Announcements and Articles: The Gatehouse Quarter > Announcements! The Town Crier!

Mastodon Account Move



Exilian is now at Exilian@Indiepocalypse.Social on Mastodon
We've moved! After a year or so on the big server, we've now moved our Mastodon account and we can be found at the new address of Exilian@Indiepocalypse.Social. Indiepocalypse is quite a new instance covering - like Exilian does - a diverse range of independent creative projects and ideas, and it should consequently be a much better local timeline for what we do as well as a technically more stable system than the sometimes slow experience on which is increasingly a very busy server.

If you were following us on there already, the follow should have been re-pointed to the new account when the move took place, but clear do check in case there were any issues. Our front page and emails will now be pointing to the new instance. We're excited to be in a new place and the administrators of have been very helpful getting us set up: if you're a Mastodon user we hope to see you on there sometime soon!


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