This is another game where logic will make you win...
The idea of the game is to find out what can go past 'The Green Glass Door' and the first person to work it out wins,simple you say ;)
Behind the Green Glass Door:
Attend classes at school or college but not courses at a university.
There are no clothes but there are speedos.
There is grass but no dirt
There are books but no shelves.
There is a moon but no sun.
There is hell but no heaven.
There are paddles but no oars.
What can get through, can't, but what cannot get through, can.
The person to work it out makes another puzzle and so on....
Anything with a double letter;
Attend classes at school or college but not courses at a university.
There are no clothes but there are speedos.
There is grass but no dirt
There are books but no shelves.
There is a moon but no sun.
There is hell but no heaven.
There are paddles but no oars.
If that's right I'll post mine tomorrow (going out in 25 mins).
dang it :blink:
No one ever got it on the first go.(you didnt use google did you?)
This forum is breaking alot of records.
we has smart forum here
NNo google, just looked and saw.
I'll get thinking I guess...
jesus, how did you figure that out?!
Behind MY green glass door;
There are ostriches but no elephants
Bactrians but no dromedaries
Books but no files
Cacti but no trees
Dwarfs but no Elves
Carthaginians but no greeks
windows but no rooves
coins but no money
CDs but no computers
Im going to go with something like only things that have a bigger thing that they go into are allowed inside if that makes any sense...
Good job Jubal its really hard :blink:
SO what do you reackon Carthaginians go into? :lol:
Incorrect, sorry.
There are ostriches but no elephants
Bactrians but no dromedaries
Books but no files
Cacti but no trees
Dwarfs but no Elves
Carthaginians but no greeks
windows but no rooves
coins but no money
CDs but no computers
is it that the latter terms are all 'catch-all' terms?
else I have no clue, word puzzles are not my thing
The dutch and italians may pass, but not the Germans French or English.
The opossum is fine, but the antelope, the snake and the badger are not allowed.
There are days but no years or weeks.
Carthago Nova, London, Norwich, Birmingham, Paris, York, all these ctities pass - but not Rome, Amsterdam, Bejing, Seoul, New York, or St Petersburg.
no e in the word?
dammit wrong ostriches has an e in
Good call Stormcloud :D
I think that is right because ostrich does not have an e in it its just when you make it plural its an e.
Yep, it's the es that do it.
Storm, your call.
ok here's one that's probably allot easier
behind my green glass door there are
mice but no cats
fish but no seas
sheep but no fields
children but no adults
aircraft but no clouds
species but no animals
fungi but no flowers
formulae but no ingredients
swine but no sausages :)
Ok ill be out most of tomorrow so hold out for me
Things that have something they can go into?
Nothing that the plural ends in an 's' or something like if you put an s on the end its not a word,like sheeps or funguses or fishes.
exactly! well done CN2, your go
Hmm give me a day to think...
Im gonna give you a real hard one...
I thought of that, then saw species...
it (to be precise) irregular plurals, like yours with the ostriches, it just happens to end with s, species is both the singular and plural like fish and sheep
Ah OK.
Behind the Green Glass Door There are:
Fish but no sharks
Mobiles but no phones
Helicopters but no planes
Gingers but no red heads
Frownies but no smilies
Guns but no swords
What can go behind my Door?
small things?
Nope,is a Helicopter small :blink:
they're smaller than planes
ohh,i see well nope,after 5 guesses I will give a clue(but no silly ones)
the things disallowed all came first
Nope,focus more on the letters of the words...
The first object's first letter always comes before the second object's second letter in the alphabet?
YES! taa daa Private Clarks go.
You can bring
Tommy Guns
Jaded Pal
Strong Wine
You can't bring:
Gold Earrings
Drug Addicts
Hard Whiskey
only things related to 1920-30's America?
things where the first word is longer than the second
Quoteonly things related to 1920-30's America?
Quotethings where the first word is longer than the second
yep, your turn.
ok then
rice but no cereals
kittens but no cats
dice but no rolls
birthdays but no cards
ewes but no rams
towers but no walls
kisses (ewww) but no hugs
rockets but no launchers
bullets but no weapons
ears but no hearing
Things that connect things,like bullets go inot weapons and towers go on walls and you roll dice ect
No, its in the letters not the items, I just try have similar things
3 serious (so 2 now) guesses before I give more clues
Is it something like none of that letter before that letter and if it is its not allowed in :blink:
fraid not (1 more)
Well I give up... Anyone else going to have a go?
cmon thats gotta atract someone...
three more clues in the hope that someone should get it, cause I like the guessing part
love but no war
hate but no emotion
trees but no leaves
anybody please?
All clues so far (plus 3 more) :
rice but no cereals
kittens but no cats
dice but no rolls
birthdays but no cards
ewes but no rams
towers but no walls
kisses but no hugs
rockets but no launchers
bullets but no weapons
ears but no hearing
love but no war
hate but no emotion
trees but no leaves
green but no red
blue but no violet
hanging but no punishment
tip: focus on the words not what they represent
All allowed words have exactly 2 vowels in?
we have a winnnnnnnnnner (finally)
Your turn Jubal
[color=00ff00]Wow thats a hard one,good going Jubal :D [/color]
So Jubal do you accept your challenge?
Woops, sorry.
Buzzards but no Bees
The Circus Maximus but not the Colloseum
Humans but not Robots
Eragon but not LOTR
Hedgehogs but not worms
Porcupines but no Wheelie Bins
Should be sort of easy.
I have no idea :(
Cacti but not daisiea
Fish but not jellyfish
Anteaters but not ants
Books but not pages
Oh and it's not in the spelling or anything this time, it's about the objects.
ahhh, ok
is it spines?
probably not but the only thing I could think of
Yep, your go.
really wow, you will have to wait till tomorrow though
Oops I forgot :zegun:
Ok here goes
trucks but no cars
frights but no scares
bring but no movement
ropes but no twine
boring but no entertainment
run but no walk
soap-on-a-rope but no cleanliness
reading but no books
grappling but no hook
in the words not what they represent
im having trouble :lol: my brain to small lol
comes from being a duck, not an owl 8>
Where did all these bloody birds came from?
Is it something to do ith the words ryming?
Something to do with the letter r?
something yes. but what?
yay i got it! is all the r's followed by a vowel??
winner! Gmds go
omg :o :D i can't believe i won i never win lol ok i not very good at making em up but heres a try
wings but no horns
feathers but no fur
yellow but no red
cute but no ugly
beak but no nose
swim but no dig
fly but no running
it about the items
it a bit easy, but best i can do :lol:
All related to ducks.
lol told u it easy u go jubal
i cant believe u got it lol :lol: it was very easy
that was ridiculously easy, I feel ashamed that you got mine <_<
lol ye i had a clever moment then it went when i made my 1 :lol:
is dead...
I'm thinking... If anyone else has a good one they can go.
Me but not anyone else
cats but no fish
pie but no quiche
PM but no emails
Add reply but no fast reply
MSN but not windows messenger
the first are shorter
word wise
Indeed, but how much shorter.
Its Who ever posts first go!
30%? I don't get what you mean by that
You got the 3 right, it was only things with 3 letters in them.
Your go!
but what about Me? that has two letters
But your name isnt SC its Stormcloud :P
I'll add one;
Sky but no space
Floor but no table
Cows but no bulls
Bread but no butter
Mousemat but no mouse
Road but no car
Sea but no ships
You put the second on the first?
I really forgot about this
Verry close...
The second are above the first?
Yes, your go.
three but not eight
different but not normal
eccentric but not usual
CDs but not floppy discs
ninety nine but not one hundred
long but not big
all of them are one thing
idk oposutes?
idk what oposutes are
do you mean opposites?
if so, you are wrong
Hmm, I am not sure
Uuu, the first ones come before?
yes i did mean opposites
idk anymore couldn't even guess
I have just realised how hard it is, I shall do the solution sometime tomorrow if it's not worked out by then
ok they are all odd
three= odd number
different = different way of referring to someone as odd
eccentric = again a different way of referring to someone as odd
CDs = ODD (Optical Disc Drive)
ninety nine = odd number
long = long odds
yeah it was tricky
u were correct that was very hard to get :o
Me next....
Florists but not greengrocers
Lionel but not Jack
Swansea but not Barnsley
Stagnation but not Development
being standoffish but not agressive
to scowl but not smile
hyperpigmented but not hyperinflated
hey why you go? I jst need a bit of time to make an easier one
Wow that was a toughie Stormcloud...
Soo Jubal... The first one is less common?
Sorry... I just wanted to put that one up before I forgot it.
CN2; Nope.
i dont have a clue
No ideas?
give us a clue plz
It's a kind of kingdom you need to be thinking about.
errm the UK?
Definitely NOT that kind of kingdom.
Uuu, medievil kingdoms?
No... that wasn't a very good clue, ignore it.
Another clue?
gnus, people, badgers and ducks.
If you don't know what a gnu is, look it up.
(I don't mean GNU, I mean the gnus.
Isnt a gnu a ostritch type of thing?
No (
now i just feel more confused
Its it something to do with legs and the number 2 or 4
Quote from: "Jubal"Me next....
Florists but not greengrocers
Lionel but not Jack
Swansea but not Barnsley
Stagnation but not Development
being standoffish but not agressive
to scowl but not smile
hyperpigmented but not hyperinflated
animal kingdom :D
not sure about florists though
Omg... That must of taken an age to work out
Florist -> Loris. Small tree-living mammals with big eyes. Mega cute.
Yay me, now to work one out
That was last year. Where is it.
Really, 1 year and 6 months really. Good necroposting Khan, BTW :P
Same to you too.
My pleasure :P
It's kinda fun, dunno why
plenty to talk about.
So yeah...
I call necrosis and spamwiches!
Wait! You forgot to mention Wibbulniblia specialty, baked mustard with grapes
Ok, here's a new one.
Through my green glass door will go...
Fool's gold but not real gold
A laundrette but not a supermarket
Blood but not water
The spanish but not the aztecs
An ammonia factory but not ammonia on its own
Think this is the first time I've opened this thread. :P
This is and easy one.
Through my green glass door will go...
Goldyrulez but not Doomchild
Phoenixguard09 but not Markorgis Khan
Nightangel but not Hopit
Gmd but not Calisthenis of Green Day
Dripping D but not Dimos
debux but not Comrade_General
What is it Khaaan? :P
Haha! That's two years old! I can't remember! I think I have my Necroposting sidekick now. ;D
Necropost for this thread, here's a new glass door! Maybe too easy in present company but I thought it was funny :)
The guilty may not pass, but the innocent can
Conan is allowed through, but Dr. Doom isn't
Blue john may pass but emerald cannot
Mariners are allowed, sailors aren't
Han Solo and Leia can't come but Lando is allowed
Something that's utterly hilarious is allowed through, but something merely funny is not