Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn > Mordheim

Mordheim PC Game in the works

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Oh daaaaaayum....And I wasn't going to buy anything else this year because I got ESO...Ah well :D

Wonder if it'll be moddable?

Doubt on the modding front, though they might go the way of bloodbowl which is have three versions of the same game but with later versions add more teams

I'm not so sure they will this time, it received fairly heavy backlash from fans as it was pretty much a bug fix patch plus a couple of new races per 'expansion'...Would have been so much better in DLC format imo.

Expansion is more likely to be the woodland variation (I have it but can't remember the name). I would think and hope that additional factions would be DLC and priced accordingly.

I think Empire in Flames is what you're after?


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