Suggest things! Have ideas! What in this steamy clocky punky musket and pike and sword-y world would you like to see? :)
Steam powered futuristic stuff. Like maybe steampunk style spaceships or cyborgs or mechs. That sort of thing.
That is, I'm afraid, not going to be in there. GS&S is specifically designed at the lowest tech end of steampunk/clockpunk: they haven't even got regular powered flight. The theme is generally slightly gritty, a bit gothic, with some madcap cool engineering, rather than being a really crazy high level of steampunk (after all, loads of really high-end steampunk settings already exist).
I see, that's awesome too. But there can be people with steampunk body augmentations right? Like a steampunk eye, or hand or something.
Going to give a "not sure/it will vary" on that one, though probably to some extent. Mechanical hand (with ratchet fingers or something to boost grip) seems likely, surgically attached telescope to one's head I can imagine, there's unlikely to be much machinery that can really be thought controlled which limits body addons a bit. Electricity definitely hasn't been brought into mainstream use in GS&S so that puts the kaboosh on several classic steampunk body mods as they'd require wiring into one's nervous system.
For any given mod I'd say it depends how well it fits in with other things in the setting - what I definitely don't want to do is break the feel of the world, which does have exciting stuff but where the exciting stuff is still something interesting, fascinating and special for the people inside the setting rather than just being "boom pow clank insane techno-wizardry that you will never comprehend evaaar". I'll go into more depth on this soon when I get to writing the engineering rules. :)
What about guns, what are the limitations on those. Will there be steampunk Gatling guns or just rifles and muskets?
Mainly muskets - rifles too, but they're extremely expensive. There will be automated steam guns, but they're rare items not in common usage (I want military tactics to resemble those of the 18th and late 17th centuries, whereas if gatling guns/early machine guns were around it would only make sense to have late 19th and early 20th centure tactics). So there are a few more powerful guns, but they're the handcrafted creations of individual engineers and not something every battlefield has a load of.
I see. Sorry for all of these questions, just getting a good idea of the sort of steampunkness it involves. Sounds awesome so far! What about transport? Will Trains be acceptable or just carrages and horses and boats and such?
There won't be railroads of any significant distance, though an early form of steam train is in use in some areas for haulage in individual mine facilities.
Generally carriage/horse is the main form of transport by road, a few steam-carriages have been constructed but these are only for the very wealthy/very great engineers/very insane. Primitive steam tanks, known as Trammechs, are in regular use. Boat transport is extremely important - safer than the road and often the only good method of transferring large amounts of heavy goods.
Ok, a suggestion instead of a question now. :P A map. You might want one of those sometime in the future ;D
There is a map. And you will see it, sometime in the future. :P
Haha! Awesome. :) Can't wait.
I'm going to get some map stuff scanned in when I get back to Cambridge later this week I hope. Also expect new concept art to start appearing soon. :)
O.o AWESOME!!! Can't wait. ;D
Change "when I get back" to "when I get back and have a completed piece of coursework to hand in on Friday" in the above post/ :/