
Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn => General Gaming - The Arcade => Topic started by: Othko97 on December 28, 2011, 06:42:15 PM

Title: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Othko97 on December 28, 2011, 06:42:15 PM
I was just wondering if anyone else had played this series. I have and found it was excellent, although it is the renaissance is getting a little old now  :-\
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on May 16, 2012, 03:47:58 AM
Aye the first one was good but repetitive. Still loved killing heaps of guards though. :D

The second was much better. Still run around killing guards all the time. :D On the other hand I haven't played Brotherhood and I probably won't. I think I'll just wait for Revelations to get cheaper on the PC and get that because it looks more interesting to me than Brotherhood does.

On the other hand, the third one looks excellent. The only thing I want that probably won't happen is the ability to have some sort of faithful canine companion. I'd love to have a wolf slinking along with me. The fact that there are dogs in the game though gives me just a little bit of hope that one might be bought. :D
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Son of the King on May 17, 2012, 11:44:22 AM
You should probably play Brotherhood, or at least read the plot before you play Revelations. Otherwise massive confusion will happen. Gameplay-wise, they're pretty much the same game.
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on May 17, 2012, 11:45:45 AM
Aaah it's alright SotK, I have both the Brotherhood and Revelations novels. ;)
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Othko97 on May 18, 2012, 10:36:24 PM
Despite my peers, I am looking forward to the upcoming game. Most seem to think it is going to be bad in the context in which it is set - i.e. The American War for Independence, and I am inclined to agree that it would be better set at another point in history. However this is more than made up for in what I have seen gameplay-wise - it really annoyed me on Brotherhood how Ezio can scale a building in 0.5 seconds, but can't climb a tree. Furthermore, the combat mechanics seem incredible even if the ever expanding range of weapons is getting even more complex. Another thing seems as if you aren't explicitly on one side, I think you have targets on both sides of the war, and it's probably going to be a side thing anyway...
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on May 19, 2012, 10:20:12 AM
Yes in my opinion it looks pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Scarlet on March 28, 2013, 12:36:39 AM
Well the most recent one is appears pirate ship based, which looks to be very interesting (and totally awesome) but also very different from the previous games. Not entirely convinced that it will work quite yet.
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Othko97 on April 09, 2013, 08:31:09 PM
I imagine it will be like the naval parts of Assassin's Creed III somehow...

Just going to also say that my original thoughts on the aforementioned Assassin's Creed III were completely correct in my opinion: the free running in forests is pretty damn awesome, and the war was quite tastefully done - while there was some american patriotism as I expected, the database entries and Shaun in general were hilarious to my sense of humour. However the micromanagement was slightly tedious - for example I only used that homestead trading thing in the actual mission I had to, because other than that I just went on the main quest killing everyone before I got bored of my own hunting company. I also felt no need to upgrade weapons or the like as I was effectively invincible, dying very, very few times in the main storyline. Overall it was a fun game, and tastefully done, but a bit boring due to attempts at unnecessary micromanagement.
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Scarlet on April 09, 2013, 11:18:59 PM
But how can one make an entire game from that? I guess they'll have ports etc. which one must visit? Otherwise the free-running aspect is lost. Which would be a great great loss.
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Clockwork on April 09, 2013, 11:21:41 PM
GArrr Jimlad!

That is all.
Title: Re: Assassin's Creed
Post by: Scarlet on April 09, 2013, 11:40:41 PM
A valuable contribution.