this is skins.txt it's where you can change aspects of races like faces hairstyles colors animations etc...:
Spoiler: click to toggle
woman 1
woman_body woman_calf_l f_handL
female_head 28 skinkey_chin_size 230 0 0.800000 -1.000000 Chin_Size skinkey_chin_shape 220 0 -1.000000 1.000000 Chin_Shape skinkey_chin_forward 10 0 -1.200000 1.000000 Chin_Forward skinkey_jaw_width 20 0 -0.600000 1.200000 Jaw_Width skinkey_jaw_position 40 0 -0.700000 1.000000 Jaw_Position skinkey_mouth_nose_distance 270 0 0.900000 -0.900000 Mouth-Nose_Distance skinkey_mouth_width 30 0 -0.500000 1.000000 Mouth_Width skinkey_cheeks 50 0 -0.500000 1.000000 Cheeks skinkey_nose_height 60 0 -0.500000 1.000000 Nose_Height skinkey_nose_width 70 0 -0.500000 1.100000 Nose_Width skinkey_nose_size 80 0 1.500000 -0.300000 Nose_Size skinkey_nose_shape 240 0 -1.000000 0.800000 Nose_Shape skinkey_nose_bridge 90 0 0.000000 1.100000 Nose_Bridge skinkey_cheek_bones 100 0 -0.500000 1.500000 Cheek_Bones skinkey_eye_width 150 0 -0.400000 1.000000 Eye_Width skinkey_eye_to_eye_dist 110 0 1.000000 0.000000 Eye_to_Eye_Dist skinkey_eye_shape 120 0 -0.200000 1.000000 Eye_Shape skinkey_eye_depth 130 0 -0.100000 1.600000 Eye_Depth skinkey_eyelids 140 0 -0.200000 1.000000 Eyelids skinkey_eyebrow_position 160 0 -0.200000 1.200000 Eyebrow_Position skinkey_eyebrow_height 170 0 -0.200000 0.700000 Eyebrow_Height skinkey_eyebrow_depth 250 0 -0.400000 0.900000 Eyebrow_Depth skinkey_eyebrow_shape 180 0 -1.500000 1.200000 Eyebrow_Shape skinkey_temple_width 260 0 1.000000 -0.700000 Temple_Width skinkey_face_depth 200 0 -0.500000 1.000000 Face_Depth skinkey_face_ratio 210 0 -0.500000 0.900000 Face_Ratio skinkey_face_width 190 0 -0.400000 0.800000 Face_Width skinkey_post_edit 280 0 0.000000 1.000000 Post-Edit
woman_hair_p woman_hair_n woman_hair_o woman_hair_q woman_hair_r woman_hair_t woman_hair_s newhair sib_hairn1 sib_hairn2 sib_hairn3 sib_hairn4 sib_hairn5 sib_hairn6 sib_hairn7 sib_hairafro1 ren_hair1 ren_sibhair2 sib_curly
5 hair_blonde hair_red hair_brunette hair_black hair_white
20 womanface_young 4293126383 1 4 hair_blonde 4294967295 4289742615 4283443737 4279832588 womanface_b 4292861919 1 4 hair_blonde 4289021983 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_a 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_brown 4289699710 1 3 hair_blonde 4279832588 4278979865 68451502092 womanface_african 4286611584 1 2 hair_blonde 4279371784 68451502092 womanface_x 4292861919 1 4 hair_blonde 4289021983 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_sib3 4293126383 1 4 hair_blonde 1111111111 9999999999 1111111111 9999999999 womanface_sib2 4293126383 1 4 hair_blonde 4294967295 4289742615 4283443737 4279832588 womanface_sib1 4293126383 1 4 hair_blonde 4294967295 4289742615 4283443737 4279832588 womanface_y 4293126383 1 4 hair_blonde 4294967295 4289742615 4283443737 4279832588 womanface_z 4293126383 1 4 hair_blonde 4294967295 4289742615 4283443737 4279832588 womanface_sib4 4289699710 1 3 hair_blonde 4279832588 4278979865 68451502092 womanface_sib5 4289699710 1 3 hair_blonde 4279832588 4278979865 68451502092 womanface_new1 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_new2 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_new3 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_new4 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_new5 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_new6 4293451749 1 3 hair_blonde 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865 womanface_amidala 4293451749 1 3 hair_black 4283443737 4279832588 4278979865
2 0 snd_woman_die 1 snd_woman_hit
skel_human 1.000000
2 3
█: meshes used for the body & face.
█: meshes used for hair.
█: meshes used for beard (( here 0 becaus it's a woman :P))
█: materials used for hair (( & this is where I have a problem because even if I add a new material or use another one of the vanillas "hair_brunette / hair-red / ..." the game still uses the Hair_blonde one)) does anyone know how to add a new material??? or is it just impossible??
█: materials used for beard.
█: materials used for faces the 3 strings of numbers following hair_blonde control the color of hair:
womanface_brown 4289699710 1 3 hair_blonde 4279832588 4278979865 68451502092
█: sounds used for this race "cry / hit etc"
█: skeleton used for this race ((for those who want to create a race on four legs change to horse skeleton :P))
ModuleSystem is your friend?
If you understood a word of that, you should be proud!
Quote from: "Millenium"If you understood a word of that, you should be proud!
I did!
I used to edit game files in different games all the time, in this one (tribes vengeance) I basically modded my server to let you have unlimited jetpack *gas* (fun)
I haven't tried with the module system but I don't think it would solve the problem since it works like the txt files right???
I'll try it though =]
could we change those body meshes to make dwarves?? Just make smaller humans and put them ingame
dont think its possible, probably the axe is 1 meter away then :D
we can't for now because if we scale the meshes we'll have to scale the skeletons, & if we scale the skeletons they'll no more fit the native animations. so untill a new version of BRF that allows adding new animations get released we'll have to deal with huge dwarfs :)
That would be fine for the first release, I think.
Give 'em BIG old beards and it'll all be fine.