What programming skills do YOU have? Post 'em here!
As for me...
Good; JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Practiaclly nonexistent; Java, Python
hehe, basic HTML
HTML and CSS, a bit of VB.
I should really learn Python tbh..
lol none whatsoever, I am supposed to be doing C for my physics degree but can't quite get the hang of it
Lol, i forgot to mention BB code :D ... sortof
When you make a program from BBcode, I'll be impressed.
Erm... I spose im ok with BBcode, but everything else it not for me
Some JavaScript
Some Python
Visual Basic.Net
A tiny bit of C.
I'm a web scripter really, Marcus is more a general techie.
Quote from: "Marcus"Visual Basic.Net
Why did they get rid of control arrays? :(
I made some games in QBasic :flashy:
Post them! This forum isn't just for me you know... :P
The Games are lost somewhere on my old computer..Maybe I could find them, but they are not worth mentioning. There are few versions of "who wants to be a millionaire?" which I made :D
Yea, I have some stuff like that hanging around I'm sure...
This is a screen from a tower defence type game I am making.
(http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p9/Son_Of_The_King/th_AlienInvasion.jpg) (http://s124.photobucket.com/albums/p9/Son_Of_The_King/AlienInvasion.jpg)
NOTE: This is a WIP shot.
What programng language are you using?
I know how to do some basic stuff in QBasic and Pascal and a tiny bit of HTML
a bit python and java :)
I once tried to learn java, I should get back to it someday.
Sure, why not.
I've been programming professionally for 9 years with an extended college stay (two degrees) and a handful of internships. I've taught directly or indirectly in the vicity of 600 students at the University and on the side for fun. I've subsequently recommended a number of my students for hire (wasn't in a hiring position then) and worked with them professionally. I knew HTML back when that actually meant something.
- C/C++: strong proficiency
- Ruby/Python/Perl: low proficiency
- Java/Pascal/VB: worked with these a long time ago; they've all evolved since then
- x86/cell assembly: familiarity
This weekend I hope to be building some modding tools in C#.
My strengths are in optimization (memory, speed), large scale architecture, and general debugging.
Wow, some serious skills you got there...
Hardcore, yo.
python a verry little bit(long before MB)
a bit of Vb an C++ (i was once interested in making a game with the Dark GDK kit)
then i found FPS creator(very boooring)
and the i realized that my destiny is making 3d models
Quote from: "kt0"Sure, why not.
I've been programming professionally for 9 years with an extended college stay (two degrees) and a handful of internships. I've taught directly or indirectly in the vicity of 600 students at the University and on the side for fun. I've subsequently recommended a number of my students for hire (wasn't in a hiring position then) and worked with them professionally. I knew HTML back when that actually meant something.
- C/C++: strong proficiency
- Ruby/Python/Perl: low proficiency
- Java/Pascal/VB: worked with these a long time ago; they've all evolved since then
- x86/cell assembly: familiarity
This weekend I hope to be building some modding tools in C#.
My strengths are in optimization (memory, speed), large scale architecture, and general debugging.
Give me your brain.
Give it to me. Now.
Darkstar! What have I told you about trying to eat brains?
B-b-ut they tastes so gooooood.
My preeecious....
These aren't the brains you're looking for. Move along.
I've been getting into working with PyGtk, a GTK library for python. Quite interesting, and easier to create a GUI python program than TKinter.
I dabble in a bit of HTML. I also started using c for dark pro a bit. But that never went anywhere. I messed around with game creator, which is terrible. So terrible, in fact, that... Well.. I don't know.. But it's terrible..
Does anyone here have experience of using VB6 to read/write XML files?
i started to learn c++ and php
I know the basics of HTML, C++, and Python. However, I guess I can say I'm pretty good at scripting M&B. (Although nearly not as good as some masterminds like kt0 :P)
My plan currently is this: Finish high-school, go to a "vocational school" and take Programming as my profession, after that I'll go to a college where I'll learn Programming even further.
That all is, of course, when fate shines on me.
Programming is a good thing to do. Really skilled programmers will always be in demand in the computer age.
I'm really a lightweight programming-wise, just a web scripter. But hey.
I have a basic idea of HTML (thanks to Jubal) and that's it.
Basic HTML.
Started when I was messing around with BBCode in the phpBB (http://www.try-phpbb.com/30x/) test board. Then I got Notepad ++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) and started making pages of an imaginary website.
Bit of HTML. Only what my ICT teacher managed to hammer into my head.
Decent with Python.
You were lucky, our ICT teachers here rarely seem to know HTML.
I really should learn python or another real programming language... I doubt I will for some time yet though 'cos it would take too long.
:knight: I'm working on C++, but can't get software compatible to allow me to write, compile, then link it all together. I can get all of it, but I can't get it to work with c++ or with each other.
On other things, I know a bit on making cutscenes and game graphics.
Apart from that nothing digital.
If you haven't programmed much before learn a scripting language first - much simpler usually but you learn the principles and techniques. Or try python, which is apparently insanely simple by comparison and pretty easy to get open-source stuff for.
Python is a great language to learn the basics of programming with. It's simple enough that it can easily be understood by someone new to programming who just wants to learn the basics, and yet is still powerful enough for more complex programs (albeit a bit slow). For example, to print a string onto the console:
- Code: Python
print("this is a string")
- Code: C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "this is a string";
return 0;
So Python looks a bit like Lua.
HTML, CSS, tiny bit of PHP
Hello lemon-guy, welcome to Exilian. ;D
Lately i've started learning python but it's going kinda slow cause I'm concentrated on improving my blender skills so I almost never have time for python :(
I know a slight bit of html, quite a bit of bbcode, and a incredibly low amount of stuff about python.
I know extremely basic stuff with python, like raw_input and loops and basic stuff like that.
Quote from: Son of the King on February 28, 2011, 05:06:08 AM
Python is a great language to learn the basics of programming with. It's simple enough that it can easily be understood by someone new to programming who just wants to learn the basics, and yet is still powerful enough for more complex programs (albeit a bit slow). For example, to print a string onto the console:
<dl><dt>Code: Python</dt><dd> </dd></dl><code>print("this is a string")
<dl><dt>Code: C++</dt><dd> </dd></dl><code>#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "this is a string";
return 0;
echo this is a string
Alright, time to show off *cracks knuckles* (also I'm interested in boosting response to this thread: nice to see what people are learning/comfortable with).
Main Language: Java
Secondary Language: C#
Other known languages: Prolog, C, C++, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Basic, Visual Studio languages.
Learning: PHP, Lua.
So my main language is what I use for my degree (and my dissertation), my secondary language is the one I use for games development in Unity, and the other languages are ones I've picked up along the way.
Impressive! :o
C# is what I supposedly learned in college but I couldn't tell you the first thing about it now. :P
They even taught us some COBOL.
Thank you :P
And oh man, COBOL? That's hardcore.
Old skool. 8)
So, I guess I'll update my list...
"Main" languages: Python, C++
Also known: Java, Visual Basic, Some C#, Shell
Web: PHP (bleh), Javascript, HTML, CSS
Some vague knowledge: Lua, Ruby (all knowledge I have of this makes me want to burn it)
Web: HTML, CSS, a tiny bit of JQuery
Main Languages: Python, Java
Also known: Visual Basic (6.0, because my computing teacher is unaware of anything past 1996)
Wow, so many programmers here. Are any of you interested in helping me out to merge two forum databases...? I've been looking for someone to do this for a few weeks, but I couldn't find anyone so far...
Next to none! ;D
Languages: Python
Interested: C++
I'd like to start contributing to, well, something. I have the time, just not the skill set... YET! If not a project, then could you fine folks point me somewhere I could possibly pick up some skills in the "programming" department?
Jeff :orc:
Hi Jeff,
Head on over to the Exilian Academy if you're interested in programming 'lessons' - there are some resources in the Archives on C++ and I'm running a web programming course starting very shortly!
Equally, do feel you can ask questions around here if you're just tinkering, and people will be happy to help. :)
It's probably about time I posted here.
CSS (a little, usually after checking the reference book)
C/AL (for work; it's the proprietary language in Microsoft's Dynamics NAV product; based on Pascal)
SQL (a bit rusty)
Out of date/forgotten
Visual Basic (various flavours)
Unix shell scripting
Informix 4GL (proprietary language on Unix)
Basic (various flavours as far back as the early 1980s)
Hi everyone, my main programming languages are C++ and C#. I'm also very interested in source to source compiling C# to Javascript using the Saltarelle compiler.
Yes, I saw you mentioning that you'd done that for Postbug.