Game Design and Project Resources: The Workshops Quarter > Total War Mods - The Engineer's Shed

Rus TW - Fortis Bellator

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I'm getting tempted to buy Rome 1 again

Its a really great idea, sir! ;)

Seljuks Invasion campaign for this mod
download from here

One thing I just thought about this... is 1015 the start date? If so, why is there still a Khazar Khanate on the map? (Genuine question, I'm happy to be wrong but my impression had been that the Khazars were effectively politically defunct by the end of the tenth century).

Khazars in this mod is like Remnant. The old glory of this faction is already in the past. But player can restore the legendary state.
This is the main idea of Khazars in campaign, and main target.


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