Meet JuBot, an improved AI for Daedalus.
JuBot is an attempt to create a smarter AI than TestBot, which to some extent mimics my own playstyle.
Improvements made thus far:
- Troops given at game start will now be sent on the first attack wave instead of sitting around the whole time.
- The AI will build some scout towers around its base for defence.
- Women are now trained in 2s, so the AI builds up more quickly.
- Some men are created in the gathering workforce as well as women.
- Slightly improved & more varied military strategy
- Defence forces created as well as attackers.
Download JuBot v. 0.25 (
To install (windows), unzip to your 0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\ai folder. You should then get the option of "JuBot" as AI when you start a new game.
Wow. You continue to surprise me, Jubal.
You might want to join the 0 A.D team :P
So obviously you got the game working. B)
Men in the workforce? This is war! Let the women do the working. ;)
I doubt I'll be joining the team anytime soon: I'm just watching JuBot getting rinsed by TestBot. :unsure:
JuBot is now a little better than TestBot. Improvements from here on! :D
Great news! Have some +rep
I actually had forgotten to check this thread. I feel ashamed of myself
Anyone else here know enough JavaScript to proofread my code?
A fairly high % of this stuff is working now. :D
Great! Good to see you managed with the Java thing you needed (that I had no idea what you were talking about :P )
JuBot v.0.25 is UP FOR DOWNLOAD! :D
Nice work!
Hold on, all the improvements listed on the top are in this?
If not, maybe you should separate what you intend to improve later on
The list at the top is current improvements, which should all work as of this release.
Uh, wasn't even able to find the folder. From what I was able to do, I saw that the public folder is zipped (am not able to see the following folders), tried unzipping it and failed horribly. I tried doing it from the unzziping of the Jubot zip file and failed too
EDIT: I feel stupid now. Never mind my older post
EDIT2: At first I didn't see much of a change (I had the map revealed to see what it was up to), but I sure pissed myself when I saw those 20+ units coming at me. Nice work on the initial chat line :P made me laugh
Will test this when I get some time, perhaps this weekend. It looks really good so far though. :)
"Alpha 5 Preview
0 A.D. News Feed Posted by Jeru on Apr 17 2011, 04:53 PM
Comments: 0 - (Post a comment!)
Some of the new features that will be introduced in 0 A.D. Alpha 5 include new light rendering, fire/dust particles, and a more competitive AI, named "Jubot". Factions shown in the video: Hellenes, Celts, and, for the first time in 0 A.D., Iberians."
What the... you actually uploaded it? Great job Jubal! :D Hats off to you dear Megadux
EDIT: So how does Iberia look? ;)
JuBot now has full support for the Iberians as well. They look pretty cool, great fun to play with.
I can still hand dear old JuBot a pasting, mostly because I can rush faster and optimise my resource gathering and building strategy more effectively. Nevertheless, I've had some pretty fun battles going on.
So wait, we're getting the alpha of the JuBot that will be on Alpha 5? Awwww :P
Were you able to get a hint when Alpha 5 is going to be released? How are things looking with it? I can't wait for the new particle effects
The particle effects are alright, I'm far more excited about the extremely cool looking Iberians. The swords & slings in their army contrast a lot to the spears and javelins of the greeks & celts, which is nice.
I guess a new faction has all of us exited, a lot more than for the other features.
Man, I can't wait for them to release the Carthage faction, I'm curious for the names they are going to put on the buildings, as well as the unit rooster
Added a bitchin' new 3-pronged attack strategy; prepare to be killed in lots of places at once! :D
Okay, I'm starting to get scared.
The great thing is that if you're getting these kinds of advancements, I'm guessing that by the release date of 0 A.D, if you change the difficulty setting it won't be that you get handcapped (or whatever, like what happens in RTW), but that the AI will really be harder :P
Still a long way from that I'm afraid, my lack of ability to garrison towers is particularly proving a disadvantage for the AI as my defences are soooo much better than theirs.
It's also now official that a) I'm a 0AD member and b) JuBot will be Alpha 5's AI. :)
Wow! Nice work. Did they even have an A.I programmer?
I'm eagerly awaiting their announcement in the main page :P
Impressive, sir.
Nice work Jubal. :)
Getting some last few errors out the way before Alpha V! :D
I think I'm quite scared of if... I saw all the advancements you had done in the week before, and I'm scared too see how much more you've added
I haven't really added much since then, and I can still destroy JuBot fairly easily mostly due to its less powerful economy and inability to guard chokepoints. I'll work on fixing those to some extent for Alpha 6 though.
Minor fix added which stops the economy shutting down if you have too many troops building up around the CC.
Wait, are you uploading all these things for us too? Or are you telling us what to expect for Alpha 5?
This is just what to expct for 5, there's so little time now until the new release that it doesn't seem worth re-doing the upload for 4.
Interesting :D I had stopped checking the official website daily for a while already
Work for A5 has begun, still a lot to do though!
Building algorithms are the name of the game...
Alpha 6 you mean?
Yeah, typo'd. :-\
What is there left to add? Better pathfinding and maybe another faction?
Firstly, smarter building. I want to make the AI able to build in locations depending on a range of factors, so towers will go on hills and chokepoints, dropsites will go near resources, etc.
Secondly, I'm going to get the AI using formations, so it can micromanage its battles.
Thirdly, the AI will use its men more effectively so citizen soliders will be economically useful until they are needed for combat.
And muchmuch more. ;D
I kinda meant for the game itself but good to know what your aims are too :P silly me not asking
Oh, there's tons more in the design documents. The finished game will look very different in quite a number of ways, not to mention campaigns and scenarios and all.
Economy improved by the addition of resource gathering centres!
How is the placing of the resource deposits? Do you need testers? :P
just tested 0 A.D, and its looking good. Ihavea lot of suggestions, but ill restrict myself to just jubot concerned ones. Firstly, can you make the jubot have a strategy for attacking buildings; rather than just attacking the nearest one blindly, it might aim to destroy defences first, or resource gatheres or unit production - it wpuld be your choice. Also, can you make the JuBot send out scout units, so it knows where the enemy buildings are, so it doesnt stand around gawping when it has destroyed your walls and cant see anything else.
And I can't help myself - the wall-building mechanic is TERRIBLE!
Quote from: hazzacanary on June 27, 2011, 12:48:43 PM
And I can't help myself - the wall-building mechanic is TERRIBLE!
Yeah, I usually avoid using it and just use towers to somehow bar chokepoints, together with other buildings and a gateway. Hopefully they're still working on it.
The wall-building is awful, the building attacks are really based on unit AI not strategic (in other words, not wholly my department) but also definitely need fixing. Generally attacks will be getting more intelligent though. The wall building is still being worked on.
So, an updated JuBot with functionality to handle Carthaginians is just being finished off. :)
Can it handle me playing as the Carthaginians? :D
Dynamic economic priority changes implemented. New militia features mean vastly more optimised defences.
Oh, and the game doesn't get stuck trying to make its villagers hunt fish anymore. :P
Any recent updates?
Been making a few edits, which will appear in the next Alpha - mostly updating it to deal with territories.
Am wondering whether it's worth continuing work on JuBot - qbot, the new AI, is being built by a two-man team both of whom have more free time than me to work on it, so I suspect I may just be unable to keep up in future. :-\
Have you thought of joining your knowledge with the new AI creators? You might turn up with something really good together, if they haven't built on top of your bot.
They didn't seem that interested when I suggested it beforehand. At some point I may return to doing some work on it, or move into either modding or scenario/RMS design.
Did you do it through PM or a thread?
Maybe skinning?
There's an IRC channel. And... have you ever seen my skinning attempts? There's a reason CG does pretty much all my skins for RTW. :P
Given JuBot some much needed updates, which will hopefully soon lead to fairly major speed boosts. :)
I thought that you gave up on working in JuBot, after the team chose a bot composed by dudes with more time to develop it. What made you change decision (or is my memory this bad?)
I'm only updating it occasionally; put bluntly there's not much else useful I can do for 0AD at the moment, though when they release modfoldering capability, watch out.
Uh! That's a nice addition, very thoughtful and considerate