I've started working on a small adventure game called Hetairos. It'll be set in a slightly odd Greek-fantasy setting, with a random map generation system, very simple combat rules, and a small set of character archetypes etc.
More updates soon!
Oooh color me intrigued :)
What about GS&S? :(
Sounds like something I could play :)
Khan: don't worry - this is a much smaller project and I basically have a working version already. It's only a 12 page document, unlike GS&S which is a good five to ten times that long and much more complex.
So I finished a working version yesterday, and played through two sample games with people - which both went very well :)
Again - more information soon when I've implemented tweaks!
Quote from: Jubal on February 17, 2014, 12:08:09 AM
"isn't afraid to take on projects" :P
Looking forward to seeing more Joob. :)
Can't wait to play it (as well as GS&S). :)
Expect the rulebook in basic format to appear in the next few days!
Saweet :)
Awesome, I hope I can talk DN into trying it with me, maybe even my sister if I sound convincing enough. :P
Two players would definitely be "hard mode" for the collaborative scenarios, you could still do the solo scenarios fine though. :)
We can do it! :P have some faith in us Jubal. I always play my games on Hard mode.