Something of a continuation of my Journal of Corora the Songstress ---> (
A novel-style telling of a Pathfinder campaign myself, Othko, Teejackbo and TheRealNemesis are playing, which is being DM'd by SotK.
The Adventurers
Eldor - an elven paladin
Miglond - a barbarian scribe from a human tribe
Fenris - an elven rogue
Corora - a half-elven bard from the village of Ave Lenora on a forest edge
This particular chapter is set in a private backroom of the local tavern in Wrackside - 'The Quacking Moon'. Wrackside is one of three towns on the island, and the most northerly. It is populated mostly by farmers and beachcombers.
Comments are appreciated :)
'... like we said, we told Aeodira we'd take care of Stonetown's bandit problem, when we found the first tomb.' Eldor explained, subtly exchanging glances with his companions. 'We headed here to Wrackside to gather more information about it.'
Andmmek, Ealdorman of Wrackside, studied the group suspiciously. His green eyes narrowed, scanning each explorer.
'There must be a reason you were so eager to gather information on "an old tomb" as you call it. We're hardly short of them on Isle Dumont.' Viprir, the shabby, mysterious traveller-type the friends had met in the Quacking Moon also looked from person to person. He suspected something, Eldor knew, and along with his companions was deciding if now was the time to share the knowledge of their discovery.
'What was the tomb called? Or do you not know?' Viprir asked calmly.
'It was unnamed...' Miglond the Barbarian answered quickly.
Andmmek raised his eyebrows.
Corora signed, 'We suspect,' she began 'that we discovered - accidentally - the lost tomb of Golljolfr and Kodlwulf.'
'The founders?' Viprir seemed surprised, but surprise, Corora suspected, would not be a difficult thing for someone with his diplomatic talents to feign.
'I'm sure there's a lot of other Golljolfrs and Kodlwulfs knocking around...' interjected Fenris.
'The lost tomb...' Viprir leaned forward in his chair - 'What... was there anything inside?'
Corora glanced over at her companions.
'I assume perhaps there are legendary relics associated with those particular founders?' she started.
'The blade of Kodlwulf and the cloak of Golljolfr' Andmmek recited, as if from a storybook.
'And I don't suppose the cloak looked anything like this?' Fenris produces a jet black cloak, embellished with shimmering black plumes.
'By the Gods...' Andmmek breathed 'who else knows you have this?'
'Not a soul' Fenris seemed somewhat defensive. Eldor stood, turning so the Ealdorman could see the scabbard at his waist.
'And I assume this isn't just any jewel-encrusted sword either?'
'The blade of Kodlwulf. The Elf killer. I don't suppose - I mean, you haven't tried killing any elves with it?'
Eldor looked bemused.
'No. Of course not, no.' Andmmek looked rather sheepish.
'Did you find anything else?' Viprir queried. Fenris raised the new bow he held.
'Other than this...' he said dismissively 'But of course you know about Lonthar's bow - ancient tomb, founder buried near your own town...'
'I meant in the first tomb' Viprir urged.
'Well, fine. Stupid bow doesn't work anyway...'
Andmmek interrupted. 'Doesn't work. How can it not work?'
Fenris shrugged. 'Can't fire an arrow from the damn thing more than a few feet myself.'
'What about everyone else?' Viprir asked.
'Who knows. No one but Fenris has had a look in.' Corora rolled her eyes.
'Well you try then!'
As Corora took the bow and made for the back door of the room, she felt a warmth emanating from the weapon.
'Why didn't you tell us it was hot, Fenris?' Corora asked exasperatedly.
Fenris, who had been following anxiously, stopped in his tracks.
'It isn't. It's icy cold to touch...'
A gentle shove from Eldor following him ushered him quickly out of the door. Viprir and Andmmek stood in the doorway, staring out curiously. Miglond, still sitting at the table, ale in hand, sighed and made for a window to look out of. Corora positioned herself in the centre of the empty road beside the tavern. Raised the bow, drew the string back to her shoulder...
The arrow released, sailing into the darkness and out of sight with a high-pitched whistle. Fenris looked on, glued to the spot he had taken on the roadside, stunned. Corora smirked, and headed for the warmth of tavern once again.
'A cursed bow if I ever saw one...' Viprir murmured, as everyone took their seats. A moment or two of silence passed, then Viprir raised his eyes from his drink.
'So, did you find anything else in the tomb of Golljolfr and Kodlwulf?' he pressed.
The adventurers exchanged glances, feeling the gazes of both Viprir and Andmmek upon them.
Corora broke the silence at long last.
'Perhaps it is about time we told someone...'