DOWNLOAD (http://www.mediafire.com/?82k3vz43usruhvn)
Finally,after hours of work,we have realeased a new version.
~ More new units for the Karlonians,Lonhians,a few new ones for the Preoms,and most importantly,new units for the Black Knights
~ Few changes to the mod music
~ Changed logo.
~ More stuff I can't remember
Have fun!
- Skull
Welcome ! ;D
I'll download and playtest tomorrow and tell you what I think. :)
What are your plans for where the mod will go next?
Thanks,can't wait to see what do you think about it. ::)
Well,for now,we need to finish all of the factions,and then we shall move onto making more (if you cont the nomads in,there are 5 factions that are in the works now),the main idea is that we take different factions from different periods and put them in a blender. There is also room for some fantasy too.
If you have a good idea,just post it up. ;D
I noticed you taking about heavy cavalry on TWC - would borrowing and re-skinning some of the heavy knight models from Warhammer TW be useful?
Skull! It's nice to see you here. :)
Like Jubal I'll have to check out your mod on the morrow, but it sounds quite interesting.
Quote from: Jubal on September 16, 2012, 10:24:10 PM
I noticed you taking about heavy cavalry on TWC - would borrowing and re-skinning some of the heavy knight models from Warhammer TW be useful?
Well,if you want,send them in and I will check them out. :)
Quote from: comrade_general on September 17, 2012, 12:49:24 AM
Skull! It's nice to see you here. :)
Like Jubal I'll have to check out your mod on the morrow, but it sounds quite interesting.
It is great to see You too,thank You again for making the best mods on TWC.
That would be fantastic,but remember,this isn't the final version - far from it infact,but I think it is totally "clean" from any kinds of glitches...
There seems to be a problem with the link. :(
Quote from: comrade_general on September 17, 2012, 10:21:10 PM
There seems to be a problem with the link. :(
Ughhh...Sorry...I will try to fix it tomorrow,it is very late here... :-\
Hmm...when I try it from the TWC thread...It works...(!!??!?!?!)
http://uploading.com/files/get/c6mbcb9c/The%2BBlack%2BKnights%2Bmod.rar (http://uploading.com/files/get/c6mbcb9c/The%2BBlack%2BKnights%2Bmod.rar)
There, I fixed it for you. :)
Edit: But still having trouble getting it from that site. :(
Why?Are you using any download managers?
No, the site itself is having trouble.
hmm you're right, it doesn't work for me neither!
first post btw :D
I am sorry everyone. :-[
It's alright, Skull, you'll get it sorted.
Hello, Sir Mano!
I am pretty sure that soon I will be releasing a new version,as soon as I sort a problem or two out... ::)
The download link works now.
Sounds good, Skull. I still need to find the time to try it out. :-\
OK,no problem. :)
Finally,the new version is uploaded.
I don't think that anyone will have any downloading problems now. ;D
The download link still acts weird, but it started OK once I got to the right page. ;)
Quote from: comrade_general on September 28, 2012, 10:53:22 PM
The download link still acts weird, but it started OK once I got to the right page. ;)
Oh...Sorry,I feel like a idiot now... :-[
It should work now...
:o Strange, the link from here doesn't work for me but the one on twc works ???
Seems to work OK now.
Quote from: Sir Mano on September 29, 2012, 11:55:45 AM
:o Strange, the link from here doesn't work for me but the one on twc works ???
Yeah,it doesn't work for me either here,but on TWC it works perfectly... :-\
How's it all going on the mod generally? :)
Quote from: Jubal on October 21, 2012, 09:43:45 PM
How's it all going on the mod generally? :)
Hey,sorry for the late response... ::)
Well,I haven't been doing a lot of work lately,is because we don't have a modeler yet,witch slows us greatly since we
MUST have one to make the Lonhian and Black Knight factions,and I have been having a lot of tests in school lately... :-\
I have started working on the Caraphe tho,and added a few more mercenary and rebel units...