Announcements and Articles: The Gatehouse Quarter > The Welcome Hall - Start Here!

Hello there!

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I'm Alicia, and I have a few friends already on the site!

Finally decided to actually join due to the Reddit blackout - and realising that my prefered 'Reddit competitor' would be an old-styley web forum, and I happened to know of one which touches on various topics of interest (mostly gaming, some history).

Welcome welcome! Lovely to see you here :) Shout if there's anything we can help with, don't feel afraid to just post stuff, we're very un strict about putting things in the right subforum or whatever. Hope you enjoy getting to know the place!

Hi there! Welcome aboard - good to have you here.

Yay new Exilian friend!

Welcome! Hope you find some things to interest you here! What sort of games do you like?


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