Art, Writing, and Learning: The Clerisy Quarter > The Ceilidh Caller's Club

Dance: Ninepins



Type of Dance: Jig (Though I may be wrong on this!)

Number of bars: 32

Set type: Square 4-couple set with an extra "ninepin" person in the middle

Tops gallop & back (16)
Sides gallop & back (16)

9-pin picks any four members of the outer circle, swinging them and moving them into the middle with them (16).
NB works equally well, possibly better technically, if they pick three, but picking four means the circles in part C are much closer together making the whole thing more fun.

The inner group (of whom there should now be 5) join hands to form a circle with their backs inwards, as do the outer group of four with their backs outwards (so the circle of four is on the outside and the people in the two circles are facing one another). The two circles then circle in opposite directions until the caller shouts a suitable command ie "pick!" at which point the people in the middle attempt to grab a member of the outside ready to form a couple and gallop with them. The person who fails to grab a partner is the new ninepin. (16)

Fish Priest:
Well, I suppose the caller shouting is one way to do it.

We normally have the music stopping on a signal from the caller (my favourite being the one who would do a star-jump with the music stopping when he hit the ground). You do need to get the band to practise that first though!

Yes - the only time I called this dance we were putting together a mini-ceilidh where the band and myself had never practised together, which is obviously less optimal for that sort of thing.  :P


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