So I've been wondering whether a battle stamina system would be a good idea.
Basically this would mean that using skills uses up stamina, so if you're a fourth level fighter you can't just use bladestorm as your standard attack. Would also mean that for higher level enemies wearing their stamina down until they were down to using their basic attack could become important and make fights a lot more tactical. On the minus side, more complexity that the game might not really need.
I've played a game that has a similar system. It works really well.
It's a good idea.
Also, in TES games the level of stamina at the moment of a power attack directly affects the damage output.
Meaning your first power attack is probably going to be the strongest. Which kind of makes sense.
Just an idea.
My other thought with this is that it probably necessitates a battle display window so you can keep track of your/your foe's stamina. But yes, it would make battles genuinely a bit tactical and give a lot more uses to things like defensive stance, say, if they allowed you to regain a little bit of stamina whilst you fought defensively.
Stamina system in place. :)