Art, Writing, and Learning: The Clerisy Quarter > Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza


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Here (link) is a link to a letter by the incredible (IMHO) Richard Dawkins talking about the recent row in the Royal Society over the remarks of their head of education, advising that creationism should be taught in science lessons as a valid point of view

please  :)

Taken me a while to reply, but Dawkins is as always right. He's almost TOO right, that's why some people can't stomach him.

Ever read the God Delusion?

No but I am building an amazon order ( have read all my books I bought to Uni ) and I have his book in the cart

Please don't buy that book it sounds like a pile of bullarmadillo.
"Scientists divide into two camps over this issue: the accommodationists, who 'respect' creationists while disagreeing with them; and the rest of us, who see no reason to respect ignorance or stupidity."
And if Dawkins wrote this then I have to say he is a llama. And an arragont prick.
Edit: Oh and he realy needs to think before writing bullarmadillo like this "relatively sensible minority among Christians, who accept evolution." as quite a large proportion of christians accept evolution.

well I am getting it now so  :P                                                      

religion is for morons, if you want to believe in something, keep it to yourself, I don't care, don't hand out leaflets or ask me 'is Jesus in your heart' no, he is not and if God exists I hope I burn in hell so I don't have to put up with you idiots


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