Hello! I thought I'd make a brief introduction.
I've been tinkering with game development since late 2019, Point and Click games being my chosen vice. I stumbled on the Exilian Newsletter in mastodon and found my way to this very nice and interesting forum. There's much to find here, but I plan to frequent the Indie Alley for starters at least!
Nice to meet you!
Hellohello! :)
I posted my latest project in the Indie Alley (https://exilian.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=6959.0)!
Welcome in!
Welcome! If you have any questions about how anything works, just ask :)
Hello! Welcome!
Welcome aboard! Please feel free to look around and comment if there's anything that takes your fancy. Good luck with your game release!
Yay! Thank you everyone! ;D I'll be sure to ask if I run into trouble with something.
Oh, since I hadn't dropped in here yet, also hello :)
Hello also! :)
Btw, is there any policy about digging up old threads in Exilian? The AGS Forum discourages from posting to threads that haven't seen action in 90 days, for example. I haven't seen anything like that here so I'm wondering if I've missed something in the rules.
Nope: we have no rules against resurrecting old topics, that's absolutely fine :)
Okay, good to know! Thanks for the answer.