At the request of The Khan, I have registered and decided to announce our little project here on these forums. We are Project: Outreach, a community aiming to add the province of Elsweyr to the Elder Scrolls:III Morrowind world. Not much news to be had and I'll update this tomorrow but right now, I'm tired. Anyways, the site can be found here:
Like I said, more info tomorrow!
Greetings me fello friends and welcome to the humble community of Exilian. :) Thanks for posting BTW. By my request a section for General Mods has been made, can an Admin please move it there. :) First mod in that section by the looks of it. Also, I have been trying to get my Showcase done.
You talk different here...I'm scared :D
XD This is my home. I've been here for almost 3 years. I have good friends here and... yeah thats about it. I'm really the same but not many people on here play Morrowind. Keedo was here for a few years but he dissapered like the many other people who used to be part of the once thriving community of Exilian. Deathnade got a bit slack on modding Morrowind, we tried to mod together a little but he got drawn in by the games of League of Legends. This is what is left (Or what was started) of our mod: I got more than that done but the screenshots are lost in the maze of the "C" drive.
Quote from: The Khan on April 01, 2012, 08:18:27 AMBy my request a section for General Mods has been made, can an Admin please move it there.
Done :) . This mod seems interesting, but I don't have Morrowind...
It's in the preprepreprestages though. :P It's cheep on Ebay, here's a link. The Main Quest's the best of the Elder Scrolls series.
Wilkommen, do invite more team people over and stuff, make thyself at home!
(Also, would a TES subforum for General Mods be useful?)
(I think so, with me going into the Morrowind modding community there might be a few mods coming this way, also Keedos mods can be moved here, all the mods in the General game discussion forum for that matter, now that there's a place for them to go.)
Aight, more news like I promised. It has been cut down for quickness and such. Detail can be found by perusing through the small forums.
We already have a lot of data files. (Only around 60 MB right now, take into account models and textures that are relatively small. :D )
If you are familiar with TES, the following will be understandable and familiar: The desert is planned to have some classic dunes in a very small area. Most of the desert is badlands and some steppes. The forest is going to be pretty large. Sub-tropic.
The Khajiit sub-races will not conflict with any beast-race body replacer. The Original Khajiit model will not be touched so you can either use vanilla or a replacer. Doesn't matter.
Clothes are planned to be Better Bodies versions that will also work with vanilla. Some resources will be used for clothing as well.
This mod will not conflict with any other province mod. Any mod that uses the resources listed in the readme might conflict. Not completely tested. Compatibility with anything other than other provinces is not of our concern. In the future, third parties may be allowed to create and distribute compatibility patches for other mods if permission is given.
Khan, If there is more important info I NEED to post here, let me know eh? And also, you are a VIP with us now since you are testing the installs. So you may be promoted to a new position for testers if your info helps fix any errors.
EDIT: Be proud! you found an error I forgot to fix! The doorframe was missing textures so I excluded it for the time being. Fixed. Not uploaded yet. Promoted to the new tester position. (Not the real name...) You have access to our special section! (Bottom of the page...)
:D YAY!!! I HELPED!!! FINALLY!!! LOL!! Thanks, my name is green now but shouldn't it say something under that? And for people who aren't familiar with TES you should put a map and what we are adding to what. Also, you might want to edit this into your first post.
YOU WILL NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! I'll do it anyway :D And your name is green because you are an internal tester now. Your report showed that you can do it so why not?
LOL, I just did as you asked. :P It look pretty hard after I found out that I have to put each one, in one after the other, one at a time, but it wasn't that bad. Maybe I could be called a "Testing Administrator". (I made Admin longer so I sounds more important. ;D)
Are you still working on that island for the competition? If so, i was hoping I was allowed to use peoples resources like Vurts trees and such.
Sorry, only Morrowind Tribunal, and Bloodmoon. To keep it fair for us who don't use Vurt's replacers. The name doesn't make much sense unless you were running the whole testing aspect.
Ok, that's OK than, I was just hoping to use my extensive collection of Meshes and Textures from all the mods I have. Do we make Interiors for it too, like caves and stuff? or is it just Exterior? And are you still making it?
Actually, any models can be used now! If someone wants to compete with high res, they can. Those who don't have it can make a new installation with the models and such for the CS only. It's that easy. You CAN make interiors if you'd like. If you do, then Creatures/NPC's will be expected. (just use a leveled monster, eh?) Anyway, this is best discussed on the topic at our forums. Or you could make one here if you'd like. Whichever or both.
One there would be good. When does the comp start?
YAY!!! How long do we have to do it? And how many Cells is the Island?
Looks like an interesting project.
I hope you're using Illana's (hope I got the name right) Elsweyr the deserts of Anequina as a source of inspiration. That was not mod. That was an epic unofficial expansion.
I could help with a few models from time to time. Just models, possibly textures, but no rigging and stuff. I don't have time for that.
I have not been here in...a long time. Felt like I should say that models are in the works, now. Architecture for our first section is underway.
Illana's (I have trouble with the name too ) mod is inspiring, but is vastly different from our vision. Illana's forest was But rest assured, while some things may be different, it will feel like the Elsweyr you know.
We could I've your models to Grim. He'll fix them up. ;D
Ooh, necropost. Architecture is progressing beautifully. Flora is also progressing nicely. Misc Items are also being done. Khan, you should come back over now and check us out again. You still have your Tester status. You can check Grim's work yourself if you'd like. He's still our only modeler, but he does a lot of work and he does it well.
And um...I think I'll stop by more often. Keep things updated more often. 3 :3
Yeah, sorry about that. :P