THE HANSTELLARTIC LEAGUE"Someone once said that wealth moves the world. They were wrong, of course, you understand. It can do so, so much more than that - so much more than they ever dreamed."The Hanstellartic League are a powerful trading collection of alien races outside the vast Verwynn Empire or the Homeworlds, expanding around the fringes of the Star Cluster and building new trade networks, with a single, simple goal of turning the stars themselves into profit.
Faction details & background:
The Hanstellartic league includes a mixture of species, primarily led by the Jaxali, Trugens, and Zyxyil - their alliance is essentially mercantile, with expansion into new areas and attempts to find new species being common in order to extend trade networks. The League Fleet often comes into conflict with the other powers in the cluster, and more so as it expands, though the financial muscle of the league means the Homeworlders and Verwynn will still often make trading contact at times.
Brief run-down of League species:
Jaxali - A medium sized flying species somewhat bat-like in appearance, though furless, the Jaxali are the space navigators and often more generally the face of the Hanstellartic league. They are known for their voracious appetites, acquisitive nature, fierce individualism (they often invest heavily in tattoos and skin colourants, and suggesting that one cannot tell two Jaxali apart is tantamount to offering a duel), and complaining about the waste of space other species have with roads and two-dimensional construction.
Trugen - Trugens are small, semi-aquatic furry creatures which evolved building ever more elaborate dams to capture the bug-like creatures that they eat: their fur-like structure is their primary sensory system, beign very vibration sensitive - conversely they are lacking in sight organs. Their alliance with the Jaxali, worked out largely using ships stolen and reverse-engineered from a crashed S'ruba Homeworlder expedition, was the initial core of the League.
Zyxyil - The Zyxyil are the least seen of the major Hanstellartic species outside their home system, the heavily built, many-limbed Zyxyil are industrialists par excellence and use solar-based power systems to mass-manufacture everything from food to electronics. Zyxyil have some limited photosynthetic capabilites, and can put down tendrils into soil to draw up nutrition.
Illuchi - A creature with a slug-like foot, and a single all-directional retractable eyeball in the centre of a maw. They are exceptional translators and rely on a telepathic connection with a smaller non-sapient creatures, the Tesschi, to bring them food and manipulate objects. The Illuchi secrete the Tesschi's food substance.
Kalbatans - Naturally a hive species with a massive dimorphism between the Replicators, who are barely sapient, constantly in flux and eating and morphing new Kalbatans out of themselves, and the Kalbat, who defend Replicators, gather food, and build enormous defensive structures around them. Kabbat are loyally tied to a Replicator for life: the Hanstellartic league has been a blessing for the species as taking on guarding ships for Hansa is a good outlet for Kalbats whose Replicator dies, an event that can lead to extreme states of depression, aggression and instability without finding such an alternate outlet. The Kalbat are naturally quite soft-bodied, with a pincer-like appendage and some stumpy legs rather reminiscent of a giant, short caterpillar, but they tend to armour themselves very heavily.
Estogs - six legged creatures with a borderline level of sapience and a cheerful countenance. The Trugens in particular recruited the estogs as excellent workers and burden carriers, and will fiercely defend the Estogs from any attempts by other League species to exploit their trusting nature.
~To be announced~
Faction FAQs:
~None Yet~