Okay, here at long last is the Adventures of Soros beta.
This is very obviously in beta stages; should be fairly stable.
- You need Python 3 installed to run this game.
- Start the game by double-clicking execute.py
- As is obvious, all the pictures in game are mock-ups or just straight off Google Images. I am still looking for a game artist to help me fix that.
Please give feedback!
Exilian.co.uk (http://www.exilian.co.uk/games/AoS_Beta.zip)
Nice :)
Please do test and give feedback, guys :)
I will try my best.
After my nap this afternoon. :P
Had a little look, seems cool. Glad there's finally a new version of it :) . I'll have a bigger look when I'm not about to sleep.
This is very awesome, Joob! ;D
Loving the pictures and all the features. How about some music? :)
Well, I was having fun as a Gnome named Jubal until I died in the fighting pit. :P