
Game Design and Project Resources: The Workshops Quarter => Computer Game Development - The Indie Alley => Topic started by: Cosmic Void on January 21, 2024, 09:18:13 PM

Title: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Cosmic Void on January 21, 2024, 09:18:13 PM
Twilight Oracle

Journey to a strange world in search of the fabled Oracle in this fantasy comedy point & click adventure. Play as Leo, a struggling student with the ability to breathe underwater, and explore a desert island and the depths of an alien ocean to uncover your school's dark past.


Explore the mysterious forests, caves, and shores of an alien world, and plunge into its uncharted depths to uncover its secrets.

Unravel the mysteries of the island with the help of your friends, each with their own unique ability. Collaborate with Marcus, who can conjure fire from thin air, Jill, who can read minds, and Olivia, who can summon a gust of wind.


Get ready to solve puzzles and enjoy the witty (and at times, juvenile) banter between Leo and his friends. Immerse yourself in Twilight Oracle's nostalgic atmosphere reminiscent of classic retro adventures.

Twilight Oracle is going to be available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It will be available on Steam and Itch.


Game Features:

• A rich world of a classic 2D point-and-click adventure game.
• Stunning pixel-art landscapes.
• Full English Voice Over.
• Subtitles in English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Portuguese (BR).
• Humorous banter between Leo and his friends.
• Steam achievements.
• Beautifully crafted scrolling rooms.
• Detailed character portraits.
• Puzzles, naturally!

Twilight Oracle is set to release on January 30th!

Wishlist on Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2338490/Twilight_Oracle)
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Jubal on January 21, 2024, 09:36:11 PM
Wishlisting has duly occurred! I'll try and find some time to have a look at the demo in the next week or so :)
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Cosmic Void on January 21, 2024, 09:45:09 PM
Thanks! Hope you enjoy the demo. :)
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Spritelady on January 24, 2024, 12:53:59 PM
I have also wishlisted this! It looks very cool!
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Cosmic Void on January 25, 2024, 08:22:31 PM
Thanks so much! :)
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Jubal on January 31, 2024, 01:21:05 PM
I see the release has happened, congrats!
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Cosmic Void on February 02, 2024, 11:24:01 PM
It has indeed, thanks! :)
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Jubal on February 03, 2024, 07:13:05 PM
I purchased and played through Twilight Oracle! I enjoyed it! Spoilers obviously ahead for those who haven't played, click the spoiler tag to show each section.

Some thoughts:

  • Overall themes: I liked it! The sort of over the top American-with-hints-of-Australian beach culture vibe is an interesting one for me because as a British person it's both pseudo-familiar and also very unfamiliar: I'm aware of the concept of overly bubbly American school dropouts from the media, but I've never been in those environments. I thought Leo did a pretty good job of being a latter day adventure game protagonist in the honourable tradition of being generally hopeless. The humour landed most of the time for me, and where it didn't it was just an "eh, I guess that's funny" not anything that left me cold.
  • Gameplay: really solid, puzzles were all about the level I could work out, there was very little truly difficult in that you could brute force a lot of things and I sometimes did, but it was nice casual level adventure gaming.
  • Graphics: generally really good, my only quibble would be that I wanted some of the characters to lean into their archetype or otherwise look a bit cooler, the most obvious examples being the two forest characters: I'd either have shifted to a more trad look, or done a riff on the trad look, but the faun looking not very faun like at all was a bit of a meh for me.
  • Voice acting: Almost all very solid, the character work between the core cast was great and I thought it was kind of a pity we didn't get more of that and more of the friends' powers coming in more than once. The magister's speech at the start was the weakest voice acting link, it was dry without being comedy-dry which was a pity as it made the intro a bit underwhelming. I thought the actor's few lines in the final scene were much better, the opening stuff just needed a bit more of that anger and gravity.
  • The riddles section was great, I got all of them fairly efficiently given that there's only a set number of things they can be but I do love a good riddle and it makes a nice gameplay change from the mainline point and clicking without adding in a clunky minigame. A+ design on that bit.
  • Not a very serious suggestion as it'd be tons of work but there were a few moments where I felt a funny death scene that kicked you back to the start of the act might've been kinda funny.
  • Slightly more seriously, the last time you have to cross the rickety bridge in the cave before the final act kicks off I was shocked that the bridge didn't break.

The points where I struggled most:

  • Points where I had to talk to people multiple times sometimes led to frustrations because I didn't realise I needed to talk to them again after an event of some kind. Getting the spare pompoms took ages.
  • One or two exits from areas took a little while to find. The north exit from the first candy area and, even more so, the right hand beach exit down to the rainbow beach were the main examples there.
  • The worst level of stuck I got in the whole game was having the camera, oil, brick, etc and not having realised that the teeth were a different thing to the skull in space. I was running round trying to oil everything available.
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Cosmic Void on February 03, 2024, 08:39:58 PM
*Spoilers ahead*

Hey, thanks for taking the time to write a review and share your feedback - I appreciate it a ton!

So glad you enjoyed the game. I agree with a bunch of the things you pointed out. I should do better highlighting exits. Having to talk to characters more than once - that could have been designed differently. As for the pompoms - it wasn't a case of just talking to her more than once, but rather - Leo wouldn't ask for the pompoms before talking to the beach dude and learning he needs *cheering* up. So that's the clue to approach the *cheer*leader again. If it makes sense.

(Are you on Twitter, by the way?)

Once again, thanks! Reviews are so important and it's awesome when someone writes one. :)
Title: Re: Twilight Oracle
Post by: Jubal on February 03, 2024, 09:02:38 PM
You're very welcome! And thanks for making the game - it was very enjoyable. I'd really like to try doing voicing for this sort of thing sometime, it feels like that kind of little bit of character acting could be quite fun.

My old Twitter is @JubalBarca, but I'm mainly at @JubalBarca@Scholar.Social on fediverse/mastodon these days. (And for Exilian, it's @Exilian@Indiepocalypse.social and @ExilianOfficial respectively, though we're not managing to keep the Twitter up well any more and we get better engagement on Masto).

Also, I should really remember that we have spoiler tags here, edited my earlier post :)