what models do we have until now? please post screenies and a list. i want to see, how much have still to be done...
Good orginization Darwin, and we really need a list modelers. Extremely important to the leaders with the super-secret jobs :wink:
i dont understand the last sentence :unsure:
btw, baron, :wink: doesnt work here :D
I know, but I still use it :wink:
Darwin, have you been sent any models recently? We really need a supply of FINISHED models now, so that we can implement them! And we also need Chisi!
Modellers- Send all finished models to Darwin (and if possible, a picture of them to me), so that we can get them in the mod. I think our priority now should be to get the game out, THEN we can start adding all these awesome features.
Also, the dragon model should now be our first priority. I aim to get it in the first release, and now as we have certainty on making skeletons, its more possible than ever before. Could someone take this as their top job?
no, i've just wpn_pck1 :( :(
well the dragon mesh is finished I don't digital paint so I can't put on a good texture so anyone interested???
isnt there any good pic of a dragon on the internet?
forget it, i'll bring you your texture, if you can give me the uv map
Texture shouldn't be too bad. Any idea on making the skeleton?
Also, the animations should probably be done through blender.
Here are the UVsnapshots of both dragons.
I don't know anything about blender, too much complicated.
let's ask on the TW forum??
Spoiler: click to toggle
Spoiler: click to toggle
thanks sib, you're gonna get a cool texture soon
ooo finally the dragons are getting closer to be finished :)
yay :)
i asked some people on a forum for graphics, they make free graphics for members (and i am one)
cool when they're ready send them to me in their actual format don't convert them to jpg so they wont lose quality."unless they're already" :p
Excellent work guys!
you know what i wanna ask....
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
Is it ready yet?
no, actually
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?
What about the models?