Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn > General Chatter - The Boozer

What is up with Paolo Nutini's voice?

(1/2) > >>

He sounds like an old man but somehow this makes him incredibly smexy and generally awesome. How does it work? My money goes on some form of black magic.

voodoo  definately

Who the f*** is Paolo Nutini?

BTW, it's been a very long while since we've seen you here. What brings you back?

has anyone else noticed that when he sings live he is always facing the floor, as if he is scared to show his ugly face in public? he looks constipated

Well, bean why don't you go suck upon a phallus? Obviously not Paulo Nutini's, becuase unlike yourself he isn't a gigantic bender.
No offense homos of exilian.


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