ChefQuest for Minecraft

Started by WanderingBeekeeper, December 29, 2024, 01:32:50 PM

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The Chefquest modpack approaches food mods like tech mods, providing a progression questpack that guides you through the complex world of Minecraft food and drink production. Let the Arboghast culinary Academy lead you through the Let's Do series, Pam's Harvestcraft, and multiple Farmer's Delight mods, as you train to face the Draconic Challenge. By the end of the questpack, you will have automated your farming with Ars Nouveau magic, built an industrial kitchen, a dairy, a winery, a bakery, a brewery, and a formal dining room, and will have prepared a feast sufficient to satisfy a Dragon (we hope). Are you skilled enough as a chef to win the Netherite Toque?

ChefQuest can be downloaded for free at Storage mods include Storage Drawers, Iron Chests, and Tom's Simple Storage. Decoration mods include Macaw's, Chipped, Handcrafted, and Workshop for Handsome Adventurer. This is a lightweight pack designed to be cozy and to run on a singleplayer instance. You must have a legit copy of Minecraft already installed to load this modpack.