
Game Design and Project Resources: The Workshops Quarter => Mods, Maps & Game Add-Ons - The Bazaar => Rome - Total Realism => Topic started by: ahowl11 on October 08, 2016, 05:12:20 PM

Title: Cultures
Post by: ahowl11 on October 08, 2016, 05:12:20 PM
So in RTW we are allowed a grand total of just 7 cultures, and on top of that we are allowed 3 working religion slots.

Our cultures:
Roman - Rome
Greek - Greek Cities, Macedon, Seleucid, Hellenic Kingdoms
Eastern - Parthia, Pontus, Armenia, Nabataea
Carthaginian - Carthage, Numidia
Egyptian - Egypt
Barbarian - Gauls, Celtic Tribes, Germans, Dacians, Iberians, Illyrians
Nomad - Sarmatia, Saka

Our religions (culture in-game):
Western Civilized
Eastern Civilized

Okay so religions are not assigned to factions, but instead to characters, buildings, and regions. So Rome can have a barbarian region, but have a Western Civilized Governor, which would mean unrest. We can add more religions or 'cultures' to be more diverse but they do not have the same hard coded effects. For them to be effective, they'd need to have traits I believe.
So if we want to add more we can, but for now the 3 we have are pretty good.

Now for the 7 cultures, I have a few ideas before we move on from them.

1. Change Carthage to Eastern, keep Numidia as Carthaginian which would be changed to African. There are Numidian Portraits available, and the African culture can represent Numidia, Mauretania, Gaetulia, Garamantia, Libya, and Ethiopia.

2. Keep Carthage as Carthaginian, but add Iberia to be Carthaginian. Make Egypt Greek, and turn Egyptian to African. Then make Numidia African for same concept.

3. (Best Proposal imho) Make Egypt Greek, and Illyria Greek. Make Carthage Eastern. Have Numidia be African. Make Gauls & Celtic Tribes, Celtic. Make Parthia nomad. Would end up looking like:
Roman - Rome
Nomad - Sarmatia, Saka, Parthia
Greek - Greek Cities, Seleucid, Macedon, Egypt, Hellenic Kingdoms, Illyria
Eastern - Carthage, Pontus, Armenia, Nabataea
African - Numidia
Celtic - Celtic Tribes, Gauls
Barbarian - Dacia, Iberia, Germania

Now Illyria can still be barbarian, Dacia could be Celtic. Parthia can still be eastern. None of those changes really change anything. But having an African culture and splitting up the Barbarians does change it. This would mean that Carthage will have a culture penalty in Africa dealing with the Numidians, and it means that the Gauls and Celts will be surrounded by a different culture making a clash with Germans and Iberians inevitable. This adds flavor to the game as we can make the 'Dislikes Celts' trait etc.

The only thing I dislike, is the fact that I just feel like Iberia and Illyria are semi-civilized and they just don't fit anywhere.

If anyone opposes let me know, otherwise I think we should give it a shot.

Title: Re: Cultures
Post by: DCLXVIMRTRVEBLAKKOKKVLTDCLXVI on October 08, 2016, 05:50:37 PM
Wasn't Iberia semi-celtic?
Title: Re: Cultures
Post by: Vrosivs Avgvstvs Rakvs on October 08, 2016, 06:05:51 PM
I'd not put Iberians to be Carthaginian, they fit either into Celtic or Barbarian, but deffo not Carthaginian. As for Illyrians, they can remain Barbarian, I see no reason not to. Illyria was afaik keen to accepting parts of Greek culture, but they still retained their own.
Title: Re: Cultures
Post by: ahowl11 on October 09, 2016, 08:06:22 AM
Iberians were not Celtic. Celt-Iberians were. This graphic explains it well. Our Iberians faction covers the Turdetani and Iberian areas.

Title: Re: Cultures
Post by: Vrosivs Avgvstvs Rakvs on October 09, 2016, 09:18:43 AM
I see. Well, I'd say we should go with the barbarian culture then.
Title: Re: Cultures
Post by: Mausolos of Caria on October 09, 2016, 10:14:35 PM
Yeah and I'd have Dacians and Illyrians as Barbarians as well. Let's not forget that it effects diplomatic relations and conquest, and Illyrians and Greeks ALWAYS fought against each other all the time.
Title: Re: Cultures
Post by: Vrosivs Avgvstvs Rakvs on October 09, 2016, 10:25:10 PM
Yeah and I'd have Dacians and Illyrians as Barbarians as well. Let's not forget that it effects diplomatic relations and conquest, and Illyrians and Greeks ALWAYS fought against each other all the time.

I second this.