
Site Questions & Governance: The Citadel Quarter => Archived boards May 2017 => Site Archive => Questions and Suggestions - The High Court => The Generals' Tent - 0 A.D. Discussion => Topic started by: Marcus on January 06, 2012, 06:33:19 PM

Title: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 06, 2012, 06:33:19 PM
It's about time somebody started writing one, so I'm doing one of Carthage in a randomly generated Latium map.

The AI is qBot, and the teams are me as Carthage, my ally as Celts, and my enemies are the Hellenes and Iberians. First post below.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: debux on January 07, 2012, 10:07:20 PM
Go go go! I had the hope to see how Carthage was while in germany... but because of the Pc i'm gonna have to wait 'till march
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 10, 2012, 07:40:43 PM
Not a lot so far, paused playing the game for a bit while Oil Rush was distracting me, but here's the first batch.

My budding settlement:


Oh look, found those pesky Greeks:


Jenkins, couldn't go and fetch a pint of milk could you..?


Very pesky:


At the moment I have no idea what my allies are doing, probably getting clobbered by both enemies, leaving me to die alone no doubt, but I think I'll solidify my defenses and prepare for WAR!!!!! *maniacal laughter etc. etc.*

Stay tuned!

I like Carthage's unit selection as well, very wide.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: debux on January 11, 2012, 05:20:36 PM
God, the game looks beautiful! The camera angle change surely makes a difference. Damn, I can't wait to play with Carthage! I had also forgotten the city limit thing, kinda like the culture feature in the Civ games. BTW, I go scout on your ally, and leave a soldier to there to see if he's in despair or whatnot. He's not human though, and if he's far away you'll have no way of knowing if his whole military force has died due to an unsuccessful assault :P

You don't seem to be doing that bad in any case...
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 12, 2012, 06:57:49 PM
Things are hotting up now:

I'm sure Jenkins was supposed to be getting the milk...


Oh dear, it's a housing estate:


Oooh! Can I join in?


The battle rages on:




Can I get some bloody milk now please?

Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 12, 2012, 07:18:07 PM
Ok, this will be the last update for a while, since the game in its current state is almost unplayable. I just had a large force attack me and it lagged horribly. Sorry guy(s), but until they sort this, no more AAR. When they do however, I'll carry on with the save game if possible. :)

Update pending.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: comrade_general on January 12, 2012, 11:32:25 PM
I bet you're just trying to hide the fact you got creamed. :P Do you have AA disabled? It looks kinda blocky.

Quote from: Marcus on January 12, 2012, 06:57:49 PMbloody milk

I've seen this at work before, looks like it could be strawberry flavored.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 13, 2012, 12:58:34 AM
Its on default settings, and my rig is more than capable of handling the game, and I didn't get creamed. I got buttered instead.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Jubal on January 14, 2012, 09:08:25 AM
Last I was working on it, they were going to do a two-stream processy thingy to remove AI lag... maybe it didn't get into this release.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 14, 2012, 09:19:01 AM
Hopefully it'll make it into the next release.
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: debux on January 17, 2012, 08:04:01 PM
Good to know it's only the AI, and not the game engine itself... although the AAR looked pretty good :P
Title: Re: Carthage in Latium: A 0 A.D. AAR
Post by: Marcus on January 18, 2012, 12:06:47 AM
I will continue with the next Alpha most likely. :) Sorry to stop this in its tracks so soon.