Me and Jubal decided to test his new map, and here is the result:
I lost.
I fled my mountain base as the celts and built one on the coast, then got constantly harassed by jubal and eventually flanked without noticing. It was a downward spiral from there. I never bothered to shout the mountains, so I didn't notice when he built his base behind me.
On the plus side, our wimmenz duked it out on the ruins of my starting base, and my wimmenz won, only to be brutally murdered by Alexander the Great Woman Beater.
Lol, sounds like a successful test. Although I think I'd fare worse off than you. I have a feeling when playing the game that I really don't know what I'm doing (which I don't, since the AI poses such a challenge, all I do is build stuff)
You didn't realize when he destroyed your *insert celt equivalent of agora here* in the mountains? Or did you destroy it?
I knew he had destroyed my original base, but I was too dumb to realise he also built a base nearby. I just covered my flank for an assault, and didn't bother to scout.
One issue with the map though, there is a metal mine underwater in the bay, which none of us can get to.
Mayhap Easter Egg? Kind of hard to misplace that anyways I think :P
Looking forward to playing it, hopefully with one of you guys