If you can do any scene editing, moellling, scripting or coding we probably need you for this mod.
Particularly scene editors as we have a current deficit of over 100 scenes to fill, and it's only going to get bigger....
So please sign up here!
Current team;
Jubal - Design, concept, troops leading and scripting
xGhost4000x - Scene Editing
Dimos - Scene Editing
Silver Wolf - Additional Models
Shjn - Loading Screens
I'm on board.
Is my description for your proposed role accurate?
Yea, seems about right.
Ooooh sign me up for not being usefull in any possible way please :D
I'd help but am useless at all of the above so i will be moral support. GO TEAM!!!!! WOOT!!!!
Hehe, thanks anyway.
I see that you don't have any modelers, so I'd like to be the first one :)
Great! I won't need vast amounts of stuff, but I'll certainly PM you with jobs from time to time. :)
I'm glad I can help :)
Quote from: "Pentagathus"Ooooh sign me up for not being usefull in any possible way please :D
Me too! Me too!
do you need testers anymore?
Well I need any reports on bugs in the current version certainly, the next version fatures BIG changes and I'm not quite ready to do any releasing of that yet.
I'm totally useless at modding of any kind, so i'll be happy to do any testing if you want, and help with some troop balancing (I have a knack for that). :knight:
If needed i can make basic swords , create maps , shields , and edit troops
:rant: well jamesyyy buddy i'll help by erm erm... well i'd like to be considered for the role of erm... well...i'll help where i can >< :D
Updated at long long last.
Don't forget my small contribution with this: ( a new university)
Any other scenes you like, tell me so as I will make them for you!
Hello, just figured I'd let you know that I am still alive. And I will be working on more scenes soon. I'll also take a look at those trade routes that need doing. I had to take a break from this because of RL and I think I'll have some time to get scenes built. I'm currently building a second computer, which will mean that I will be able to build scenes when my main computer is otherwise occupied. I'm glad to see the mod is still alive though! I just gotta re-install M&B to work on this.
Excellente! Please drop me a PM when you get back to work seriously. :)
I could probably help with scene editing if you need me :) .
I could help with scene editing too. YAY!! I FOUND A NEW TALENT!! ;) I'll tell you when i finnish Harlasha Ghaleh of City of Harluashia. I will do the mini factions for you.
:knight: :DarkstarOnly: :knight:
That'd be really cool, thanks! :)
HELP!! I was doing Harlasha Ghaleh and when I saved it and got back into it half of the map went back to the way it was when I started it. That is very anoing when I am doing a mountain range and the origonal was a plain. How do I fix it.
Alright, sorry it took so long, I've had a hectic week at work, and I couldn't find my copy of M&B, it turned out I had left it with my old roomate, but I've just installed it and will work on some scenes this weekend. I'll pm you to get any details I need.
I'm wondering if the current release includes all of my old work, I don't want to do scenes I've already done.
Edit: Never mind, I grabbed all of my scenes from my scene thread and compiled them into one scene pack for me.
Here they are for others who may need them as well.
Attachments:- FixedScenes.zip (485.87 KB) (
As I recall for me scene editing was very fun so i wanna do some of that if you dont mind. also i spend like 5 hours a day playing MB (Yes i am a fanatic).
Sure: it's fairly rare that I get to work much on SR these days, but maybe more work from other people might actually spur me into doing something.
Jubal I'm working on a ton of new scenes. If you like to see amything tell me and if you like anything special just request it. Your faithful scener, dimos :D
PS: I can also create some unique armors for ya! ;D