Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn > General Chatter - The Boozer

What ya reading?

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Anyone else find that particularly annoying when someone asks what you're reading whilst you're busy reading? And then they ask you what its about because apparently they can't read the portugaling blurb on the back of the portugaling book.
Anyway I'm currently reading  The Quest For The Holy Ale. Its kind of like a discworld book, but only if pratchett was completely off his tits whilst he wrote it.

I'm reading The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure.

Hang on, the adventurer parties don't actually have to go and adventure somewhere do they? Cos I'm kinda busy right now.
Anyway I think I'll be reading Stormdancer soon, partly due to this video:
But mainly because its japanese steampunk with mythological creatures and other fantasy stuff.

Crucible of Gold, the seventh Temeraire book because Ladyhawk was sweet enough to go order it from overseas before it was released in Australia.

They're a historical reimagining. Napoleonic Wars, but with dragons. :D

I am reading "Wounds of Honour" by Anthony Riches - a great book. :)


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