Hello Exilian community. I have not been on Exilian for a good while now. I have been busy with school, I've moved twice (have my own place now) and I work two jobs whilst trying to finish school. BUT! I still find time to mod ^-^ Plus I missed cg and jubal haha
Today I uploaded a BETA that signifies the finish of Phase 1 development! It includes all BI and ALX features along with the vanilla RTW game on probably the most historical map out there for RTW, the RTH map. I'd like to regenerate the lost but once great and flourishing RTR community, so I am reaching out to you Exilian members to ask will you join us in beta testing? If so you'll need to head over to TWC, make an account if you do not have one, and add me (ahowl11) as a friend. If you have been registered long enough or have enough posts you should be able to join the private forum where we develop the mod. If you cannot, we can communicate through email or here until you have enough posts to join the forum.
CG and Jubal especially. You guys would really be an asset especially since things are very much vanilla at this point. Please join the RTR Project permission group so you can join us :) also if Sotk is around it'd be nice to have his RTW modding ability around!
And for everyone else. Contact me and join!
Seems like it's been ages since I did anything RTW! I'll try to make an effort to test this out at some point though. Glad to see something classic Rome sill going though. :)
I don't have much time for testing at the moment, but do keep us informed and we'll put announcements up for any new releases etc :)
Heck, I guess it wouldn't hurt to post the entire thing here would it? Exilian did great things for the RTR 0.5 campaign :)
Great news everyone! Anarchon and I have finished phase one of development. Get the beta here:
1) Make sure you have a clean install of RTW with BI and ALX installed as well.
2) Download MM
3) Extract into the clean RTW directory (if you have an old MM from testing just delete it)
4) Make a shortcut of the ALX.exe and put it on your desktop rename it RTR MM
5) Go to properties and in the target line, add -show_err -mod:MM after quotations and one space.
6) Test
NOTE: This will be the last time I upload a beta the old school traditional way. From here on out we will be using a new svn and also use a new repo for our work. Makes development much quicker. Most of you know by now how to work the svn, but for those of you who don't we will provide extremely clear instructions! If you still don't understand it well, you are a monkey.
RTH map edited by myself and Anarchon. - This includes a brand new regions list, geographical changes, revised descr_rebels, descr_strat, descr_regions, and descr_mercenaries. We use a very organized and simple excel spreadsheet to plug in any changes. Saves loads of time. We will also be using this spreadsheet for further development. I will be uploading it as well once Anarchon adjusts some things to make it current.
The mod is set at the vanilla date, 270BC - 14AD and the starting positions are as accurate as a vanilla mod can be.
The Senate feature is still in and works fine.
Every city that historically had either stone or earth walls have stone walls, even if they are not at city level yet. Some colonies and most barbarian settlements have wooden walls.
Most regions have roads, blacksmiths and ports as its realistic.
Most cities have the closest temple associated with it historically in place.
If cities specialized in ships, academics, mining, farming, games, theater, cavalry, archers, or infantry they have been given the specific buildings to represent this.
Looks like most factions won't have any trouble with finances! Will make the game easy, but realize it has not been modded yet.
Added all BI features except for ones with hardcode issues in the ALX.exe. Added:
-Religion: which is now termed culture. There will be WesternCivilized, EasternCivilized and Barbarian cultures. The each get a building tree to help spread their culture and public unrest will be the result if you conquer a city of different culture. Each region has an indestructible native culture building, but factions can build colonies of their culture to help convert the populace. Carthage and the Seleucids will have the toughest time. Also traits were added to characters to reflect their culture.
-Seventh Culture: Nomad. This has been given to Scythia. They now have different portraits, and sound eastern. They also have eastern music and the nomad building tree from BI.
-Loyalty: This feature has been given to every faction except for the Roman factions (they have their own civil war, and giving them loyalty while the senate is enabled would cause a CTD upon revolt.) Every faction is shadowed by the slave faction, and your generals all have the loyalty feature attached to them. A disloyal general will defect to the rebels upon revolt instead of being kicked out of a settlement.
-Night Battles: Your best generals will now have the ability to fight night battles.
-BI Buildings for Barbarians: the 4th and 5th tier buildings have been added to the strat map and battle map. No bugs either.
-Naval Invasions: thought we could try this out and see how the factions respond. I assigned it to: Scipii, Brutii, Carthage, Greeks, and Britons.
-BI Barbarian Interface
-Advisor portraits for Barbarian, Nomad, Carthaginian, and Eastern Cultures.
Added most ALX features that would be relevant for this mod:
-Faction Specific Mercenaries. With ALX, factions can have mercenaries available only to them. I added a few vanilla units that made sense to some factions:
Carthage: Libyan Spearmen in Africa, Iberian Infantry and Round Shield Cavalry in Iberia. They are not located everywhere, just in historically/culturally accurate regions.
Thrace: Bastarnae in and around Dacia
Macedon: Greek Cavalry in Classical Greece
Pontus: Cappadocian Cavalry in Cappadocia
Egypt: Nubian Spearmen and Nubian Cavalry in Kush and Ethiopia.
Parthia: Persian Cavalry in Persia.
Immortal trait added - by default in ALX if the trait is not in the traits file, all characters are immortal. By adding it, characters are mortal unless its assigned to them in the descr_strat.
ai_do_not_attack_faction - this feature makes it so factions don't attack a faction. It can only be used once per faction. The factions that cannot attack each other are:
Custom/Historical Battles enabled - before you would get a ktm. We need these to test things in the future.
Advisor portraits for Greek factions.
That's pretty much it. The to do list is as follows:
-Rename modfolder from MM to RTR
-Integrate into a launcher
-Add the unlocked harcode stuff
-Get svn started again
-Do promotional work to generate public interest.
-Begin phase two of development. This entails: 4tpy script, small features and scripts, permanent settlements, restructure temples, new names, edit vanilla units, add bi and alx units, some other minor stuff.
For promotional work this means the following:
TAKE MANY SCREENS. Whether it be of the new map, new features, cool battles or interesting happenings, or even your kingdoms. Get screen shots flowing so we can add to our website in development and also make previews so we can revive the public forums.
Someone should make a short AAR. Please volunteer, or else I will be a nuisance to some of you
Someone should do a quick let's play making sure he previews all the goodies!
Let the REAL testing begin!
CG I will be in need of your color changing abilities as we will be adding units from BI and ALX shortly as well as giving some vanilla units to other factions.
Let me know if you can help.
I have some digging to do, to find all the others that you've sent me in the past. Good thing it's been by email!
CG I found almost all of the reskins that you have done for me throughout the years. However the very first two batches are missing because they were uploaded to megaupload. Think you might still have them? I still have the files I sent you if you need to remember.
If I sent them by email then I probably still have them.
Well the first two batches were uploaded to Megaupload here:
Looks like some UI cards as well.
I can resend the files to you if you don't have them. IIrc they only needed touch ups.
I don't think I have them anymore.
No worries, I will be in contact.
First Preview: