
Game Design and Project Resources: The Workshops Quarter => The Hall of Lost Designs => Total War Mods - The Engineer's Shed => Mods, Maps & Game Add-Ons - The Bazaar => Historical RTW Vanilla 1.5 => Topic started by: ahowl11 on October 23, 2011, 07:18:40 PM

Title: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: ahowl11 on October 23, 2011, 07:18:40 PM


Faction | Faction Replacing | Culture 
The Roman Republic | The House Of Julii | Roman 
The Republic Of Carthage | Carthage | Carthaginian 
The Kingdom Of Macedon | Macedon | Greek 
The Seleucid Empire | Seleucids | Greek 
The Ptolemaic Empire | Egypt | Greek 
The Kingdom Of Pontus | Pontus | Eastern 
The Kingdom Of Armenia | Armenia | Eastern 
The Kingdom Of Atropatene | Parthia | Eastern 
The Bosporan Kingdom | Senate | Greek 
The Nabataean Kingdom | The House Of Brutii | Eastern 
Illyrians | The House Of Scipii | Barbarian 
Gauls | Gaul | Barbarian 
Britons | Britons | Barbarian 
Germans | Germans | Barbarian 
Dacians | Dacia | Barbarian 
Sarmatians | Scythia | Barbarian 
Iberians | Spain | Barbarian 
The Kingdom Of Thrace | Thrace | Greek 
Numidians | Numidia | Carthaginian 
Greek City States | Greek Cities | Greek 
Rebels | Rebels | Universal 

For the first version there are only a few changes

One Roman Faction
Egypt now portrayed as Greek
Senate changed to Bosporan Kingdom
Brutii changed to Nabataean Kingdom
Scipii changed to Illyrians
Parthia Changed to Kingdom Of Atropatene

Other name changes such as:
Respected titles e.g. Kingdom of Thrace
Spain to Iberians
Scythia to Sarmatians

Plural Gauls instead of Gaul to reflect the many people.
Title: Re: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: Jubal on October 23, 2011, 08:28:14 PM
Eee, Bosporans sound like a fun campaign!

What sort of unit selection will the new factions have?
Title: Re: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: ahowl11 on October 23, 2011, 09:40:05 PM
They should be! For the first version, they will have reskinned vanilla units.. here are some details:

Bosporan Kingdom- Mixture of Greek and Barbarian units..

Greek: Militia Hoplites, Levy Pikemen, Phalanx Pikemen, Archers, Peltasts, Slingers, Light Lancers, Greek Cavalry, Militia Cavalry
Barbarian: Warband, Axemen, Skirmisher Warband, Archer Warband, Spear Warband, Barbarian Cavalry, Scythian Horse Archers, Scythian Nobles

Nabataean Kingdom - Eastern and Desert Units

Units: Town Militia, Eastern Infantry, Hillmen, Desert Infantry, Bedouin Swordsmen, Nabataean Guard, Peltasts, Slingers, Archers, Bedouin Archers, Arab Cavalry, Arab Light Cavalry, Horse Archers, Bedouin Camel Warriors, Bedouin Camel Archers

Illyrians - Barbarian with some Greek units

Barbarians: Typical Barbarian Roster
Greeks: Militia Hoplites, Peltasts, Light Lancers

Unique: Illyrian Pirates, Illyrian Skirmishers

There will also be reskins for the other factions..

In our next version there will be many entirely new units!
Title: Re: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: debux on January 07, 2012, 10:20:11 PM
I'd change the pikemen of the Bosporan Kingdom for hoplites... I doubt that they were sufficiently influenced by the Hellenic kingdoms to change the traditional hoplites for pikemen, and I doubt that it was convenient for their geographical position, their enemies and their social organization...

And the same topic, will you retain the phalanx formation for hoplites?

Sorry for just bursting in, but I'm just curious about these topics...
Title: Re: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: ahowl11 on January 10, 2012, 08:28:30 AM
you know I feel the exact same way.. It seems like it would be much more fitting if they had access to Hoplite units.. Im surprised I never thought of it before. Thanks for noticing as well!

In our first release the hoplites will keep the phalanx formation, but for the next one we are going to implement the "over-hand" fighting style
Title: Re: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: debux on January 11, 2012, 04:47:37 PM
No prob, just expressing my doubt over a what seemed quite curious... and about the animation, you can try using the javelinmen animation, the only issue is that they will fight with their spearbuts, but does as a good replacement.
Title: Re: Factions in HRTW 1.0
Post by: ahowl11 on January 11, 2012, 06:43:03 PM
true, but we are implementing signifierone's animations, so you will get the new fighting style for the romans,etc as well