

Andvari pauses momentarily, eyes assessing the stranger.

"I am Andvari of the Calasson clan, a runesmith. Your name, friend?"
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 05, 2016, 11:42:34 PM
"Those that matter call me Moglav. Well met!"

Moglav gives Andvari a firm clap on the back.

//that would be great :D
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on June 06, 2016, 08:58:09 PM
A hooded figure slips into the tavern and finds its way to a lonely seat at the back, in the shadows away from the fire. The figure begins drinking from a bottle of ale it had brought in with it.

25 year old male Human of the star sign Draco



Also: light leather armour, small amount of gold coins, 50ft of rope, torch, waterskin, some travelling rations, bottle of ale
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 07, 2016, 01:00:33 AM
The room crackled as the fire spat softly at the surrounding folk. A frail man, Moglav and Andvari were reading over the map and plotting a course as well as considering supplies for their trip.
A hunter snoozed against his seat, surrounded by empty vessels of ale.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 07, 2016, 04:35:37 PM
OOC: I'm working on the map. I'm increasingly feeling that the Great Western Jungles are going to have to be deciduous but impassable "cold jungle" or deepwoods rather than a rainforest, or the map looks weird. Other than that, it's going OK!

"So tell me, friends, where do each of you hail from originally?"
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 08, 2016, 09:33:00 AM
Moglav wipes the ale froth from his beard before giving Andvari a warm grin and offering the same hand.

"I'm from a nomadic dwarfish clan that travels between the mountains and trades for a living."
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 08, 2016, 03:55:29 PM

Version to fit to forum size:

Full size:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 08, 2016, 04:11:48 PM
its beautiful!
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 08, 2016, 04:29:27 PM
Thankyou! It was nice to get something like this to work on, too long since I've done fun universe-design stuff :)

(The inn, by the way, should be about halfway between Sieph and Taski in the southwest.)
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 09, 2016, 07:01:19 AM
//update! we now have a map for this Adventure, and i downsized it to fit it onto the main post!

should i mark the inn out on the map?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 09, 2016, 09:33:36 AM
You can if you want, but I don't think it'll be hard to remember where we are. I didn't include it as a landmark because including just one specific tavern on a map covering several kingdoms seemed like it would jar for scale.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on June 09, 2016, 09:39:16 AM
I agree with Jubal.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 09, 2016, 11:23:20 AM
//fair enough.

The old man eyes down the group of travelers before him and smiles gently.

I don't suppose i could offer you this map for a sum of coin? I've done enough travelling for a life-time anyway, and am looking to settle down at the moment. This place seems as good as any.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 09, 2016, 10:37:34 PM
Andvari eyes it up.

"What say you, Moglav? It is well inscribed, and I should like to travel to the Central Kingdoms, if you or anyone else wishes to accompany me. Tunnels could bring us from my home near T'vik through to Ethil, or we could visit the Stones of Guldan and then head for Yentis."
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 10, 2016, 01:48:05 AM
Moglav grins warmly and hands over a small purse of coin, making the old man return the cheery expression.

Th-this is most generous of you! I shan't forget it!

The small man yawns and bids you all good tidings before heading off to his room. Shortly after the inn-keep, who stayed up to clean up the mess made by his customers called out to you.

If you're looking to travel that way, strangers, you'd best be well equipped or have a pretty good escort. I've heard that road is getting more dangerous these days.

Actually, i happen to know an old friend who does black-smithing in a nearby village, he might help you out. The village sits in the woodlands to the north, it shouldn't be far.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 11, 2016, 06:27:19 AM
The inn-keeper locks up the main door and moves off to his chambers as well, leaving the remaining group huddled around the fire, bestowed with the mixed feelings of anticipation in the long adventure that awaits them.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 13, 2016, 11:34:14 PM
OOC: Sorry, back from East Anglia now! Shall we declare night to have passed so we can get on with this adventure?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 14, 2016, 12:04:41 AM
Morning arrives and the sun rises, waking you gently while the soft summer breeze flows through your room. You awaken gently and wash up, before long noticing one of your possessions is mission before sokn finding out you already equipped it. The day has started.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on June 14, 2016, 09:30:46 AM
I arrive downstairs and obtain breakfast early, pondering on the overheard discussions from the night before.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 14, 2016, 01:23:58 PM
The main hall of the inn is crisp and cold, the fire snuffed out by the cook when she rose to prepare the baked goods for the day. Traveler's mingled quietly and discussed the local gossip such as betrothals among nearby villages, and who completed their rites of adulthood this season.

The Hunky Hogg rested against the base of a steep mountain slope, protected from the harsh winds by a small wood-land, used for local hunting and foraging, the front entrance facing south toward the old stone road that journeyed down from the west and into the eastern valleys. A couple of small mountain streams ended in shallow pools by the path, creating a clean source of drinking water.

On the inside, The Hunky Hogg opened up into a hall with six tables accompanied by beautifully carved furniture that must have been lasting a few generations judging by its complexion. On the east side of the hall is a small room with a fire-pit for warming the establishment, and a short yet steep set of stairs leading up to the rooms above. Apart from several supporting beams, an old counter runs along the north side of the main hall, protecting the kitchen and pantry, in which all of the supplies are kept and cooked. The West face of the building has a small balcony for the second floor with carved wooden railing to prevent mishaps.

From the outside the building looked old and respected, yet on the inside it was covered in pelts, furs and cushions of sheep's wool, not to mention a hearty supply of vittles and home-brewed grog.

Near the main entrance stands an old sign with a few faded directions, while behind the inn-keepers counter is a notice-board, filled out with short jobs and various snippets of interest involving some strange locals and a travelling magician "Othko", who was a respected entertainer in the local area.

Other members of the party seem to have assembled on the ground floor, enjoying the brisk air.

Are you ready to proceed? If you are ready to go, gather your things and inquire with the Inn-Keeper, Jubal to discuss the next course of your adventure. The world awaits!
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 18, 2016, 11:03:25 PM
I enquire with, apparently, myself :P
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on June 19, 2016, 12:00:42 AM
I ask the innkeeper about the strange locals.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 19, 2016, 01:29:37 AM
The inn-keeper replies quietly, to make sure the other customers can't hear him.

As you probably already had noticed, this is one of the safest regions of this area of the world, and so most of the good folk in the local area are veterans and refugee's seeking a peaceful life. That's also why we have so many elders with missing limbs.

Before you go, i noticed you seem to have quite a lot of equipment, and i think i have a use for that. For a sum of coin i'd ask you to help me out.

Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on June 21, 2016, 08:27:46 PM
What's the help you need?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 21, 2016, 11:35:19 PM
Jubal sets his cloth down on the bench and leans closer, whispering quietly so the peaceful folk don't get frightened.

We have a lummox in the forests along the road. Great big beast, huge tusks and a ferocious roar.
You can smell it before you can see it though, so i guess that's your only advantage. We've 'ad to stop sending people over that way because it's too dangerous, but now it's affecting our trading and supplies!

Supposin' you slay the beast, i have a purse of coin for each of you and a couple of antiques that you can use for spoils. They also say it hoards a small collection of antique items that are probably quite valuable.

Jubal leans back now and chuckles a little.

I wouldn't believe everything you hear though.

Behold, adventurers!
You have received your first quest!
This quest is going to have loot that has it's uses outside of market value, so keep an eye out for anything that might be a bit special!
Good luck!
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on June 22, 2016, 06:49:06 PM
Sounds like a good deal to me. Who else is in?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 22, 2016, 11:41:01 PM
"I will accompany you to see and record this beast, though I have little ability at combat and may be confined to observation."
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 23, 2016, 07:21:45 AM
Moglav pats himself down to see if all of his equipment is with him before equipping his satchel.

"I'll help."

Jubal smiles in relief and hands the group a large, flat coin with a skeleton engraved on one side and a faded pattern on the other. If you hold it up in the light you can make out worn script around the edge of the coin.

Here, Take this. I suppose it would only be proper to pay you ahead of time, and judging by this being the only coin of this type, I think its quite valuable to a few scholars and merchants. A man said he found it near the entrance of a Crypt in the woods. Said there was naught else worth looking at in the area when he passed through though. Strangely enough shortly after he stopped by, that Lummox showed up. Nasty business that.

Item added to party inventory: The Skeleton Key
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 26, 2016, 11:59:33 PM
"Right, shall we head out?"

Andvari shoulders his pack and holds the door open for the others, looking out to head away from the inn.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 27, 2016, 02:38:32 AM
As the party steps outside you take in the refreshing air, chilled and crisp from the nearby mountains as it tickles your facial hair and swirls through the trees gently. The road stretches before you, the side to your right (the south-west) comes down from the mountain ranges, continuing into the woods. A small stream of crystal clear mountain water trickling past and pooling next to the inn ( on the right side from the front) in a natural well.

The road from the mountains is clean and well maintained due to the lack of use, and the mountains themselves are inhabited mostly by Phyms (small muscly goats with thick wool coats) and the other end of the path disappears beneath the giant branches and trunks of the forrest, moss and roots forming a confusing maze, unless one can see the road.

The Inn is sheltered from the wind by a high cliff and opposite it is the base of a local mountain. Overhead the skies are clouding over with fat grey formations as the sun makes its way into the afternoon sky.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on June 28, 2016, 12:08:57 AM
"Right, into the forests!"

Andvari activates his runestone of light to help show the way and heads into the gloom underneath the trees, along the road.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on June 28, 2016, 01:28:40 AM
The others follow him for it is dangerous to be alone in such perilous times and good folk are sparcely found.

Beneath the trees is a whole new world of darkly wooded trees, deep greens and a barely noticable path. The ground is sticky with mud and other repulsive substances, the canopy and undergrowth alive with colourful prey, ravenous predators and hissing reptiles.

Most of these wouldn't be able to harm you but one can never be sure. After a short while you come across a tree with some kind of glyphic language inscribed into it in an unfamiliar tongue. However it is certain that it is ancient and it thrums with ancient energies. surrounding the tree is a small pond of water. You also notice the edges are reinforced with stones, each one inscribed with its own unique glyph. The water is only deep enough to lap at the sides of your boots, however you sense that this place holds a lot more than it reveals.

You can always continue on your path but who knows what mysteries you may unravel here?

I am implementing the ability to split into separate parties, however it has to be a party of atleast two characters, and it needs to be agreed upon by everyone present. Each party will be given their own inventory as a regular party, however they will decide between them who gets to hold which items.
Choose wisely.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 01, 2016, 09:11:52 PM
As this is literally my specialism, can I attempt to discern the rough magical effects of the glyphs, even if I can't precisely read them?
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Othko97 on July 01, 2016, 10:57:01 PM
Borgon wakes up with a start, realising he's slept in for far too long. He heads into the forest after a hasty breakfast with the intent of bagging some game (always up for a challenge hunting in a dark forest), but instead stumbles upon the party. He says words roughly to the effect of "What is this merry troupe doing wandering through this dimly lit woodland?" while also reasonably eloquently mentioning he recognises them from the tavern
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 02, 2016, 01:39:11 AM
You may attempt to translate the glyphs but you can always misinterpret things.


Moglav waves to Borgon and introduces himself merrily.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 02, 2016, 01:21:38 PM
Well, I'll give it a shot.

Andvari peers carefully at the unfamiliar symbols, looking at the precise craftwork and then, closing his eyes, attempting to visualise them and sense the magical energies they contain. It is certainly not dwarf-craft, feeling both strange and yet somehow familiar as all magical runes are to those who work with them.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 11, 2016, 04:29:44 PM
You successfully decypher half of the message, recognising a few things, the remainder of it staying a mystery.

The magic describes an important event relating to the death of a royal family, however many of the glyphs and other components are a long lost language that has merged with the Dwarven inscription to create a strange language of its own, almost alien to you.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 11, 2016, 08:56:24 PM
OK, I scribble down a copy of the runes for further consultation later or in case I find anyone with better ability at this than myself who I can ask.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 14, 2016, 03:20:46 PM
The surroundings thrum softly still, as if part of nature yet still seperate from it. the path stretches before you and behind you, ready to feel the crunchy steps of your boots.

What will you do now?

Item added to Andvari's personal inventory:
Mysterious Translation
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 15, 2016, 11:56:54 PM
Head on down the path I guess!
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on July 16, 2016, 12:56:55 AM
I follow along too.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 17, 2016, 04:01:17 AM
The path you take into the forest is barely visible, covered in thick vegetation which grows up from the clumpy damp soil beneath it. Roots, bushes and other obstacles make walking it more draining. You walk for hours without seeing so much as a change in wildlife.
The sun is starting to sink behind the horizon. It is not wise to camp here but continuing may get you lost.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 17, 2016, 01:43:17 PM
"I have my light-stone which provides a good amount of brightness; I say we continue."
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 19, 2016, 04:04:45 PM
You stumble upon a large stone next to the path. Upon closer examination you realize it is a sleeping spider, the rear of which is half as large as Moglav, and fangs as long and sharp as daggers with a pungent ooze dripping from their hairy tips. Naturally you attempt to pass the arachnid without waking it but as soon as you lay your next step upon the ground its eight eyes blink open at you, surprised and passive at first but they shortly fill with alarm.

The spider stands itself upright and hisses at the group warily, eyeing down each one and taking a step back. You could attempt to avoid combat with the fiend, although the chances of such madness succeeding is often only heard of in dreams. Alternatively you can attempt to defeat the innocent creature and crush it beneath your boots, however this is indeed far less safe.

Forest Spider (known to the locals as "Bark Huggers")
Name: None.
Strength: 2
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 1
Cunning: 3
Reflexes: 4
Awareness: 3
Species: Arachnid
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 19, 2016, 04:50:40 PM
Wanting to avoid a fight, I begin to take backward steps away from the creature slowly and carefully, keeping my eyes on the spider, staff gripped in my right hand and light-stone raised in my left.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 19, 2016, 06:09:19 PM
It chitters and steps forward, this time curious. Moglav throws a dead rodent to the creature and backs away swiftly with Andvari and the rest the group.

"Maybe we should pitch a camp?" he grumbled quietly.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 28, 2016, 11:00:09 PM
Andvanti reluctantly agrees to pitch camp, though still stays peering into the gloom.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 29, 2016, 08:02:14 PM
You've always been a rogue, more used to looking up at the starry skies than a ceiling. However this particular part of the world seems to freeze still at night, as cold as winter. You huddle closer to the bonfire and give in to the soft hands of sleep. You knew that this would be one of the stranger nights you had slept through but you couldn't stay awake.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on July 29, 2016, 11:57:41 PM
Yay sleep :)
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Cuddly Khan on July 30, 2016, 03:15:45 AM
Name: Célóra
Age: 137 (Looks early 20’s)  Life Expectancy: 400
Star Constellation: Stiarna mynd grið (Peace/Protection) A large circle of stars, circling around all the other Northern Elf Star Constellations.

Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 2
Cunning: 1
Reflexes: 2
Awareness: 4
Species: Halda Firar (Northern Elf)

Origin: Bjǫð Ór Svell (The Frozen Wastes)

Like all of her people, Célóra has white-grey hair and pale blue eyes. She is tall and slender, built for speed. She isn’t the smartest cookie, raised in a community where hunting prowess is more sought after than knowledge. Every hundred years, her people send out someone to discover the outside world, Célóra was the one chosen. She is wary of people she hasn’t met before, slow to trust. Her goal is to travel the world and earn of it, then return to her people to share with them.

Bow + 20 arrows

Célóra had been wandering for the past few years, she'd left her home, Bjǫð Ór Svell, or as the southerners liked to call it, The Frozen Wastes, four years ago. Her journey had eventually led her to where she was now, wandering through a forest at night. She hated to sleep at night in the towns or cities, they had way too many people, so she instead come out here to get away from it all.

She eventually came across some sort of camp fire with figure huddled around it. She approached silently to get a better look at them. Some of them were rather short, dwarves probably, and they all had weapons.

She moved back a little ways from the camp as to not startle them before shouting out, "Hail the camp!"

(I suppose this will do as a starting post >.< )
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on July 31, 2016, 09:28:56 AM
Moglav greeted the newcomer happily, always trusting of new friends. He then offered the stranger some dwarvern honey-brew (a potent ale, particularly fiery and thick to the point of almost being considered sludge. Moglav's family had refined a recipe that also imbued a sweetness as well.)
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on August 01, 2016, 11:17:47 PM
Andvari also mumbles a greeting, before attempting to get back to sleep.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Cuddly Khan on August 01, 2016, 11:58:25 PM
Célóra sits down hesitantly, she wasn't expecting such a welcoming reaction to a stranger appearing in the middle of the forest. But she accepts it. Célóra refuses the beverage. Alcohol really isn't something she partakes in.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on August 02, 2016, 07:38:47 AM
Moglav pokes the fire and drunkenly talks about various exploits of his (most of them fibs) as he cackles and gleefully discusses his long past (in human years).

Eventually he slumps down against the tree stump he was leaning against and begins to snooze contentedly.  The night goes on.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: DeepCandle Games on August 25, 2016, 02:11:37 PM
Don't forget to keep the portugaling game alive folks.

You awaken to a new dawn. Although not much of the new light penetrates the thick growth of the forest. You seem to have been caught in a magic anomaly that froze you in a time stasis. Much of the world around you has changed, excluding the basic geography, however new creatures have developed and new pages of history have been filled with exploits of many brave heroes and heroines.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on August 25, 2016, 02:44:08 PM
Hey, my character was asleep, I was waiting for you to make dawn happen! :P

"Well... this looks... different?"
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on August 26, 2016, 12:12:31 PM
Lets go back to the pub...
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on August 26, 2016, 04:07:10 PM
To the pub!
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Son of the King on September 09, 2016, 10:50:04 PM
I set off in the direction the pub is (or was) in.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on September 10, 2016, 11:42:42 AM
*continues pubwards*
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Cuddly Khan on October 24, 2016, 01:50:24 PM
Unsure of what to do, I reluctantly follow my unexpected companions.
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Jubal on October 24, 2016, 06:31:08 PM
*continues pubwards*
Title: Re: BearKnight's Deeper & Darker RPG
Post by: Cuddly Khan on October 24, 2016, 08:25:16 PM
*asks companions about where they come from*