Just a placeholder for now, but this thread will collate our various pieces of equipment.
Food & Drink
Raw Materials
WeaponsUnarmed Fighting and Improvised Weapons
Unarmed Fighting is a catch-all term for manner of strikes performed with the body, without using a weapon. It encompasses punching, kicking, scratching, biting and in some cases, even head-butting and goring. As it is not a weapon, an Unarmed Attack cannot usually be Disarmed, though this may come down to the GM's discretion. An Unarmed combatant, unless possessed of an ability or Equipment which indicates otherwise, cannot Parry non-Unarmed or non-Improvised Attacks. Some Races, Classes and Equipment may alter the specifics of how this form of combat is resolved, but as a base, use the following profile.
Unarmed Attack: Damage 1+SM, CR: 00-01, -20 To Hit, Compact, Non-Lethal, No Parry
Improvised Weapons come in two varieties. They may either be random objects in the environment used at the utmost end of need, or a weapon which the character in question does not possess the appropriate proficiency to use. If the latter, the weapon retains any special qualities it may have, with any negatives to hit stacking with the flat -20 for an Improvised Weapon, while Damage is halved, rounding up.
Improvised Weapons: Damage 2+SM, CR: 00-02, -20 To Hit
In addition to this, as long as the wielder has a rank of Proficiency in the weapon, any melee weapon can be used to deliver a Non-Lethal strike, using the above profile but adding the Non-Lethal property to the array.
Common Weapons
Common Weapon Proficiencies are available to be purchased by any character. Most characters begin their careers with their choice of a single Common Weapon Proficiency granted for free, chosen from this list.
Dagger/Knife: Slashing Damage 4+SM, Piercing Damage 5+SM, CR: 00-03, Compact, No Parry, Concealable, Light, Precise, Quick Draw, 1s6c.
Axe-Knife: Slashing Damage 7+SM, Piercing Damage 3+SM, CR: 00-03, Compact, No Parry, Concealable, Light, Precise, Quick Draw, 1s6c.
Hand Axe/Hatchet: Slashing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-03, Compact, Light, Quick Draw,1s8c.
Shortsword: Slashing Damage 7+SM, Piercing Damage 5+SM, CR: 00-04, Compact, Light, 2s4c.
Cudgel: -5 To Hit, Bludgeoning Damage 3+SM, CR: 00-02, Compact, Light, 4c.
Mace: -5 to Hit, Bludgeoning Damage 5+SM, CR: 00-04, Armour Piercing, Compact, 6s4c.
Stave: -5 To Hit, Bludgeoning Damage 3+SM, CR: 00-02, Defensive, Two Handed, 10c.
Spear: Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-03, Reach, Defensive, Bastard Weapon, Mounted Charge, Brace, 2s.
Shortbow: 30/60 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 4+SM, CR: 00-03, Half Action Reload, Light, 7s6c.
Crossbow: 40/80 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 9, CR: 00-04, Full Action Reload, 16s10c.
Pellet Crossbow: 35/70 Yard Range, Bludgeoning Damage 7, CR: 00-03, Full Action Reload, 14s8c.
Hand Crossbow: 20/40 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 6, CR: 00-03, Full Action Reload, Compact, Light, 9s6c
Sling: 25/50 Yard Range, Bludgeoning Damage 3+SM, CR: 00-02, Half Action Reload, Concealable, Light, Quick Draw, 8c.
Caestus: Bludgeoning Damage 2xSM, Compact, No Parry, Concealable, Light, 3s4c
Buckler: Bludgeoning Damage 1+SM, Compact, Light, Quick Draw, Free Parry, 2s4c
Light Shield: Bludgeoning Damage 1+SM, Quick Draw, Free Parry, -10 To Hit Bearer, 3s6c
Martial Weapons
Martial Weapon Proficiencies can be purchased by any character with access to the Martial Weapons list. Many classes start with a single Martial Weapon Proficiency granted for free, chosen from this list.
War Axe: Slashing Damage 9+SM, CR: 00-04, Bastard Weapon, 6s2c.
Arming Sword: Slashing Damage 7+SM, Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-05, Defensive, 10s6c.
Sabre: Slashing Damage 8+SM, Piercing Damage 5+SM, CR: 00-05, Duelling, 10s4c.
Rapier: Slashing Damage 5+SM, Piercing Damage 8+SM, CR: 00-06, Duelling, Precise, 12s2c.
Warhammer/Warpick: -5 to Hit, Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-04, Armour Piercing, 8s4c.
Morningstar: -10 To Hit, Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage 9+SM, CR: 00-05, Armour Piercing, Impact, Slow, Heavy, 14s6c.
Longsword: Slashing Damage 8+SM, Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-05, Defensive, Duelling, Bastard Weapon, 16s8c.
Greataxe: Slashing Damage 12+SM, CR: 00-04, Impact, Heavy, Two Handed, 16s10c.
Greatsword: Slashing Damage 11+SM, Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-05, Two Handed, 19s6c.
Falx: Slashing/Piercing Damage 7+SM, CR: 00-06, Armour Piercing, Brutal, Two Handed, 17s
Great Hammer/Maul: -5 To Hit, Bludgeoning Damage 6+2xSM, CR: 00-04, Armour Piercing, Brutal, Impact, Slow, Heavy, Two Handed, 16s6c.
Flail: -20 To Hit, Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage 9+2xSM, CR: 00-05, Armour Piercing, Impact, Brutal, Slow, Heavy, Two Handed, Imprecise, 12s.
Longspear: Piercing Damage 7+SM, CR: 00-03, Reach, Armour Piercing, Two Handed, Mounted Charge, Brace, 3s9c.
Polearm (Halberd, glaive, guisarme etc.): Slashing/Piercing/Bludgeoning Damage 9+SM, CR: 00-04, Reach, Armour Piercing, Two Handed, Brace, 10s4c.(Depending on the polearm, this can be altered)
Selfbow: 40/80 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-04, Half Action Reload, 10s6c.
Throwing Axes: 15/30 Yard Range, Slashing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-04, Compact, 2s8c.
Javelins/Throwing Spears: 15/30 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-04, Shieldbreaker, Slow, 6s.
Targe Shield: Piercing Damage 4+SM, Brace, Quick Draw, Free Parry, -10 To Hit Bearer, 5s6c
Duelling Shield: Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-03, Armour Piercing, Bastard Weapon, Defensive, Free Parry, -10 To Hit Bearer, 10s2c
Heavy Shield: Bludgeoning Damage 1+SM, Free Parry, -20 To Hit Bearer, Heavy, 6s6c
Tower Shield: Bludgeoning Damage 1+SM, Free Parry, -30 To Hit Bearer, Slow, Heavy, 10s8c
Specialist Ranged Weapons
Specialist Ranged Weapon Proficiencies can be purchased by any character with access to the Specialist Ranged Weapons list. Some classes start with a single Specialist Ranged Weapon Proficiency granted for free, chosen from this list. A few classes may also choose a Weapon Proficiency from this list instead of a Martial Weapon Proficiency from the list above.
Longbow: 60/120 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 7+SM, CR: 00-04, Half Action Reload, 17s2c.
Horsebow: 40/80 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 8+SM, CR: 00-04, Half Action Reload, Light, 16s6c.
Throwing Knives/Stars/Darts: 10/20 Yard Range, Slashing/Piercing Damage 4+SM, CR: 00-02, Compact, Concealable, Light, Precise, 1s10c.
Throwing Axes: 15/30 Yard Range, Slashing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-04, Compact, 2s8c.
Javelins/Throwing Spears: 15/30 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 6+SM, CR: 00-04, Shieldbreaker, Slow, 6s.
Heavy Crossbow/Arbalest: 60/120 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 14, CR: 00-05, Full Action Reload, 40s10c.
Harquebus: Misfire Chance: 96-99, 35/70 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 17, CR: 00-06, 2 Full Action Reload, Impact, Armour Piercing, 120s.
Pistol: Misfire Chance: 97-99, 15/30 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 11, CR: 00-06, 2 Full Action Reload, Compact, Impact, Armour Piercing, Concealable, 100s.
Assassin Weapon List
Blowpipe: 10/20 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 3, CR: 00-02, Half Action Reload, Compact, Light, Concealable, Precise, 4s2c
Rope Dart: 10/20 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 4+SM, CR: 00-02, Concealable, Light, Rope, 1s11c
Piercer: Piercing Damage 3+SM, CR: 00-07, Compact, No Parry, Concealable, Light, Precise, 1s11c.
Punch-Dagger: Piercing Damage 5+SM, CR: 00-06, Compact, No Parry, Concealable, Light, Precise 2s4c
Artificer Weapon List
Heavy Crossbow/Arbalest: 60/120 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 14, CR: 00-05, Full Action Reload, 40s10c.
Harquebus: Misfire Chance: 96-99, 35/70 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 17, CR: 00-06, 2 Full Action Reload, Impact, Armour Piercing, 120s.
Pistol: Misfire Chance: 97-99, 15/30 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 11, CR: 00-06, 2 Full Action Reload, Compact, Impact, Armour Piercing, Concealable, 100s.
Repeater Crossbow: -5 To Hit, 35/70 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 7, CR: 00-02, Full Action Reload, Magazine (10 shots), Repeater, 42s10c.
Revolver: Misfire Chance: 94-99, 15/30 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 9, CR: 00-05, 1 Full Action Reload, Compact, Impact, Armour Piercing, Concealable, Magazine (6 shots), Repeater, 132s8c.
Blunderbuss: Misfire Chance: 95-99, 20 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 12, CR: 00-05, Short Rest Reload, Impact, Armour Piercing, Shrapnel, 140s.
Rifle: Misfire Chance: 96-99, 60/120 Yard Range, Piercing Damage 19, CR: 00-06, 2 Full Action Reload, Impact, Armour Piercing, 160s.
Flame Cannon: Misfire Chance: 92-99, 20 Yard Range, Fire Damage D10+5, Short Rest Reload, Blast, Heavy, Imprecise, Magazine (3 shots), 180s.
Grenade: Misfire Chance: 96-99, 15/30 Yard Range, Variable Damage and Qualities, Concealable
Weapon Adjustments and Additions
Double Barrel:
Special Ammunitions
Clay Bullets (Sling)
Lead Bullets (Sling)
Flight Arrows (Bows)
Broadhead Arrows (Bows)
Bodkin Arrows (Bows)
Weapon Traits
Armour Piercing - A successful Attack made with this property ignores a single point of Damage Reduction provided by Armour.
Bastard Weapon - A weapon with this property may be used with either one or two hands, which the wielder may choose at the start of their Turn every Combat Round.
Blast - A successful Attack with this property is considered to hit all Hit Locations. Any targets hit by the attack must roll Damage Avoidance against each Hit Location separately, with Damage also being resolved separately against each Hit Location.
Brace - The wielder of a weapon with this property may forgo their Movement to Brace the weapon against a stable object, the ground, a sturdy wall or boulder or equivalent. Any attackers approaching the wielder's front arc gain no bonuses from a Charge Attack.
Brutal - A successful Attack with this property still causes Half Damage upon a successful Parry or Missile Deflection.
Catastrophic Misfire - As the Misfire property, except upon the Misfire, roll a D10. On a 2-3, the weapon is badly damaged and cannot be used until repaired. On a 1, the weapon is destroyed entirely beyond repair and resolve the weapon's shot against the wielder and any valid targets within 5 yards of the wielder. The wielder may make a Damage Avoidance Check to halve this damage.
Compact - A Compact weapon is not subject to Disadvantage when being used in Confined Spaces or in a Grapple.
Concealable - A Concealable weapon can be hidden upon the body, and is considered to be so unless otherwise specifically stated or worn openly. Roll a Concealment Check to actively hide the weapon, opposed the searcher's Search Check to actively hide it if someone is specifically searching the character's body.
Defensive - The wielder of a weapon with this property may exchange a Half Action to gain a +10 bonus to all Parry and Dodge Checks until the start of their next Turn.
Duelling - A Duelling weapon's Critical Range is considered to be x2 upon a successful Riposte.
Free Parry - The wielder of a weapon with this property gains a free Parry attempt at the end of their Turn. If unused, this Parry is lost each Turn.
Heavy - Readying this weapon is considered a Full Action.
Light - This Quality does nothing in itself, however many abilities in game require a Light item.
Impact - Upon taking Damage from an Attack with the Impact property, after Damage Reduction, if the Damage exceeds double the Target's Toughness Modifier, they must make a Toughness Check. If this is failed, they are Slowed for the next Combat Round.
Imprecise - A weapon with this property cannot be used to make a Called Shot to a specific Hit Location.
Magazine - The wielder of a weapon with this property may use the weapon to perform a Ranged Attack with as many shots as are present in the magazine before requiring it to be reloaded.
Misfire - On a to Hit roll within the range indicated by the weapon, the weapon is considered to have Misfired. A Misfired weapon fails to shoot that turn and requires a Full Action to clear the jam. The weapon must then be re-loaded. In addition to this, upon the Misfire, roll a D10. On a 1, the weapon is badly damaged and cannot be used until repaired.
Mounted Charge - The wielder of this weapon, if performing a Charge Attack while mounted, may double their effective Strength Modifier upon a successful Hit. Note this is calculated after adding their mount's Strength Modifier due to performing a Mounted Charge Attack.
Non-Lethal - Inflicting damage beyond the Incapacitation point with an Attack with this property will not cause the Incapacitated target to roll Death Checks. A Critical Hit from an Attack with this property can also ignore the Critical Hit effect if the attacker chooses, but still apply the additional Critical Hit Damage. A weapon with this property can be used to make a lethal attack by inflicting an -10 to Hit penalty.
No Parry - A weapon with this property, unless otherwise specified by a character's ability, cannot be used to Parry Attacks other than Unarmed and Improvised Attacks.
Precise - Making an Attack with a weapon with this property may be resolved as a Called Precise Shot. Doing so incurs a -30 to Hit, however if successful, the Attack may specifically target the gaps in a target's armour, ignoring the target's Damage Reduction provided by Armour.
Quick Draw - Readying this weapon is considered a Swift Action.
Reach - Melee Attacks with this property can be made from the extended range indicated on the weapon's array.
Rending - A successful Attack made with this property ignores all Damage Reduction provided by the Target's Toughness Modifier.
Reload - Once a weapon's loaded ammunition is spent, the wielder must spend the time indicated on the weapon's array to reload the weapon in order to make another Ranged Attack.
Repeater - In a Half Action, the wielder may shoot the entirety of the weapon's loaded ammunition, with each shot incurring a cumulative -10 to Hit.
Rope - The weapon is attached to a length of rope (which may be bought separately). This rope may be used to initiate a Grapple Check at Range upon a successful Ranged Combat Check.
Shieldbreaker - This weapon will stick in the target. Should a weapon with this Property hit a Shield, it will stick. Until it is removed, the Shield is unable to provide a Free Parry and will incur Disadvantage on any Close Combat or Parry Checks the wielder may be called upon to use.
Shrapnel -
Slow - An Attack made with a weapon with this Property provides a +10 to any Damage Avoidance Checks which might be made against it. In addition to that, the weapon cannot be used to make a Quick Attack.
Throwing Weapon -
Two-Handed - A weapon with this property counts the wielder's Strength Modifier as the first digit of their Strength when used two-handed. Alternatively, the weapon can be used one-handed as an Improvised Weapon, as if the wielder does not have any Proficiency in the weapon.
Versatile - A weapon with this property is considered to do all Types of Damage listed on it's profile in one strike. Apply whichever Damage Type is most effective. For example, if a target is Resistant to one Damage Type, but Vulnerable to another, apply the Vulnerability.
ArmourLight Armour
Padded Tunic/Gambeson: 2AV Torso, 1AV Arms, 3s4c
Rawhide Jerkin: 1AV Torso, 1s6c
Leather Jerkin: 2AV Torso, 3s
Leather Spaulders: 1AV Arms & Torso, 2s ea.
Leather Vambraces: 1AV Arms, 1s ea.
Leather Greaves: 1AV Legs, 1s ea.
Leather Helm: 1AV Head, 1s3c
Leather Greatcoat: 1AV Torso & Arms & Legs, 3s4c
Linen Cuirass: 2AV Torso, Resistant to Slashing, Vulnerable to Water, 7s6c
Splinted Rerebraces: 1AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, 4s ea.
Splinted Vambraces: 1AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, 3s6c ea.
Splinted Greaves: 1AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, 3s6c ea.
Moderate Armour
Lamellar Cuirass: 3AV Torso, Weak to Piercing, 7s4c
Splinted Hauberk: 3AV Torso, 2AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, 24s2c
Scale Hauberk: 5AV Torso, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, -10 Silent Move, 36s
Scale Gauntlets: 2AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, Gauntlet, 8s ea
Scale Boots: 2AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 8s ea
Scale Helm: 2AV Head, Resistant to Slashing, Weak to Piercing, 8s
Chain Mantle: 2AV Torso, 1AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 18s5c
Chain Hauberk: 4AV Torso & Arms & Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -10 Silent Move, 62s10c
Chain Haubergeon: 4AV Torso & Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 52s10c
Chain Gloves: 2AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, Gauntlet, 10s ea
Chain Chausses: 2AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 10s ea
Chain Fauld: 2AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 16s
Chain Coif: 2AV Head, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 16s
Light Plate Vambraces: 2AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 28s ea
Light Plate Spaulders: 2AV Arms & 1AV Torso, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 16s6c ea
Light Plate Cuirass: 5AV Torso, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 65s10c
Heavy Armour
Brigandine Cuirass: 5AV Torso & Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 60s10c
Light Plate Fauld: 3AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -5 Silent Move, 40s6c
Light Plate Greaves: 3AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 32s ea
Light Plate Rerebraces: 3AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 32s ea
Light Plate Helm: 3AV Head, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 32s
Heavy Plate Cuirass: 8AV Torso & Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -20 Silent Move & -10 Acrobatics, 90s11c
Heavy Plate Fauld: 4AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -10 Silent Move, 70s6c
Heavy Plate Greaves: 4AV Legs, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -10 Silent Move, 40s ea
Heavy Plate Rerebraces: 4AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 70s6c ea
Heavy Plate Vambraces: 3AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, 62s ea
Heavy Plate Gauntlets: 4AV Arms, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, Gauntlets, 72s ea
Heavy Plate Greathelm: 4AV Head, Resistant to Slashing & Piercing, -10 Acrobatics, 62s
Miscellaneous Equipment
Animal Glue: A simple adhesive made predominantly from boiled animal products. A glued object requires a successful Strength Check to pull apart. 10 applications per 1s.
Astrolabe: A complex array of discs and rings. May spend a minute to determine the exact time and date by looking at the stars and adjusting the astrolabe. May key Survival (Navigation) Checks off Intelligence while using an astrolabe. 100s
Backpack, Leather: Basic pack. 8c
Barrel: 6c
Basket: 2c
Bedroll: 4c
Bell: 10c
Blanket: 2c
Block & Tackle Pulley: 12s
Caltrops: 5 square yards per 1s. Makes the area Difficult Terrain.
Candle: 1c
Cauldron: 1s
Chain: 5s per 5 yards.
Chalk: 1cp for 20 uses
Chest, Locked: Lock of varying quality. 8s
Chest, Unlocked: 2s
Compass: 6s4c
Drill: 10c
Flag/Banner: 1s-20s
Flask: 3c
Flint & Tinderbox: 6c
Grappling Hook: No rope, 4s
Hammer: 10c
Hammock: 4c
Hourglass: 11c
Ladder: 1s8c
Lantern: Illuminates 15 yard radius. Fuelled by lamp oil. 1s8c
Lock: Varying quality, 6s
Magnet: 4s
Magnifying Glass: 1s
Manacles: 14s
Map, Local: Often annotated or otherwise marked, widely varying quality, 10s
Map, World: Varying quality, 10s-
Pouch, Leather
Rope, Hemp
Rope, Silk
Rope, Steel
Sack, Burlap
Saddle & Tack
Sealing Wax
Tent, Large
Tent, Moderate
Tent, Pavilion
Tent, Small
Trap, Gin
Trap, Snare
Trap, Bear
Food & Drink
Absinthe: Strongly alcoholic green drink, popular in the Lowlands of Norbayne. 3s
Ale: Malted barley drink, somewhat fruity aftertaste. Popular worldwide, some ales are better than others. 2c
Beer: Another malted barley drink, stronger yeast flavour. Travels well, beers originated in the Highlands of Norbayne but are popular in most regions. 2c
Biscuits: Hard baked goods, small and bite-sized. Staple of trail and military rations worldwide. 1c
Breads: Baked, can be leavened or unleavened, the latter more popular in the south, probably originated in Sothbayne. Goes stale swiftly. 2c
Cheeses: Dairy goods, made from milk, encased in a tough rind to keep fresh. 4c
Cider: Liquor crafted from fermented apple, a staple of Leathe society which has spread through the Midlands of Norbayne. 3c
Coffee: Strong caffeinated drink which originated in the far south, possibly Lemaria. Still relatively uncommon through most of the world. 10c
Eggs: From various animals, mainly chickens and ducks, very common. 1c
Fruits: Easily foraged, many varieties, apples, pears, peaches, berries etc. 1c
Gin: Strong liquor crafted from fermented juniper berries. Spread from the Lowlands of Norbayne. 10c
Mead: Fermented honey drink, can be very strong. Quite popular worldwide, particularly in the north. 4c
Meats: Wide variety of sources, fish, fowl, livestock etc. 4c
Milk: Can be taken from goats, cows and potentially other livestock. 2c
Mushrooms: Edible fungus, staple of many diets, particularly in woodland and subterranean communities. 1c
Rum: Strong alcoholic drink made from fermented sugarcane. Originated in the south, particularly Lemaria. Cheap for the strength. 1s
Stout: Strong, dark beer, a speciality of the Dwergar of Unterguardt. 5c
Sweets, Candy: Delicacies made from sugar, very sweet, rather unhealthy. 8c
Sweets, Pastries: Baked delicacies, also very sweet, also rather unhealthy. 10c.
Tea: Boiled water with steeped, aromatic leaves. A staple in less affluent communities. 4c
Trail Mix: Mix of nuts, dried berries and sometimes pemmican meat. Popular around the world as a travelling ration as it almost never goes bad. 2c
Vegetables: Part of a healthy, balanced diet. Very common, particularly in less affluent communities. Roots, tubers, etc. 1c
Vodka: Strong, clear alcoholic beverage, a speciality of the Urskinn of Unterguardt. 1s8c
Water: Important, the best thing to rehydrate, may not be clean.
Whiskey: Rather strong, rye based alcoholic drink. Believed to have been discovered by the Woodsmen of the Gwyrai Woods. 2s4c
Wine, Honey: Sweet wine with honey-like aftertaste. Well regarded by the Danann of the Wardenfells. 10c
Wine, Red: Strong, rich wine made from fermented grapes. High tannin count. Particularly popular in the Lowlands and Highlands of Norbayne. 6c
Wine, White: A lighter wine, with less tannins and a much lighter colouration. Predominantly made in the Southlands and Sothbayne itself. 4c
Tool Kits
Apothecary's Kit:
Carpenter's Tools:
Chirurgeon's Instruments:
Cooking Equipment:
Disguise Kit:
Entertainer's Kit:
Hustler's Kit:
Fishing Kit:
Lockpick Set:
Mason's Tools:
Miner's Tools:
Scribe's Kit:
Smith's Tools:
Raw Materials
Crafted ItemsCraft (Alchemical Items)
Little Candle Firework:
Screaming Witch Firework:
Skyrocket Firework:
Starlight Firework:
Bottled Lightning:
Flash Powder:
Itching Powder:
Sneezing Powder:
Brimstone Gas: Choking gas, provides cover.
Quicksilver: Vial of liquid, solidifies when it hits air.
Blackpowder: Explosive powder.
Noxious Gas:
Craft (Carpentry)
Craft (Explosives)
Dancing Star: Explosive. Radius: 10 yards. Damage: D5 +3 Flaming - Material Components 5s
Devil Venom: Explosive. Radius: 10 yards. Filled with a poison of the crafter's choice. - Material Components 5s6c
Arcane Halter: Explosive. Radius: 15 yards. Casters within the explosion's radius count all their Casting Values or Power Required as doubled for D10 Combat Rounds. - Material Components 12s6c
Choking Puffball: Explosive. Radius: 15 yards. Releases a flammable cloud of gas which inflicts Suffocation Checks on everyone in the radius for D5 Combat Rounds. - Material Components 8s6c
Shrapnel: Explosive. Radius: 10 yards. Damage: D10 + 5. - Material Components 8s10c
Flash: Explosive. Radius: 15 yards. Everyone within the radius is Blinded for D5 Combat Rounds. - Material Components 5s
Cold Wind: Explosive. Radius: 10 yards. Everyone within the radius is Frozen for D5 Combat Rounds. - Material Components 10s8c
Craft (Masonry)
Craft (Oils)
Acid, Corrosive:
Acid, Salt:
Liquid Fire:
Liquid Ice:
Oil, Various:
Craft (Potions)
Black Blood:
Duration: 1 hour.
Ingredients: 1xTreated Blood, 1xRubedo, 2xVitriol, 2xNigredo
Effect: Coming into contact with the Drinker's blood causes D5+1 Acid Damage to anyone or anything but the Drinker themselves. For the duration of the potion's effect, the Drinker may not receive medical attention.
Bite the Lightning:
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xCaelum, 2xCitrinitis
Effect: The Drinker immediately jumps to the start of the Initiative order in any encounter for the duration of the potion's effect. This Potion does not allow the Drinker to act in a Surprise Round unless they would normally get to do so, in which case this Potion allows them to act first in the Surprise Round too.
Eye of Cat:
Duration: 1 hour.
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xAethyreum, 2xAlbedo
Effect: The Drinker is subject to Night Eye for the duration of the Potion's effect.
Winter's Aura:
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xHydraleum, 2xAlbedo
Effect: For the duration of the Potion's effect, any enemies within 5 yards of the Drinker must pass a Toughness Check or be afflicted by the Frozen condition for a single Combat Round.
Full Moon:
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 1xQuelyth, 2xAethyreum, 2xAlbedo
Effect: The Drinker gains 20 Temporary Health for the duration of the Potion's effect. This Health is lost automatically at the end of the Potion's duration.
Golden Glory:
Duration: 1 hour.
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xSolinari, 2xCitrinitis
Effect: The Drinker gains +20 to Resist Poison and Disease Checks for the duration of the Potion's effect.
Brewed Storm:
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 1xVitriol, 2xFulgris, 2xRubedo
Effect: The Drinker gains +20 to Agility and +2 to Initiative for the duration of the Potion's effect.
Flesh Knit:
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xQuelyth, 2xRebis, 2xAlbedo
Effect: The Drinker may regain +1 Health every Combat Round during the Potion's duration on a successful Toughness Check.
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 1xRebis, 1x Caelum, 2xVitriol, 2xCitrinitis
Effect: The Drinker's Strength is considered to be doubled for the duration of the Potion's effect.
Long of Breath:
Duration: 1 hour.
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xQuelyth, 2xAethyreum, 2xNigredo
Effect: The Drinker's lung capacity is considered to be increased to twice its size for the duration of the Potion's effect.
White Honey:
Duration: N/A
Ingredients: 2xBase, 2xArchai, 1xSolinari, 1xCaelum, 1xAethyrium, 1xVermarion
Effect: The Drinker may discard one Toxicity counter on a successful Toughness Check upon consuming the potion.
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xRebis, 2xFulgris, 2xRubedo
Effect: The Drinker is surrounded by a curtain of flame for the duration of the Potion's effect. Any enemies within 5 yards of the Drinker take D5+3 Fire Damage.
Dragain's Breath:
Duration: N/A
Ingredients: 1xIgnus, 2xBase, 3xFulgris, 3xRubedo
Effect: The Drinker immediately expels a gout of flame in a cone, 15 yards long and 10 yards wide. Any enemies within the area of effect takes D10+3 Fire Damage. The Drinker must pass a Toughness Check upon expelling the flame. Failure causes a point of Damage, ignoring all Damage Reduction.
Adrenaline Rush:
Duration: 1 minute (6 Combat Rounds).
Ingredients: 1xBase, 2xQuelyth, 2xCaelum, 2xAlbedo
Effect: Upon consuming the Potion, the Drinker is gains .
The Long Sleep:
Duration: Indefinite.
Ingredients: 2xBase, 2xArchai, 1xAethyrium, 2xNigredo
Effect: Upon imbibing, the Drinker falls into a deep sleep, virtually suspended animation. During this time, the Drinker's body heals at an accelerated rate, though without water, they will eventually perish. The sleep may only be broken by a spoken key-word, chosen ahead of time. During The Long Sleep, the Drinker is considered to gain the benefits of a Long Rest every 12 hours.
Craft (Poisons)
Nightengale: toughness check, paralyses victim for a number of combat rounds equal to the degrees of success upon creation (d5 for standard purchase). For every check per round failed, the poison spreads to a connecting part of the body, connecting sections listed as per hit site.
Tightlocke: toughness check, attacks respiratory system, willpower check at disadvantage to hold concentration, or victim spends combat round trying to breathe instead of taking an attack. Affects victim for a number of combat rounds equal to the degrees of success upon creation (d5 for standard purchase).
Eyestitch: toughness check, aggressive hallucinogenic, upon failed toughness check, the victim breaks out into a cold sweat, paranoia increases, suffers from the effects of frenzy until all perceived targets are eliminated or they pass a willpower check. Affects victim for a number of combat rounds equal to the degrees of success upon creation (d5 for standard purchase).
Curation: no initial check, instant, causes stomach bile to expand rapidly. Victim starts excessively salivating and violently vomiting as the body attempts to expel it. Standard rounds to expel are 5CR, they are considered incapacitated for this period and may do nothing else with their action. Upon a successful toughness check on next round, the degrees of success determine how many CR may be taken off the standard total of 5 as the victim is able to forcibly speed up the expulsion.
Aracnae: toughness check, attacks neurological system, causes convulsions on failed toughness check, a d4 dropping damage (if victim is not secured) must be taken upon failed check if terrain is considered possibly harmful. Further damage (d1) must be taken each round the toughness check is failed if their convulsions are not monitored or controlled and they are within harmful terrain. Affects victim for a number of combat rounds equal to the degrees of success upon creation (d10 for standard purchase).
Craft (Remedies)
Craft (Runes)
Rune of Logic – (Difficulty +5)
Once per day, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, which grants a +10 bonus to a single Intelligence Check.
Rune of Adamant – (Difficulty +10)
The wielder gains a +5 bonus to Toughness when carrying the Runestruck item.
Rune of Fire – (Difficulty +10)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing the Runestruck item to burst into flame for the next 6 Combat Rounds. The weapon now acts as a light source and deals additional D5 Fire Damage.
Rune of Biting – (Difficulty +15)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing any attacks made with the Runestruck item for the next 6 Combat Rounds to ignore half of the Damage Reduction granted by armour on any opponent.
Rune of Stone – (Difficulty +15)
This Rune may only be struck onto a piece of armour. The armour provides +2 Armour Value to a single covered Hit Location.
Rune of Fortitude – (Difficulty +15)
This Rune may only be struck onto a piece of armour. The armour provides +1 to the wearer's Health.
Rune of Storing – (Difficulty +15)
A Magic User may elect to store a single Spell within the Runestruck item, which the wielder may then call upon at any time. This is done by casting the Spell as usual, but forcing it into the item. Once called upon, the Rune ceases glowing and a new Spell may be stored.
Rune of Cleaving – (Difficulty +20)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing any attacks made with the Runestruck item for the next 6 Combat Rounds to cause +3 Damage.
Rune of Striking – (Difficulty +20)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing any attacks made with the Runestruck item for the next 6 Combat Rounds to gain +20 to Hit.
Rune of Smiting – (Difficulty +20)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing any attacks made with the Runestruck item for the next 6 Combat Rounds to cause +D5 Damage. (NEED TO REWORK)
Rune of Steel Guard – (Difficulty +20)
Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call forth a number of small steel balls which hover around them, protecting them from attack. Attacks directed against the wielder suffer a -20 penalty to Hit for the next 6 Combat Rounds.
Rune of Rust Curse – (Difficulty +20)
Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, which immediately causes all metal objects within ten yards of the rune to lose a single level of Craftsmanship as it rusts, excluding the Runestruck item itself. This would cause a Poor Craftsmanship object to be destroyed.
Rune of Silver Arrows – (Difficulty +25)
Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, which immediately fires D10 silver darts at a single target. Each arrow causes D10+2 Piercing Damage and hits automatically.
Rune of Death – (Difficulty +35)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing any attacks made with the Runestruck item for the next 6 Combat Rounds to ignore all Damage Reduction on any opponent.
Rune of Fate – (Difficulty +35)
This Rune may only be struck onto a weapon. Once per day, with a successful Willpower Check, the wielder may call upon the power of the Rune, causing any attacks made with the Runestruck item for the next 6 Combat Rounds to Hit automatically.
Craft (Scrolls)
Craft (Smithing)
Craft (Talismans)
Craft (Totems)
Craft (Traps)