This is just really to plug the other excellent people who are contributing to or have contributed to this project, and to give background on everyone.
Jubal/James Baillie (Project Leader/Lead Designer/Lead Programmer)
James is a twenty year old Cambridge history undergraduate who builds worlds and codes in his spare time, which there always seems to be more of than there should be. Currently he's finding it odd writing this about himself in the third person. Exilian is probably the best place to find his work!
Sissadora/Tiia Vitikainen (Art Lead, Zone 2)
Tiia is 26 and lives in the Netherlands. She's a web developer moving into the world of game development.
You can find her on dA here:
And she also blogs on her own site at:
Marshall Griffith (Art Lead, Zone 3)
Marshall is a 24 year old hobbyist artist from the USA, whose art style includes western and anime influences.
You can find his DeviantArt page here:
Looks like you've got together a good looking them of artists there. :)