Let me guess, their economy is going down the pan, or some other domestic issue is proving unsavoury, so they're trying to stir up patriotic fervour to distract the masses again. ::)
For once I'm with DC... ask the Falklanders. Falklanders want to be British? Then let them be.
It's interesting to hear this from the other side: being south american, it's kinda hard to get other opinions aside from what's next door or whatever speaks loudly enough and gets into some kind of affair. Yes, strangely news broadcasters are retarded here.
Strange, I had no idea of this. I really should start checking the news (at least BBC online or something)
You got any thoughts on this Comrade?
Given that I had to google the Falklands to see where in the hell they are even located, no. :P
Imagine as if it were... Hawaii, and it was actually "owned" by.... uh.... France
Then all we would need do is open negotiations and the French would surrender.
D'aww, at least we've given the US our contempt for French combat abilities. :P