So, we've finally come to this part, we're I'll spread the fixed mod around, and we can start testing. I have an important announcement: I'll be going to a holiday for one month NEXT SATURDAY (sorry for the short alarm). During this time I'll have limited access to the forum, no access at all to the module system or the game itself. Hopefully we'll however get the public beta out on Friday.
Action plan:
Wednesday, 16th of December: I spread the game out among us. I'll spread it using a Elenmmare-strategy (everyone in the team who wants to test PMs me for the mod and I'll respond with the upload link and password- this way I'll know who's testing and who isn't).
Thurday, 17th of December: People test the game.
Friday, 18th December: Everyone who has tested the game sends me a complete list of bugs and problems. After fixing these, we announce mbrepository link in the thread (open a new thread), and let the masses free.
Saturday, 19th of December- Saturday, 16th of January: People test the mod, and send bugs to the beta-boss. Anyone who thinks they are active enough in the forums should announce themselves now. I'll check in the thread a few times during this period, mostly to address questions. On the 16th (or the 17th, depending on how jet-lagged I am) the beta-boss sends me a list of bugs and problems. Remember that I'm also interested in functionality issues (like if one factions has overskilled lords or troops over another), so the beta-boss should ask for this.
Sunday, 17th of January - ?: I add numerous features (including an awesome quick battle system I figured out today!!), we add scenes, models and DRAGONS ( :darkbrotherhood: ) to the module system.
I've also devised instructions for each person, but I need a complete list of people still with us. So, if you're still in the team (this is also a good chance for any exilian member able to read this), please announce it in this thread along with your supposed job. If you want to quit the team, this is a good time to do so (also inform us).
P.S: I'll be giving the instruction via. the taleworlds forum PMs. If this won't work for you, please tell me, and I'll figure something else.
I'm still around!
I'm still around!
And I guess so is Goromous. The problem is, that after playing the mod for 15min, I suddenly got an error, and crashed the game... Look forward for the mod tomorrow, me and Darwin'll have to fix this quick (its got something to do with his magic system)
oh, btw...
the thing with the not working enemy magic is still there :/
I'm still here, too.
I'll try to fix that next year Darwin.
For now I need your help with the auvBG
im still here!!!!!
And im gonna scene!!!!!!! :D
in the TW topic someone is speaking about not working skins: there are no new skins, Sibylla never sent them to me
My internet hasn't been working for the last few days. Before then I pmed you here. Were we meant to PM you on Taleworlds? If the alpha testing has begun can someone PM me the link and password?
Edit: Oh. I just found the link in the Taleworlds thread