
Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn => Mafias and RPGs => Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! => General Chatter - The Boozer => Finished/Dead Mafias and RPGs => Topic started by: Dimos on April 10, 2012, 10:02:20 PM

Title: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Dimos on April 10, 2012, 10:02:20 PM
The Fist HILL RPG is over:

What have you liked OR disliked in the very first game? A new HILL RPG will be set up, possibly within a month from now.

Opinions from players, spectators and forumites will be apreciated.

Thanks, Dimos.
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Ladyhawk on April 18, 2012, 10:41:09 PM
Right well. As I posted before , I like the idea of armies. You know the one Phoenixguard created. It was a good idea.
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Cuddly Khan on April 19, 2012, 06:55:07 AM
It would be cool if it had like a Total War aspect to it. It would be so much fun!
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Dimos on April 19, 2012, 02:41:28 PM
As I posted on the game thread, it won't be in MY game. Phoenixguard will do HIS version in which there will be armies. You can simply play his, not my version. I explain that more on the game thread. Cheers.
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on April 20, 2012, 03:28:39 AM
Armies aside I really do think you should dispose of the dynamic turns. If the turns happen simultaneously then it is fair for everyone and no one feels cheated. It also promotes player involvement as at the moment time zones (glorious things aren't they?) mean that the beginning of the turns will arrive while some of us are sleeping, therefore putting the people in that timezone at a severe disadvantage right from the off.

Other than that, I liked a lot of Khan's ideas, horses etc. Oh and perhaps an outside threat which will cause the players to band together to defeat it.
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Cuddly Khan on April 20, 2012, 06:47:50 AM
So like an NPC. Cool
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on April 20, 2012, 10:56:52 AM
Yeah an NPC Mongol-horde esque type thing. The Huns from Barbarian Invasion, the Mongols and Timurids from Med2 etc. I think a GM would be required to keep track of it.

If you will allow me Dimos, I think a major downside of the previous game was a serious adversarial feel. The fact was, there was a lot of ill-feeling going on, the residue of which I believe may still be lingering. An NPC threat that the players should band together to defeat will make it far more like a traditional RPG with a band of heroes overcoming the odds to save their respective lands.

But I get the feeling that this is going to be yet another point of contention...
Title: Re: The HILL Rpg's official ideas / discusion thread.
Post by: Dimos on April 20, 2012, 02:22:49 PM
Guys! Let's organize ourselves!

Listen. The HILL RPG will include horses, +1 coins/wheat* when farming, +1 coins/seafood when fishing in deep waters, possibly it might include gold mines in which you will gain gold.

The house will allow players to have +1 production in farms.
The manor will permit the training of a horse (which moves you 2 rectangles instead of one per turn)
The castle will let you have 3 citizens per rectangle, each of them owning a house or manor.

Objects of no battlefield use will be also introduced: scepters, crowns, jewelry, possibly other things...

*There is a possibility that instead of coins the players will gain products. Farm will give you wheat, Fishing will grant you fish, Hunting will give you deer meat. Mining will give you gold. Turning gold into coins will be allowed when you have docks or a manor or another building. To trade you won't just ''throw axes'' from a rectangle to another, you will have to be in a region physicaly. That will cause players of neighbouring regions to work together to survive. If this system will be implemented, then innactivity can be fatal. If a players will not eat for 3-4-5 turns in a row, he will loose many Hp. Thus a long term innactivity might lead to death by lack of food.