EDIT: Attached is all the progress so far. Hi, so with my 3rd triumphant(no?) return I bring you sincere apolgies AND the villages of Kakkan, Quhraksh, Vakris, and Franakkar.
None of these are final, and all of them are subject to change, updates, criticism etc.
First, Kakkan, it's the same as my old one, still needs some spicing up I think.
Second, Quhraksh, Set up on a major cattle route, Quhraksh is a major player in keeping the Voroks fed.
Third, Vakris, being the closest village to the Rodhok Border has not been easy to the people of Vakris, constantly being the target of border raids they have recently relocated their village to a much more defensive position on a hill.
Fourth, Franakkar, while the Vorok nobles wouldn't admit it (and the king definitely never would) they know, deep down that they are far behind in technology compared to there neighbors, which is why the king has recently order the largest mining effort the Vorok people have ever initiated, centering in Franakkar.
Let me know what you think, I should be able to get the other two villages up in the next few days. Hope you like them.
Attachments:- scn2.zip (10.14 KB) (
- FixedScenes.zip (485.87 KB) (
And I'm Back :D
Presenting, Dhror, and Xhorik, the quickest and most cobbled villages ever!
Starring Ghost as that guy.
Attachments:- scn3.zip (2.43 KB) (
So I'm working on Castle Vorkar, and I'm wondering if you kow the entry point number for the guards and the lords/ladies.
Lords and ladies are between 16 and 24 or 25 I think, guards in the 40-43 range.
And here is the interior of Tulbuk Castle and the interior of Huarikka
Is there an easier way to figure out which scene I am editing? I currently have to make the changes and then, move all of the scenes out of the folder and enter the scene ingame so I get an error message.
Attachments:- SCN4.zip (3.42 KB) (
Karzul Deep, I have gone through multiple reformats and upgrades on my pc since my old Karzul which I don't have anymore, I noticed you switched it to wooden, so I figured I'd just keep it that way, I added one Stone tower, to press on the idea of the Voroks attempting to modernize there technology, I don't think it effects the castle to much and If you want I can remove it.
Also, I have one guard wandering outside of the castle, don't know why he is there or how to get him back to where he belongs.
Attachments:- karzuld.zip (5.28 KB) (
Castle Vorkar, I think the wall at the far end looks a little ridiculous but I'm no good at building from scratch and I'm equally bad at judging my own work. Enjoy.
Attachments:- Vorkar.zip (17.49 KB) (
I believe that the Voroks are done with the exception of touchups, do you want me to continue working on the Voroks or should I move onto another kingdom? I'm still not even sure if the work I did was any good. Please let me know what you think.
I'll get them ingame later today... with the volume of scening work that needs doing I can't really afford to be fussy, but I'll take a look and tell you what I think.
Just to check, are you using the most recent release? And have you learned how to do AI meshes, out of interest?
Many thanks for your help,
Sorry I don't even know what ai meshes are, as for the release I am using, it's the one posted up above along with its two patches.
Right, finally had a look.
The villages are all fine, thanks. And the castle in Huarikka is excellent and much improved. :)
The castles are really, really good, but not exactly how I envisioned the Vorok castles (mostly my fault probably for getting in a mess with old scenes, notes, etc, so don't worry about it). With that said, would you mind if I used them for a different faction that might be more likely to have that sort of style? Probably the Goriniae are candidates there, the style you've used would be very typical of their forts.
As for AI meshes, I'll dig you out a tutorial. I haven't bothered with them much in the past, but particularly for scenes that need to be besieged they're very useful. Basically the AI mesh is a grid of squares that shows the AI where it can walk on the map (it's this that allows them to go around walls and up ladders and so on without randomly running off the edge).
Many thanks, these are a real help,
I'm glad you liked them, I'm perfectly fine with you using the castles for a different faction. I'm just glad to help this mod along in any way possible. I think it is probably the most interesting mod I've played, so any new scenes no matter where they show up is a good thing.
If you have any other areas you wan't me to look into I would be glad to, I though of going through and making sure all the taverns work as intended, as well as basic stuff such as checking for floating objects etc.
That AI mesh thing sounds like it would be extremely useful, both with sieges and with solving the problem of my villagers walking up giant mountains and wondering away from the village.
BTW, I've noticed that Haurikka had a floating bench and fire, so I lowered them to the floor.
Attachments:- scn_town_21_castle.sco (2.69 KB) (
And update time, it took me five hours to do this, here:
Added spawn point for fugitive in the following villages:
Building have been raised or lowered throughout the Vorok lands to appear more...natural.
Haurikka, Tavern has been tweaked, working door added, Town center has been removed of floating buildings, and added a missing weaponsmith + some scenery items, and re-arranged location of horse merchant and banker.
Repaired Scenes:
Camp Paskent (Outside): (Lowered all walls, and buildings plus trees! I now HATE trees!)
Scenes Built from the ground up:
Camp Paskent (Inside)
Attachments:- scn5.zip (67.3 KB) (
I've re-done Karzul Deep now. My new one has to rank among the bitchiest castles I've ever seen, I love it to bits. :P
Sounds good, any pics?
Haurikka: Fixed Door leading back to TC.
Repaired Broken Scenes:
Fort Castaean (Inside)(Outside)
Fort Carilii (Inside)(Outside)
Chateau Perout (Inside)
Sancellan Castle (Inside)
Alanoia Castle (Inside)
Fort Venthera (Inside)(Outside)
I'm going to say again, I hate trees! Any tips on how to move massive amounts of thing at once, lowering all those trees gets extremely repetitive.
EDIT: Do you know if it is possible to have a door in a village that leads to another part of the village? I tried but it always does weird things, like bring me to the buy screen for village improvements.
Attachments:- scn6.zip (73.15 KB) (
Hey, I am working on more scenes, however I am wondering how sieges are handled. Are they an entire new scene? And, if possible, could you add a debug mode to the game, like in Fury of Odin, where you create a character and have a new option to click at the end. In FoO you can click "BEARCLAW" and you are given a ton of items to start with, but more importantly you can initiate a siege in any town you want at any time, and you can skip the building siege equipment and jump straight to the battle, this would make testing sieges a lot easier.
Hey, from what I have been able to figure, the scenes for Attacking a castle are a different scene entirely right? Which explains why they usually have fires started, walls damaged etc. As well as the scenes for when the AI sallys out, and when you push the enemy to the town center, and then to the castle. I am still wondering if it will be possible or if there is already a way to force sieges on towns/castles. As It would make testing sieges and getting them working properly alot easier.
I don't think they are a separate scene. This being on account of the fact that there is only one file for any of these scenes.... hum.
hmm, well I was just guessing, but in Fury of Odin I deleted all the scenes and forced a siege and the error message said it was missing scn_town_15_walls so I figured that was the scene for town sieges, I may be wrong.
The towns have separate wall scenes, but castles don't, to clarify.
http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,61126.0.html (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,61126.0.html)
Here's the AI mesh tutorial, it's really really useful. :D
Thank you I will begin adding meshes to any new scenes I work on. I have another question about sieges if you don't mind. What is it that decides if a scene will use ladders, towers, or broken walls/gates as the center of the siege? Since castles use the same scene for the siege how do some castles appear damaged during a siege? Thanks!
Some new things here:
+floating horses in Varalite Priory between Lacontia and Commagene
+created proper spawnpoints in Fort Aeriga(inside) and added walls to bedroom
+balanced walls, added walkways, and added siege spawn points to Fort Aeriga(outside)
+added seige spawn points to Unuzdaq Castle
New Villages:
2 questions for you:
While working on Harlasha Ghaleh I ran into a glitch that prevented me from uploading it today. I could not add this castle because the terrain in some parts of the map constantly shot up when I exited and came back in. So I would lower it, smooth things out and when I re-entered the castle it would shoot up and cover the walls on the east end of the castle. Do you know what could be causing this. (Yes, I saved :D )
Fort Aquantia has no walls! I'm not sure if that's how you intended it, but I was thinking that adding some Wooden Palisades around it would be a logical step to make it feel like an actual siege in the event of battle. Let me know what you think.
Attachments:- scn7.zip (210.95 KB) (
No idea about Galeh, that's just wierd.
Aquantis should certainly have walls, yea. Those forts have always been a mess. :-/
Many thanks for your work so far, and many apologise that it's taken me well over a fortnight to reply, life's a bitch sometimes. I've got some good work going on on the scripting, though, which is good.
Yeah I know that feeling.
I am still working on these scenes but It's going at a slower pace than before. (Probably a good thing, I'll try to polish them more before posting them.)
Well, let me know if you work any more magic on this. :)
I don't know if I would call it magic... :)
Anyway, here are the following:
Kerkoporta Castle
Charisius Castle
Xylokerkon Castle
Blachernae Castle
Mesoteichon Castle
Interiors only, but I feel they are unique. I don't think I used the default interiors at all. They are all modifications or cluster jobs. They should feel unique. These are all for the Commagen Empire. As always feel free to use them for any other faction. Sorry I can not turn up more, but between this, playing M&B, trying to get a job, and starting a new hobby(Warhammer 40k) it is hard to find time to balance all of them.
Attachments:- scn8.zip (6.11 KB) (
Thanks, good work!
Okay I figured out how to enable cheat mode so I can force sieges to happen immediately. I've been trying to figure out exactly how they work. I'm having trouble though because sieges seem to modify the scene without actually creating a new one. For example, I've been using Tilbaut Castle as a example in teaching myself. If I use the cheat mode to enter CastleExterior I get me+my army outside of the castle with damaged walls and a siege ladder. However If I request entrance into the castle and take a walk around the courtyard I spawn inside the castle, using ctrl+e I look outside and the walls are in perfect condition and no siege ladders exist. The part that stumps me is that both of those are scn_castle_6_exterior.sco
So how can the same scene be different depending on whether you access it via a siege(or cheat) or if you access it via the court yard.
No idea... try adding props in siege mode; do those remain when you're in normal mode?
After running some tests I have discovered that certain props if placed in siege mode (or the cheat to enter the exterior of a castle) will only appear in siege mode(or the cheat). For example, if I place a damaged wall in the cheat entrance and enter the castle via the courtyard option the wall is fully repaired, but if I siege the town that bit of wall is damaged. So far damaged walls, and bits to siege towers and ladders are the only things I found that appear in one instance of the scene but not the other.
Hey, so I have sieges properly working almost. All that is left is Ai mesh. Wich I have done in Carilii, but it doesnt seem to work properly. Some of the soldiers follow the mesh and go through the gates but others run into the walls...
I don't know if you have any experience with AI mesh but if you do could you help me out. Here is the file.
Attachments:- scn_castle_44_exterior.sco (15.62 KB) (
Okay, I present the first functioning siege.
Fort Carilii
I'm still working on small things, like getting banners to be whatever lord owns the castle at the time. And I had some issues with AI mesh, but overall I think it works great. Let me know what you think.
Attachments:- scn_castle_44_exterior.sco (27.55 KB) (
Hey Jubal do you know of any way to transfer the Town Center scene to the Town Wall Scene without screwing everything up? Ever time I transfer it the city becomes buried and is moved to a different part of the map scene....
I would like to make some of these cities siegable...
Which reminds me I have a small amount of stuff done: (I'll upload it when I get more done....)
!# Towns/Cities
* Rulissa - Arena AI Mesh Completed, Prison Created
!# Forts/Castles
* Fort Carilii - Doorway to prison added. AI mesh Completed (Siege Worthy)
* Kerkoporta Castle - Lords Hall Mesh
*Mesoteichon Castle - LH Mesh
* Blachernae Castle - LH Mesh, Also large amount of cosmetic changes to LH, and fixed spawn point.
*Castle Vorkar - AI Mesh Complete (Siege Worthy)
!# Villages
*Qurhaksh - Mesh Complete
*Franakkar - Mesh Complete
Hey jubal there seems to be a problem with many scenes being buried or moved, even ones that I have done in the past. For example, Fort Castaean was done by me. But when I go there it is buried... but if I go there in my old SR (The one I did the work on) it is fine, I can move it from the old SR to the new and it fixes the problem, but then we still have the underlying issues of not knowing what is causing it.
I t hink I must've not managed to get your new version of Castaean in... there are some bugged castles, but I think it's just individual scenes that I haven't managed to get working somehow.
As Promised:
!# Towns/Cities
* Rulissa - Arena AI Mesh Completed
- Prison Created
* Faeria - Tavern tweaked
* Tarrina - Tavern tweaked
* Morea - AI Meshed Arena (Fighters now climb the stairs)
!# Forts/Castles
* Fort Carilii - Doorway to prison added. AI mesh Completed (Siege Worthy); Interior added.
* Kerkoporta Castle - Lords Hall Mesh
*Mesoteichon Castle - LH Mesh
* Blachernae Castle - LH Mesh, Also large amount of comsetic changes, and fixed spawn point.
*Castle Vorkar - AI Mesh Complete (Siege Worthy)
*Fort Castaeam - AI Mesh (Siege Worthy), LH redisigned
*Xylokerkon Castle - Castle Built, AI Mesh added, Siege Worthy(Not Sally Worthy)
!# Villages
*Qurhaksh - Mesh Complete (Should work with Bandit ambushes)
*Franakkar - Mesh Complete (Should work with Bandit ambushes)
*Dhror - (Should work with Bandit ambushes)
*Xhorik (Should work with Bandit ambushes)
*Vakris (Should work with Bandit ambushes)
*Kakkon (Should work with Bandit ambushes)
Attachments:- scn9.zip (160.41 KB) (
Awesome, I'll get these in later this week. :)
Hey Jubal. I'm wondering with the release of Warband will you be updating to Warband with this mod?
Also I am working on a new set of scenes. Unfortunately this coming month may be my last available to scene edit for some time.
I'll port at some point, maybe not for a few months though to wait for patches and so on.
Just a small update on what I've done so far:
I FINALLY figured out how to properly port the city to the city walls, to make accurate sieges for towns/cities.
Here is my Scn9 changelog so far(notice it is very small, I have not gotten much time to work on things yet)
- Added platform to arena to give variety.
- Siege now mirrors original town. Creating more authentic siege experience.
-Added exterior
- Now works in Sallies
- Fixed troops getting stuck outside of AI Mesh.
Just wanted to say I love the scenes. :)
Thanks, I really ought to make a couple more sometime...
Quote from: "xGhost4000x"Hey jubal there seems to be a problem with many scenes being buried or moved, even ones that I have done in the past. For example, Fort Castaean was done by me. But when I go there it is buried... but if I go there in my old SR (The one I did the work on) it is fine, I can move it from the old SR to the new and it fixes the problem, but then we still have the underlying issues of not knowing what is causing it.
I had the same problem a while ago. I was doing the scene for the Harlaushian castle and when I got most of it done I saved it and had a look at it in the game and half of the map was back to is original state. All the buildings were still there but the terrain was what it had previously looked like. It was very frustrating because of all the very hard work i put into it.