What should the name of this game be?
Option 1: Turannos: The Game of Tyrants
Option 2: A Game of Tyrants
Option 3: Turannos
Option 4: A Time of Tyrants
So, I need to change the name of the game as someone else is making a skirmish wargame atm called Age of Tyrants and I don't want to tread on toes. Which of the above names do people like?
I don't have any firm view (so no vote, I'm afraid), but I do have some rather disjointed thoughts.
My suspicion is that "turannos" is not going to mean much to people unless they're historians with some knowledge of the relevant period; on the other hand, it's a nice distinctive trademarkable word, which might work on combination with a more descriptive phrase or subtitle.
"A Game of Tyrants" ought to be sufficiently distinct to avoid attention from a certain other "A Game of..." franchise, but I don't know how litigious they are. Then again, "A Game of..." feels a bit odd to me as the name of a game.
An alternative, getting away from the explicit reference to tyrants, might be something based on "Polis", as being the setting that each player is trying to gain control of.
I feel the tyrant reference is better than the polis one, as polis perhaps makes people expect classical rather than archaic Greece (to the extent that people know the difference).
"A/The Game Of" perhaps works better as a subtitle, leaning toward the first option presented?
Option No.1 for me.
Thanks :)