Just a thread for all the latest news of what's going on with the new films :)
Just asking people opinions, but do you think the new star wars movies will be better or worse than the originals (and some reasons why)?
Personally, I think they will be better if they stick close to established lore and I think a movie about the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion would be awesome.
Anyone know what they are actually working to produce as well?
Defo not better than the originals but defo better than the prequels.
As a fan of the soon to be destroyed canon, I'm not sure. I'm biased against it but I still think it'll be good. Especially if there is a new token Mandalorian. Or even if they decide Boba actually isn't dead, like in EU (Expanded universe).
EDIT: I have to say though, not a fan of the old actors being in it, but I can't seem to articulate why either.
Technically the seventh will still be canon. :P
The seventh will be canon, yeah. The comics, games and other stuff that isn't the movies or the animated tv series will be non-canon on release of the 7th movie :(
Pretty sure they are non-canon already
I've got an ingrain suspicion that it'll be rubbish. I'm still quite excited to see it, but I won't be getting my hopes up.
No one could possibly do worse than George did with the prequels. So we've got that going at least. :P
I'll be happy to see the original cast.
I've got nothing wrong with the prequels. I think he didn't do too bad with them. That's my opinion anyway. I think they should do a preprequel or something like that. Based on the Old Republic. That would be cool.
This looks a lot better than teaser #1. Also, yay for old Harrison Ford. :D
I've seen star wars. It was amazing. AMA.
I'm going in a couple hours.
Friendly non-admin request: please spoiler tag all spoilers for at least the next couple weeks whilst others of us get round to seeing it. :)
I'm so excited that I'm'a poo my pants.
It was portugaling awesome! Will definitely see it again.
Only wish it was darker; they should have destroyed the Starkiller, but not before it got if it's last shot, thusly phucking up the Resistance. Then Chewie, Rey, Fin, Poe, and the last of the fighters, with no one else left to fight the First Order, would go off to find Luke. Because it's not about the Resistance, it's about the Force sensitives coming back.
I may see it again at a fancy laser imax cinema (basically the highest quality you can get).
My thoughts:
-Very good that Mark Hamil started working out nice and early so that he could stand still for about 30 seconds and then turn - although he did look badass.
-Captain Phasma was a criminal waste of the talent of Gwendoline Christie, that voice was perfect - fortunately she's been confirmed to come back for the next two
-I was shaking in the bridge scene, I sort've predicted it - I began doubting my self when they hugged, but I wasn't sure... then it happened.
- The entire row in front of us was some people who I think saw the originals when they first game out - they all audibly gasped when the above scene ended.
- Only 361 days til rogue one :D
- Also, I only just found out that there is a rumored boba fett movie for 2020. Yay.
-The fight choreography and cinematography was better than most modern action movies. People are complaining about Rey using the force so easily, but I am fairly certain that she's been brainwashed, and she's had previous training with her dad. (well, I think her dad.)
-Question is, who's her mother? Apparently, although I didn't notice Luke was standing at a grave at the end? I'll have to watch again
- Can't wait for the full star wars collection that will undoubtedly come out after whatever comes in 2020, and then probably again after episode 12, if that's going to happen.
What do you think of my idea? It's really the only thing I would change.
I'm pretty sure that that was probably considered at one point, but I think they wanted to make this be very similar to A new hope so that they can get fans trust. In the next episodes, I think they're going to start experimenting and making it a bit darker. Rian Johnson is directing the next one. I think it will end similiarly to Empire, with everything going to armadillo - only this time, there won't even be a happy ending, with them having hope at the end. It will end with everything going to armadillo, and everyone giving up. Episode 9 will be about working themselves back up for the final showdown.
It would have definitely set this one apart from the others though.
I'd encourage everyone to see it. Great picture.Spoiler
The villains were frankly bad though. Darth Snooki is nowhere near as badass as the emperor and the emo preteen is a joke.
Not a fan of the feature creep in the death laser being so much hugerer than the death stars, personally I would have wanted to see a bit more of the (what amounts to) auxiliary stormtroopers being deployed as meatshields and then the black armoured guys killing swathes of rebels and depicting the new empires power like that and potentially with Darth Snooki mind controlling like a planet or something
Han kind of carried the movie, his scenes were the better ones wrt humour and action. Having said that, the best parts were with the x-wings. The scene on the bridge was expected right from the start nearly but I didn't think it really added anything to the movie and was a little clichéd. The jokes were a little too often and too slapstick for me tbh but it wasn't terrible.
Another thing I'm a big fan of is the low levels of force ability used. Revan and Fin just plain aren't very strong while Rey has raw talent, hasn't honed anything and so is inexperienced with its use. It would have been weird to dive straight back into high power-jedi council days or even a cadre of Sith.
Emo preteen was kinda intended to be a joke I think. Just a Vader wannabe. He passed his test though so with more training I'm sure he'll be more badass in next film. I quite liked General Hux; speech was awesome etc.
Perhaps but if so they should probably have had him die unceremoniously at some point. That Gneral was ok tbf and how badly did they want red nazi stuff everywhere during that speech? Come on Star Wars you used to be more subtle than that.
Joke in first film, not so much in next film. :)
lol he mad
He didn't say it wasn't a good movie tbf just that he's disappointed that they didn't go for something completely new, which is echoed by quite a few fans from what I've read.
He still mad. :)
I thought Ren makes a pretty interesting villain, he hasn't been fleshed out yet but I look forward to his development in the next films, plenty of time to wonder about on his real motivations before then. His fits of rage certainly weren't any worse than Vader choking half of his generals.
I enjoyed the bridge scene, felt it was pretty obvious Han was bantha fodder (well it would have been lame for the main villain to turn so early in the story) but the quality of acting actually made up for that.
Snoke really wasn't much of a feature in this film, can't say much about him yet. Quite interesting that he seemed so chillaxed though, didn't really sound like he gave a portugal about the rebels finding the map to Luke. Think he could be a good counterweight to Ren's unhinged nature, and a much more dangerous villain than any from the previous films.
The jokes and banter between characters probably made this film for me, so nice that the script didn't rely on jar jar or C3PO for humour.
Does Fin have any force power? He doesn't appear to, just holds a lightsaber a few times.
I too liked Hux's speech, it's good to know what the motivations of the Order's supporters is (besides fear and brainwashing.)
I read somewhere that Phasma will have a bigger role in the next film.
@Rob who's Revan?
Edit: Forgot to mention the bad, really disliked the new deathstar planet thing, the scene where they work out how to blow it up nearly ruined the film for me. It worked in episode 4, but this is supposed to be a different film.
This is Revan, created by Bioware in 200X (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/1e/Sith_revan.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/190?cb=20100612174407)
The look Ren is inspired by and they have a similarish name.
Separate spoiler even within this thread.
Finn does become a Jedi I saw according to sources(basically he's a cross between 2 EU characters, Kyle Katarn and Finn Galfridian), unless they're allowing non-force powered Jedi (which could be a thing), he's most likely got powers.
QuoteForgot to mention the bad, really disliked the new deathstar planet thing, the scene where they work out how to blow it up nearly ruined the film for me. It worked in episode 4, but this is supposed to be a different film.
Aye, at least they didn't act like they hadn't done it before. Han pretty much saying "So it's another big gun, let's blow it up. There's always a way to blow it up.
Just wish it had got off that last shot.
Oh I remember Kyle Katarn from the Jedi knight games. I presume he's a non canon character nowadays?
At first I disagreed with you cowman, now I think about it though that would have been a pretty surprising twist to the rehash.
It would definitely have made the finding of Luke all the more imperative.
Everyone see it in IMAX. True 70mm or Laser IMAX. It is incredible. Even 3D - it is never used to pop things out of the screen, it is simply snow and sparks that purely make the film more immersive.
I know it is expensive, and you make drive or sit on a train for a while, if you're a Star Wars fan, it's worth it.
Type in your location here: http://www.imax.com/theatres (http://www.imax.com/theatres)
If you find somewhere close to you, then google "Is (my grandmas television screen) real IMAX
If people are saying it is 70mm / IMAX Laser, than go for it, if not, Digital IMAX is not IMAX, it is LieMAX. Not worth it.
Also, if for some reason you happen to be coming to Australia soon... we do have 2 of the best cinema screens in the world, plus an incredible sound system at Melbourne. So. Yeah. If Star Wars is the one true love of your life, then fly down here, and buy some premium seats at Melbourne IMAX
@Penty, yup that's EU now but also from sw fans I heard that the'll be using a fair amount from the EU but modifying it or combining characters in all 3 movies.
@Sloth My parents are actually in Australia now, Melbourne specifically, I'll tell them.
Are they big Star Wars fans who care a reasonable amount if they're watching it on a TV or a cinema screen? If not, I warn you they may come out complaining that they could've just gone to a normal village cinemas for 1/4 the price. It is great though. 12 channel sound (almost all cinemas use 5 channel, and I think most IMAX use 7), and a dual 4k LASER projector on a screen that is.. brace yourselves.. 32 x 23 metres - that is 105 x 75 feet for anyone stuck in the past, or from the USA. (sorry)
I realize I sound like a shill.
Nope. They probably won't but I did tell them it was an option.
Seen the movie again and it sucks. Once the action wears off it's got nothing to support it bar the characters. That's not enough for a story, even an intro to a story. For me that's not enough for a star wars saga. IV, VI and even to a lesser extent, V all work as stand alone movies, this one doesn't.
I've seen it twice. Still love it :P
Saw it again, I'm really trying to like it but I still hate that movie. Kylo Ren is just the worst, the absolute worst, he ruins the whole film for me. I'd like to see something else Adam Driver is in to make sure I don't just hate Adam but I'm 99% sure I just hate the character and it's not Adams fault.
You keep watching it. I don't think hate means what you think it means. :)
My gripe is still with not blowing up resistance base.
Rouge one trailer looks cool.
I've still not seen Force Awakens :(
Wut? You in norfolk at all over easter?
I was last week, back in Brum now though.
Lame. Well when you've done your word thing we should watch it, unless you've already seen it by then. Well even if you have already seen it, might as well watch again.
So the latest in the saga is the epic, twisty, explody, feels we were looking for. Jar Jar Abrams is doing the next one. I just hope to hell he doesn't just revert to the safe path again. I think they should set it a few years after TLJ and have a nice Knights of Ren / Rey trainees sort of battle thing. Lots of lazer swords bouncing around etc.
Rogue One is still pretty sweet.
Also Solo is okay. :P
The thing that would most annoy me would be if Rey had her parentage retconned so she was from a jedi family or sth. I hope that doesn't happen.
Yeah that too would be him going the safe route.
Sounds like Lando's coming back! :D