This will be for ideas for new HS and stuff.
Runaway Noblewoman 20gc hire/10gc upkeep +12 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Sword, dagger, Crossbow pistol
Speed, Shooting, Combat skill lists
Damsel not in distress; The Noblewoman is not afraid of fighting anyone. She is immune to 'all alone' tests when outnumbered by 2 models (but not more).
Hobgoblin Assassin 25gc hire/13gc upkeep +11 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 Ld6
2 daggers, throwing knives (all coated in unlimited black lotus), Net, Rope&Hook
Speed, Shooting, Combat skill lists
Block in the dark; The hobgoblin must be able to block a blow armed with almost nothing. When using both daggers, he gets a single parry save.
Scale Sheer Surfaces, Knife Fighter
Dwarf Ronin 55gc hire/30gc upkeep +30 to warband rating
M3 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I2 A1 Ld9
Cathayan Sword (+1I, parry), Nipponese Armour (5+AS, 4+ against cutting weapons), Shield, Katana (2 hands, +1S, Parry)
Strength, Combat skill lists
Samurai; This fighter has been trained in the art of war. He gains -1 to enemy armour saves, and +1 to injury rolls.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken Out Of Action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.
Halfling Priest 20gc hire/10gc upkeep + 10 to warband rating
M4 WS2 BS4 S2 T2 W1 I5 A1 Ld8
Staff (count as halberd)
Speed, Academic, Combat skill lists
Preacher;The priest can rally your men. You may re-roll your first failed rout test of the battle.
Night Watchman 20gc hire/10gc upkeep +12 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
Halberd, Lantern, Light Armour, Helmet, Crossbow
Speed, Strength, Combat, Shooting skill lists
Halfling Barbarian 20gc hire/10gc upkeep +10 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T2 W1 I5 A2 Ld8
Halfling-size greatsword (count as halberd).
Speed, Strength, Combat skill lists
Barbarians are affected by Frenzy
Prophet of Doom 35gc hire/17gc upkeep +15 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A2 Ld10
Combat, Strength skill lists
Hates chaotic creatures of any sort, Frenzy, Immune to Psychology
The doom prophets are insane men whose desire to fight chaos has overcome even their sanity...
Emissiary of San'gath 35gc hire/17gc upkeep +20 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
Light armour, staff (count as spear, holy weapon)
Speed, Academic, Combat, Strength skill lists
Hates chaotic creatures of any sort
Prophet; May choose when buying to either cast lesser magic or to gain +1W, +1WS and +1Ld
The Emissiaries of San'gath are a new order of sentient beings dedicated to the end of Chaos. They walk in dark robes, and seek new knowledge of how to fight the servants of the Dark gods.
Dwarven Emissiary of San'gath 50gc hire/25gc upkeep +27 to warband rating
M3 WS4 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I2 A1 Ld9
Light armour, staff (count as spear, holy weapon)
Strength, Academic, Combat skill lists
Hates chaotic creatures of any sort
Strike chaos; When in base-to-base contact with any chaos creature, the prophet may choose, instead of attacking to paralyse them with his touch, preventing them attacking or counterattacking until after their next close combat phase.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken Out Of Action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.
The Emissiaries of San'gath are a new order of sentient beings dedicated to the end of Chaos. They walk in dark robes, and seek new knowledge of how to fight the servants of the Dark gods.
Champion of Malal 70gc hire/35gc upkeep +35 to warband rating
M4 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 Ld9
2H weapon, Heavy Armour, Helmet
Speed, Combat, Strength skill lists
Hates all chaos, Strongman, Pit Fighter
Chosen of Malal; The Champion's attacks count as holy against any chaos, demons or posessed, but holy attacks work against him as well. Against Chaos creatures or followers he gains +1S.
Courtesan 25gc hire/15gc upkeep + 13 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8
Sword, sword, dagger, Bow
Speed, Shooting, Combat skill lists
Damsel not in distress; The Courtesan is not afraid of fighting anyone. She is immune to 'all alone' tests when outnumbered by 2 models (but not more).
Femme fatale; Members of the opposite sex (not including braindead, dwarfs or posessed) must pass a Ld test to charge the courtesan.
Orc Marksman 35gc hire/17gc upkeep +14 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T4 W1 I2 A1 Ld7
Crossbow, Light Armour, Axe, Shield
Orc, Strength, Shooting skill lists
Fallen Knight 40gc hire/20gc upkeep +22 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Heavy armour, sword, shield
Strength, Combat skill lists
Expert Swordsman
Pit Beast Fighter 40gc hire/20gc upkeep +20 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Spear, Light Armour, Buckler
Speed, Strength, Combat skill lists
Beast Fighter; Immune to any fear or psychology tests caused by animals, +1A when fighting an animal
Pit Fighter
Imperial Engineer 55gc hire/30gc upkeep + 28 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
light armour, sword, handgun
Skills: Shooting, academic, speed
Pigeon Bombs: as described in Warhammer Armies: the Empire
Engineer: All blackpowder weapons in the players warband have been tweaked by the engineer and so are on +1 to hit
Dwarf Cartographer 45gc hire/27gc upkeep +30 to warband rating
M3 WS4 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I2 A1 Ld9
Dwarf Axe, Shield, Light Armour, Helmet
Strength, Combat, Academic skill lists
Mapmaker; Mordheim maps are not considered a rare item.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken Out Of Action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.
Priest of Rhuin 50gc hire/25gc upkeep +20 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Light armour, sword, shield, helmet
Academic, Combat skill lists
Flaming sword :
prayer at dificulty 9, priest gets +2 WS +1 Attack +1 Str. Take a leadership test at the end of each turn (your turn and your opponents.) If the test fails the prayer drains away. May only be used once per turn.
Bucaneer 90gc hire/35gc upkeep +35 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 Ld8
Light Armour, Cutlass, brace of Duelling Pistols, Buckler
combat speed shooting
Cutlass Master: These short, single bladed swords are the mainstays of any pirate crew, and in the hands of a trained seaman they are superb weapons for close quarters fighting. If the pirate is equipped with a Sword, this skill will give him the additional benefit of also being able to parry successfully if the player rolls equal to number rolled to hit, not just higher as normal. This extra ability only apply if the Pirate is not in the open; i.e.., only when in cover or in a building, within 2" of a terrain feature like a wall or tree, etc.
Swashbuckler: The pirate cuts a dashing figure in combat, mixing dazzling swordplay and acrobatic feats with charm and witty comments. Even the basest villains in Mordheim respect (and curse) his ability to always seem to effortlessly slip from their grasp. The pirate may make a Leadership Test at the end of any Hand to Hand phase (pirate's or enemy's turn) if he is still in base contact with any enemy models. If he passes he may make a normal movement away from the enemy (he may not run or charge), without the enemy striking any blows on him. If he fails the test he remains in hand to hand combat and must fight as normal in the following turn.
Spy Glass: A pirate can use his trusty spy glass to examine the combat ground, spotting any yellow dogs who try to sneak about! At the start of his turn, the owner can try to detect one Hidden enemy model to which he has normal Line of Sight. On a roll of 4+, the model looses his Hidden status. The spying Pirate can move as normal in that turn, but cannot run or charge.
Enchanted Compass: This apparently broken compass does not point North put to what the owner most desires. Roll a D6 after every battle on a roll of 1-4 the Bucaneers' never ending love for rum has got the better of him and the warband find nothing but rum, on a 5-6 the Buckaneer has his thoughts straight and leads the warband to a mighty horde, D3 extra treasure/wyrdstone.
Can be hired by any warband apart from Former Guardsmen, Witch Hunters, Sisters of Sigmar or ones containing a bounty hunter
Norscan Wayfarer 40gc hire/20gc upkeep + 15 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T2 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Arms and armour:
Free dagger, sword/axe/mace, longbow, unique arrows may be bought for a Wayfarer, toughened leathers, helm may be bought.
Keen Senses: Wayfinders spot all Hidden models within DOUBLE Initiative distance
May take shooting, combat, speed and Norscan Explorers speacial skills.
May be hired by pretty much anything except Brettonians.
Philosopher 35gc hire/20gc upkeep +20 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8
Dagger, Crossbow, Club
May take academic, speed and shooting skills.
Philosophy; The Philosopher may learn these studies instead of skills. They are randomly generated like spells. He starts with one study.
1. Study of Tactica: Allows owning player to redeploy d3 of his models after setup but before the frst turn begins.
2. Study of History: Allows the owning warband's models to hate the enmy warband on a roll of 4+ before the battle.
3. Study of Natural Philosophy: The owning warband gains +1 to hit any animals in the enmy warband.
4. Study of Mechanics: Gives +4" range to all crossbows in owning warband, and if the crossbow rolls a 6 to hit the hit gains +1 strength.
5. Study of Alchemy: On the roll of a 4 after each battle, the owning warband gains either 1xfire arrows or 1xsuperior blackpowder, their choice.
6. Study of Mysteries: The Philosopher may select one spell that an enemy magician can cast. On a roll of a 5+, he may learn it as a skill.
woot my special rule maybe a rule like charismatic?
I was thinking a different HS for that, but I will definitely write one with that.
well what other ones could there be the swashbuckler has already been done
I meant a flipped version,a femme fatale special rule of some sort.
Added several more. Thoughts?
Ronin is bit cheap
Might be that hired swords are all cheap but most of those seem pretty damn cheap.
They're all quite cheap tbh, but there again most of the above ain't that great.
3 more added.
I think you should raise the cost of the champ of Mal, he could smash the armadillo out of most people's leaders.
What were the katana rules?
2 handed, +1str, parry.
sweet can our heroes buy them?
It's rare 10, 20 gc.
ok getting one of them
Priest of Rhuin 50gc hire/25gc upkeep
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Light armour, sword, shield, helmet
Academic, Combat skill lists
Flaming sword :
prayer at dificulty 9, priest gets +2 WS +1 Attack +1 Str. Take a leadership test at the end of each turn (your turn and your opponents.) If the test fails the prayer drains away. May only be used once per turn.
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 Ld8
Light Armour, Cutlass, brace of Duelling Pistols, Buckler
combat speed shooting
Cutlass Master: These short, single bladed swords are the mainstays of any pirate crew, and in the hands of a trained seaman they are superb weapons for close quarters fighting. If the pirate is equipped with a Sword, this skill will give him the additional benefit of also being able to parry successfully if the player rolls equal to number rolled to hit, not just higher as normal. This extra ability only apply if the Pirate is not in the open; i.e.., only when in cover or in a building, within 2" of a terrain feature like a wall or tree, etc.
Swashbuckler: The pirate cuts a dashing figure in combat, mixing dazzling swordplay and acrobatic feats with charm and witty comments. Even the basest villains in Mordheim respect (and curse) his ability to always seem to effortlessly slip from their grasp. The pirate may make a Leadership Test at the end of any Hand to Hand phase (pirate
Nice idea but he seems a bit cheap. Exploration bonus, kick ass fighting, the spyglass and very well armed. I wonder where the compass idea came from.............
i don't know :$
Bucaneer, no k.
I'll add these tomorrow, well done guys keep at it.
just been looking at femme fatale rule i think it should apply to dwarves as a dwarf would still be affected if you don't change this then surely all races other than human would not be affected or let us hire courtesans of different races lol orc courtesan dwarf courtesan lizardman courtesan ogre courtesan lmao
The above would make more sense. Why would orcs be attracted to human women? Lizardmen are immune anyway, as we don't know thier gender.
to be fair i dont think there are any orc females
Jubal how much warband rating do I get for a nighllamachman?
Um... dunno. Find another HS of similar price and use that.
How about a Norscan Wayfinder:
4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Arms and armour:
Free dagger, sword/axe/falchion(Parry, Strength as user +1, -1 Initiative extra cost: 5 gc, )/mace, longbow, unique arrows may be bought for a Wayfinder, toughened leathers, helm may be bought.
Special Ability: Keen Senses. Wayfinders spot all Hidden models within DOUBLE Initiative distance
May take shooting, combat, speed and Norscan Explorers speacial skills.
May be hired by pretty much anything except Brettonians.
Cost 35, upkeep 15.
bit cheap
Yeah, I was basing it off the Stirlander Longbowman on Killer Shrike but he's rather cheap looking at others.
And I think Wayfarer would be a better name for him. Mabye 40 cold coins to hire, 20 upkeep. And remove the falchion option.
yeah ok
New HSs added.
How's this?
Philosopher 35gc hire/20gc upkeep
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8
Dagger, Crossbow, Club
May take academic, speed and shooting skills.
Philosophy; The Philosopher may learn these studies instead of skills. They are randomly generated like spells. He starts with one study.
1. Study of Tactica: Allows owning player to redeploy d3 of his models after setup but before the frst turn begins.
2. Study of History: Allows the owning warband's models to hate the enmy warband on a roll of 4+ before the battle.
3. Study of Natural Philosophy: The owning warband gains +1 to hit any animals in the enmy warband.
4. Study of Mechanics: Gives +4" range to all crossbows in owning warband, and if the crossbow rolls a 6 to hit the hit gains +1 strength.
5. Study of Alchemy: On the roll of a 4 after each battle, the owning warband gains either 1xfire arrows or 1xsuperior blackpowder, their choice.
6. Study of Mysteries: The Philosopher may select one spell that an enemy magician can cast. On a roll of a 5+, he may learn it as a skill.
just realised there is no warband rating for these guys
Can your write a list of some?
i might be able to
edited what do you think?
I found some rules recently that I started writing for Belkar Bitterleaf. Would anyone be interested to see the OOTS written up as Dramatis Personae?