OFFICIAL PREVIEW: GUI Edition!This official preview is to show you the new art for Adventures of Soros. I'm very excited about the way things are going at the moment; a lot of progress has been made on programming, building a full GUI user interface instead of the console previously used. That doesn't mean AoS is losing its classical text-based feel though; your gameplay will still be text-based, but with accompanying illustrations and a much better console to hugely improve the feel of the game world.
In gameplay, few new features have been added though a fully functioning load/save game setup will hopefully greatly help as players want to continue working on their games. I'm hoping to add more enemies, at least one new quest, and hopefully a special new skillset before the next release. There'll probably be relatively little change in areas you can get to, because of the next and biggest announcement...
...which is the addition of an artist, doubling the team size to two! I'm very excited to be working with Claudia Starke (Rotegruetze) on getting the whole world of Soros illustrated! She's already managed to get about 20% of the way through my rather long list of game locations, and more stunning work keeps dropping into my email inbox every few days (which has certainly been something to look forward to alongside my mountains of university work)! As you can see from the images below, her sketches are giving a much more detailed and in-depth feel to the world of Soros, and are generally bringing my rather scatterbrained thoughts to life.
FEATURES(This is an in progress list; these features are all currently included, but more will be added before release)
- Several unique quest lines
- Three main classes: Fighter, Wizard, and Priest
- Fully working load/save feature
- Many different weapons to use and enemies to fight against
- Full GUI with text-based input screen and accompanying area pictures
Hope you enjoyed this preview - do comment, share it around, and discuss what else you'd like to see in the upcoming edition!
That is impressive!
And awesome all at the same time! Well done!
Thanks! If any of you guys know anywhere else to plug this preview please do. :P
So, where are these screenshots you promised then? :P
Loving the artwork.
Told you that deviantART is the way to go. ;)
The artwork is basically what you get, I'll make some interface shots soon. :P
Any idea of a release date? :D
It'll be a fair while, I'm going to opt for saying Christmas seems a decent bet. It's more dependent on Claudia's work-rate than mine since she's got to catch up with all the current locations!
Unpinned as these are all now out of date due to loss of artist :/
Who's that mysterious hooded man, chillin' out on the chair? :P
Also is that boar head on the wall CG's uncle?
Also, why wizard and priest?
There should be a melee class, a casting one and a long-range one (rogue, ranger etc...)
There's no particularly good way to represent ranged attacks that makes them interesting or different given that the system has no concept of distance. At some point another class is planned, probably forester/ranger.
Hooded man is a man. Who is currently less than talkative.
And no, CG's family are all cows. With guns. :P
I bet the hooded man is the bad guy. He will say it at the end of the final quest:
"I have followed you since you started your adventure! I watched your progress... blah blah"
Also, the look of all these guys will likely change a lot when I finally find an artist. Whenever the hell that will be.
Removed the pictures in the OP as they're no longer relevant.