
Game Design and Project Resources: The Workshops Quarter => Mods, Maps & Game Add-Ons - The Bazaar => M&B Mods - The Explorer's Society => Topic started by: Silver Wolf on April 07, 2010, 02:51:04 PM

Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on April 07, 2010, 02:51:04 PM

.................................SINGLE PLAYER.................................

MOD NAME (//http://) - Mod description.
List of features:

PELOPONNESIAN WAR (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,110.0.html?PHPSESSID=40kkdalaba9ae556irljsjkf17)
List of features:
- Waihti's  Diplomacy.
- Caba`drin's Pre-battle Orders & Deployment. (You must have 2 points in tactics to access some features. They are accessible via menus and ingame battle orders.
- Sea Battles and Travel - Adapted from Ruthven's scripts.
- Sabotage - Once you besiege an enemy settlement, it is possible to pay spies to enter it and sabotage their food supplies. If they succeed, starvation will eventually force the enemy into surrender, provided the siege isn't lifted. The men inside will become weaker everyday and the number of troops ready for battle will diminish greatly.
- Shield Bashing by xenoargh - (hold defense then press attack to bash)

CURSUS HONORUM (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,270.0.html?PHPSESSID=av94suvtlrrlv95r84s3b8hfp5) - An early Rome mod.
List of features:
- A map of Europe
- All the settlements with accurate names
- No more native equipment
- Population system
- No more troop trees

IMPERIUM ROMANUM (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,261.0.html?PHPSESSID=av94suvtlrrlv95r84s3b8hfp5) - Britain in 43 AD.
List of features:
- Realistic combat ( as far as brytenwalda/warband engine will allow ) , deadly weapons no "superhero" charges
- Challenging campaign game-play
- Realistic Roman flags
- The only true representation of Roman battle order in any mod so far
- A truly complete Roman troop tree
- Unparalleled variety of realistic Roman units 10 Auxiliary Cohorts, 7 Legions, 4 Cavalry Cohorts all proven to be present in Britain 43 AD
- Reworked British factions totally
- New Authentic equipment for Romans/Britons made by Vympel + friends
- Realists Roman forts by Adorno
- Realistic ranking system for Roman legionaries and auxiliary
- Completely different musical environment fitting the setting and glorious ferocity of Roman warfare
- Only period specific equipment availability
- Defence pact between Roman factions from the start (Motomataru)
- Different pricing system
- Optional Polished Landscapes graphical add-on
- Modular options format to provide flexibility to the ways of the playing the mod , first mod in MB to have this options

BLUE BLOOD (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,298.0.html?PHPSESSID=av94suvtlrrlv95r84s3b8hfp5) - Feudal Europe - In the year of the Lord 1184
List of features:
- Ten countries: Almohads, Aragon, Castille, England, France, Ireland, Leon, Norway, Portugalm, Scotland
- Complete reworked recruitment system. The recruitment does now resemble the feudal reality, read bellow for a complete guide.
- Map of Europe
- Historical Kings, Settlements, Lords, Banners and family relations
- Diplomacy, Custom Commander, Training Fields (used Native Mod Compilation - Lite 1.00 as base for this mod, see credits)
- Freelancer 1.5, with several improvements and modifications by me.
- Start the game as a noble if you want
- Naval battles

EUROPE 1200 (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,132.0.html)
List of features:
- Most detailed map that you have probably evern seen of medieval Europe. A medium faction has ~55 settlements.
- Never seen before tournament system. Become and noble, join a team, and fight hard fights for money and renown against teams of other nobles.
- Big, one-time quests, based on historical events.
- 4 (in some cases 3) unique troop trees for each faction to represent all social layers in the medieval world.
- Optimized performance to make the mod run smoothly (we don't guarantee anything, but not a single tester have reported lag to be an issue though).
- Biggest map in M&B history.
- Fully functional naval travel and warfare, go anywhere by sea. Lords, bandits, caravans, everyone uses it. It can be advantageous since you travel 80% faster on water.
- Orders as factions, fight along Aviz, Calatrava, Saint George, or Santiago.
- Tons of new items, mainly armors.
- Unique, and historical accurate banner for each lord (WIP).
- Never seen before, optional, manpower system.
- Campaign balance on a whole new level, with newly introduced warparties. A faction doesn't have to be weak just because we couldn't find many lords for them.
- Correct family relations for everyone, and historical liking/dislikings for the lords (WIP). The Native family system has also been extended a bit.

1257 AD (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,167.0.html) - "This mod attempts to reflect the reality of 13th century Europe.  The starting point of the journey is year 1257 AD and attempts to be as historically accurate as possible.  From this point on the player and NPC lords shape this land and fight for supremacy and control of the continent."
List of features:
- All of Europe, featuring 41 factions
- Hundred of new historical, region based troops.
- More then a thousand new items, armors, weapons, all historically accurate for XIII century.
- Buildable castles.
- Manor system, with the ability to build custom settlements (build buildings appear in the scene!)
- Realistic combat system, with taunts, formations, improved horse archer skirmishing scripts and other features.
- Custom battle scenes, realistically depicting each region of Europe.
- Weather system, including desert storms, blizzards, rain storms
- Play as one of your soldiers after your death, with our made auxiliary player feature (can be turned off in the mod options).
- Crusading system: Join a crusade or start one yourself!
- New lance recruitment system, aiming to emulate medieval feudal recruitment system.
- Companion system improved and remade
- Sea battles and sea travel
- Many new scenes for castles, towns and villages. A good number of them - are historically based reconstructions of real places!
- Many other minor and major features!

THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,57.0.html) - "An de GrĂ¢ce 1371, already thirty-four years of War in France..."
List of features:
- Two historical factions, England and France
- Entirely new historical map of France with the major and minor towns and castles
- Hundreds of new items, including armor, helmets, weapons and more
- Historically accurate Lords with correct Heraldry
- Polished Landscapes, by Gutekfiutek
- Featuring a music soundtrack by Justin R. Durban, with permission
- Featuring the art of Donato Giancola, with permission
- Featuring the art of Lacedemon, with permission

AGE OF CHANGE (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,175.0.html?PHPSESSID=c6t09bo59u395q01g560deam12) - A mod where story and plot is integrated more in the new factions and new Calradian continent.
List of features:
- New generic, bandit, mercenary, manhunter, guilds concepts that will bring the gameplay to a more challenging level
- Sea battles
- New trading system
- Custom troops and kingdom management
- Mysterious places on a huge strategically well thought map
- Completely new arms and armor
- Ton of coding goodies which you will slowly discover while playing

DIPLOMACY (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,176.0.html?PHPSESSID=c6t09bo59u395q01g560deam12)
List of features:
- Set in the year 1407, 150 years after the normal Native game.
- Items to differentiate units on the battlefield
- New weapons and items
- Reworked Scenes to represent 150 years of change
- Descendents of the original lords, ladies, claimants, and kings
- Updated to the newest version of Diplomacy

FLORIS MOD PACK (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,197.0.html) - "A combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience."
List of features:
- Various features, around 1.12 Gb of content

PROPHESY OF PENDOR (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,119.0.html)
"From the Founding of Pendor - the year is 354
A King has not ruled the shattered land of Pendor for many generations. What was once a proud accomplishment of man now is steeped in the myths of folklore and told as children's bedtime stories. Yet, the legends live on of a prophesy of hope. A tale of a champion who comes from a distant shore and unites the lords of Pendor under a single Ruler and brings peace and prosperity once again to this ravaged war-torn land.
All is not as it seems as there are many powers who have their own ends in mind and an epic struggle is about to unfold.
Strap on your sword, and buckle your imagination. Prepare to enter the world of Pendor and accept the challenge of the Prophesy - if you dare. "
List of features:
- Well thought out cultures, armies, and conflicts
- Unique Backstory - The World of Pendor
- New battle AI System
- Enhanced Goals
- Detailed Economy
- Deep Immersion
- Knighthood Orders
- Minor Factions
- More Events - and quests
- Dynamic Conversation System
- All new and unique items
- Expanded victory conditions
- Special Items
- Specialty Enemy Heroes
- Designed to be a Challenge to Play - ONLY recommended for experienced players

THE EAGLE AND THE RADIANT CROSS (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,95.0.html)
"The year is 1500. The war over Calradia has come to a stalemate. The Lion Throne has been unable to capture Vienna, the Swadians have halted their advanced, despite their Emperor's ever growing madness. The Court physicians have lost all hope of recovery for Sigismund, he claims that he is now following the voice of God. Yet somehow the Empire is able to withstand wave after wave of Brigadiers, thanks to it's heavily fortified cities.
The Haelmar Union have been impossing control over the eastern leftovers of the Dual Monarchy, rebuilding ruined towns and establishing colonies with the hope of increasing commerce in the wasteland, with the hopes of weakening Lauria on this front.
The Grand Duchy have embraced the Nirdamese refugees, only to use them as an excuse to wage war on the Tsardom.
Lauria is still engaged on a seemingly never-ending bloody warfare with the Imperial State, both at land at sea, with the occasional attack of the Union at northern Calradia and eastern Bermia.
The Ormelis are growing in numbers and power and with the recent Khergit setbacks, an invasion from them seems unlikely. Yet the Padisha faces difficult choices if he wishes to expand his power: either west and face the incredible might of the Lion Throne, east and face the rising Duchy, or south and face the Khan in an war that could last decades, for a truce in that front is impossible.
Deep into the south the divine Saldian grows impatient. The situation in the north has grown from a simple small-scale engament to gain access to the Obello sea to a clear total war that shakes the very belief on Filaharn's ultimate victory. He has started to doubt Mondo's capabilities and so he recalls the Third Deva from the now secure eastern front and dispaches her to the north. Mondo's hate for her is well known to the Pope, so he sees this as a clear sign that he must be victorious, or his head will roll. But Saldian doesn't stop there. Captured State and Ormeli engineers have promised the Pope the construction of a formidable weapon, a cannon so big and powerful that it would be capable of bombarding Vienna and Nibelheim from the high hills of Lerna.
In early 1500 the construction of the "Aurora Cannon" begins on the province of Gunther-Piedmont. An era draws to its close."
List of features:

LIGHT&DARKNESS - HEROES OF CALRADIA (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,314.0.html) - "
Hundred years of wars suffered the whole continent and exhausted hopes in people's hearts. When the sleeping evil was waked up, a real hero for a new century will be born to save Calradia.
No one noticed you in the tavern of Zendar town - a mercenary was waken up from a nightmare, wearing coarse clothes and an iron sword.
The road is hidden in a thick fog, where you might meet friends who dies for you and enemies awaits you for centuries. By expectation, or fear? You have to move on as everyone does.
Because only if you went through it, you would see the future of Calradia.
On the continent of Calradia, the bottomless and cavernous greed has been swallowing the hearts and the nature of humanbeings. Wars among the five countries continued year after year so that no one realized the darkness has come again around everyone and everything. Fights, destinations, friendship, love, iron and fire, crashes in blood and tears, combats between good and evil...
Light or Darkness? The choice is yours."
List of features:
- Different paths for you to choose
- Plenty of scene videos, branch tasks and plots. Dialogues and interactions among the NPCs with distinct individuality
- Numerous weapons and armors; ultimate equipments with special effects; a lot of props and treasures in a variety of styles
- All kinds of crystals to forge the unique equipment on your needs
- Brand new panels for battle management and battle skills
- Diverse strategies are elaborately designed
- A set of tactics such as trap, feint, luring attack
- Sea battles will give you very different feelings from the land battle
- A new amazing adventure in the dungeon will bring you the unusual fighting as stealth, backstab, etc.
- You will enjoy every interesting special games, such as horse-racing, shooting, blackjack, slot machine and so on
- And other more creation and improvement have been made in detail for you to play and enjoy

MOD NAME (//http://) - Mod description.
List of features:


ROME AT WAR (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,307.0.html) - Roman Multiplayer mod.
List of features:
- Three Factions, - Celtic Tribes, Roman Empire, Hellenic States
- Three Maps - Germanic Village, The Limes, Watchtower
- Graphical stuff
- Banners
- Changes in the stats
- Three classes for each faction
- Limited support on Custom Battles

VIKINGR (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,202.0.html) - A mod which aims to recreate the struggles of the Northern European people of the viking age
List of features:
- Raid game mode. The attackers have to bring torches, burn target houses and then pick up the loot.
- Longboat battle, where two ships meet to fight.
- Lots of new equipment.
- Beautiful maps and sounds that will get you into the right atmosphere.
- Troop limiter, to get rid of archer and cav spam, keeping it balanced.
- Decapitation, you will be able to chop off heads!
- Banner that heal and motivate you teammates.
- Spears that break on impact.
- Warriors that fall of their horse.
- Disarm your opponents by riding them over, get them of their horse or punch them!
- Horns that you can blow by pressing "H".
- You can crouch by pressing "C".
- You can taunt by pressing "Q" and for shield bash taunting by pressing the block button + "Q".
- Berserkers can get into a rage by pressing "P", giving them a temporary damage reduction, suffering the rest when they get out of their rage.
- Optional script based range checks for polearms and axes.
- Optional limit on attacker lives in siege mode

EMPIRES OF FAITH (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,303.0.html) - "It is the thirteenth century, by the Christian reckoning, in a world slightly different than our own. In the West, the Holy Roman Emperor has seized Rome, asserted his dominance over the papacy, and numbers the kings of Britain, France, and Spain as his vassals. His rival in Christendom, the Basileus in Constantinople, still holds Greece and Asia Minor and has extended his suzerainty into Russia. The Caliphate, after a century of rapid expansion, ran into fierce resistance in Anatolia, Central Asia, and India and has consolidated, but also avoided the pitfalls of relying on a slave soldiery. The Turks of Central Asia united with their fellow nomads of the steppe to confront the Muslim invasion and have forged a strong, lasting khaganate, amalgamating the mystic traditions of Tibetan Buddhism with their own traditional sky god to create a religion of imperial rule. The emperor of China, though racked by civil wars, never completely abandoned the Tang Dynasty's imperial ambitions, and continues to contest with the khaganate for control of the Silk Road. In India, the Cholas of Tamil Nadu have expanded their sea empire to make tributaries throughout southeast Asia, and have sent armies of religious devotees to the north to fight the Muslim incursion in the name of Shiva, Krishna, and the Goddess. These six imperial powers, each proclaiming to be uphold the will of the Heavens upon earth, contest with each other for dominance while at home they struggle with restless vassals, rebellious nobles, ungovernable tribes, and others. It is the age of the empires of faith."
List of features:
- Multiplayer battles on the server using the Warband engine
- The strategic layer on the website

WARBAND ROLE PLAY (http://www.warband-rp.com/) - "Warband Role Play aims to simulate a semi-realistic medieval society based on the Mount & Blade Warband lore. The world and storyline are persistent, and constantly shaped by the players of the community. The server scripts are made entirely to facilitate role play, and store the progress of your characters properly to give a truly persistent experience. The evolution of this virtual society, it's politics and other aspects are the direct result of each and all of the decisions made by the players themselves. "
List of features:
- check the official wiki (http://warband-rp.com/wiki/index.php/Beginners_Guide)

cRPG (http://c-rpg.net/) - This ambitious mod adds persistent multiplayer stats to the game, as well as an online campaign.

PERSISTENT WORLD (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,184.0.html)
List of features:
- Up to 8 castle owning factions (which native multiplayer calls teams) and two extra categories: commoners and outlaws
- Troop types are not selectable before spawn: you need to pay money and train for a certain amount of time with one of the factions
- Troop type, faction, gold, and more are saved every few seconds and restored when rejoining the server, until the mission ends or the server crashes; all data is wiped at the start of the next mission (map / round / game / whatever).
- Enhanced item buying scene props, which combine buying, selling, stockpiling, and crafting; showing the item stats
- Destructible trees and mines to harvest resources; trees regrow after being cut down, and mines respawn after longer periods
- Systems for gathering food, which is a requirement for healing by resting at a bed: fishing, growing wheat for making bread and beer, grapes for wine, and animals for meat. Animals can be herded and butchered with the appropriate skill, which gives meat for eating and hides to make leather for crafting
- Repairable and buildable scene props, like doors, ladders, walls, and bridges. Doors can be locked, able to be opened by players in the correct faction, and able to be lock picked by others
- Ships that can be sailed, ideally with two players; they can also be damaged, repaired, and sunk
- Castles that can be captured, which changes the door locks, flags, and more
- Castle faction lords, which are players voted in by a faction poll; they can set the faction name, banner, withdraw money from the castle chests, access a unique troop type, and give door and chest access permissions
- Money bag items to transfer gold between players. Loot bags are dropped when a player dies, taking a small amount of their gold, and all weapons should be dropped
- The ability to loot armor off corpses for a very short time after their death; approximately 30 seconds
- Various carts and chests which can be used to store weapons, armor, and other items in; different cart types can be attached to either to horses or player characters to move them around. Some ships also have a hold for storage
- Animations and sounds to quickly communicate with other characters; crouching and pike bracing features recently added to the game engine are enabled
- Doctors can heal badly injured players up to a limit of their skill, while resting on beds is for fully healing lightly injured players, using food
- Outlaw ratings for players which are increased by team killing and decrease slowly over time
- Various messaging systems for chatting to players nearby, in the same faction, or any server administrators connected
-  Various administrator tools

ASSASSIN HUNT (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,263.0.html) - "There are many important people in Calradia and even more people that would like to see those important persons dead. Assassins are hired to kill local merchants, guild masters and even lords. If they don't succed, they might be hanged or killed by the town guard. But being an assassins brings one big advantage: You are always needed somewhere in Calradia and you always get a lot of money if you succeed. But the goal in this mod is not to kill important persons like local merchants, no. The goal is to kill the other assassins that try to steal your jobs and, even more important, the money you will earn for this job. In various towns of Calradia,the assassins begin slaughtering each other. But most of the time it is very hard to find an assassin, they are masters of disguise. So maybe you can stand next to a person and talk with him, and after the talk when you turn around, you have a knife in your back. There is only one solution for this: Be the first to stab a knife into your "colleagues". But beware, if you kill to many townsmen, the guard will become aware of the assassins and you will all have big problems."
List of features:
- Various towns from singleplayer, edited to fit into the game perfectly.
- Choose from 4 equipment classes: Daggers, A sword or Axe (Those are one class), a mace, a flintlock pistol or a crossbow.
- Ambience sounds. Town walkers cry sentences and talk to each other, the smith and the carpenter work and dogs bark.
- Refill your ammo if it is empty.
- Wash the blood from your clothes.
- Get random armor, boots and helmets from a wide range of townsman equipment when spawning.
- Your weapons are assigned automatically when you choose the class and confirm on the "choose equipment" screen.
- 5 empty maps for mappers that have always dreamed of making a map for Assassins.
- You can walk using the "shift" key.
- Buy food to heal yourself

THE DELUGE (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,217130.0.html) - "The Deluge is a modification which brings us into the cruel and bloody wars of the 17th century in eastern Europe. You'll be given an opportunity to play as a various characters of those conflicts: an undefeated winged hussars fighting in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ranks, a brave Cossacks rebells, an ambitious Ottomans, a wild and independent Tatars and as a well-equipped Swedes. Moreover, some other factions are under considerations, like Tsardom of Russia, Austria or Germany..."
List of features:
- Invasion (new game type)
- Advanced cannon system
- Boats and Ferries (fully controlled by players)
- Defenses (maintained by engineers)
- New Maps and Architecture
- Blackpowder Weapons & New Weapon Models
- Weapon Durability
- Weather and Time
- Animated World

CONQUEST (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,311.0.html) - "Loosely based on the 7 years war. The mod is being built around the Conquest game mode which has been slightly altered so that players no longer spawn at their teams owned flags but at their teams initial spawn point throughout the game. The mod aspires to create a fun simulation of combat during the 7 years war time period and offers a large number of customization options for each troop type to allow players to create their own unique regiments. The combat system has been created to reward skilled players and offer fun options for different interests."
List of features:
- Factions: Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Black
- Troop Types: Riflemen, Infantry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry
- Ranks: Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain
- Overhauled combat sounds
- Efficient models/textures ready for large scale battles
- New Animations
- Several new Conquest Maps

AGE OF FALSE INNOCENCE (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,191.0.html) - "Age of False Innocence (or AoFI) is a multiplayer-only mod set in the Seven Years' War. It features 10 different factions, several unit types for each faction, and attempts to recreate 18th century combat as closely as possible."
List of features:
- Cannons!
- New scene props
- Several new swords
- New uniforms for the new clans
- Custom weather for all scenes (including rain, snow, fog, and the time of day)
- Completely redone uniforms
- Complete hat renovation (now with cockades!)
- New animations (such as a surrendering animation when blocking with fists and cheering when you press O)

THE WILD WIND (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,243.0.html) - "The Wild Wind is a multiplayer modification of Warband that focuses on survival and politics. The mod takes place in the American Old West. Specifically the year 1890. "
List of features:
- Prop spawning and manipulation system
- Resource collecting
- Hunting
- Inventory
- Crafting system
- Hunger/thirst/sleep system
- Customizable skills
- Buying items from other players
- New animations

FESTUNG BRESLAU (http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,228.0.html) - A WW2 multiplayer mod.
List of features:
- Mount MGs
- Crush yours enemies with deadly tanks
- Play officer game mode
- As a medic help wounded people
- Plant mines and deploy field fortifications
- Burn your enemies with fire
- Destroy some parts of map to gain advantage
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Jubal on April 07, 2010, 03:53:05 PM
Good work!
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: DeepComet5581 on April 22, 2010, 09:07:27 PM
Shouldn't i have probably made this?
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on April 22, 2010, 09:23:42 PM
Well you're kind of lazy... You haven't even updated the old list... ;)
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: DeepComet5581 on April 23, 2010, 10:01:56 AM
I'm not lazy. I forgot, OK?

I have important things to be worrying about now.

If someone had just sent me a PM asking me, I would have done it.
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Jubal on April 23, 2010, 07:26:13 PM
Meh, no need to argue, what's important is that the job is done tbh. BN, you can still edit in anything you need/want to right?
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Cuddly Khan on April 26, 2010, 04:46:04 AM
http://www.mbrepository.com/category.php?id=1 (http://www.mbrepository.com/category.php?id=1)

Here you can find lots of mods for Mount and blade and Mount and Blade: Warband  ;)
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on April 26, 2010, 02:36:21 PM
Of course you can... It's the repository, everybody knows that ...
But you're missing the point of this thread... It's here to give you a list of major mods and their forums...
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Kizz on May 12, 2010, 10:46:04 PM
Please add this mod for Warband Multiplayer as contender for worthy mods http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=1769 (http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=1769). MP-Kegenki mod from Japan.

Has good animations, and nice japanese theme armors and very detail.
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on May 12, 2010, 11:49:56 PM
New modules : Kengeki (MP) and Litus (SP)

@  Kizz : Thanks for mentioning that... And welcome to Exilian !
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Colonel_Ryan on June 06, 2010, 10:37:07 AM
Calradia: Modern Warfare
http://mnbmodernwarfare.forumotions.com/forum.htm (http://mnbmodernwarfare.forumotions.com/forum.htm)

No wait.
Its not realesed :P
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: DeepComet5581 on June 06, 2010, 11:13:07 AM
Don't worry. I'll put that in the Unreleased topic.
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Colonel_Ryan on June 06, 2010, 11:35:55 AM
Danke sc
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on July 23, 2010, 10:47:19 AM
BN can you take care of this thread ? I've stopped playing M&B...
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on November 21, 2010, 04:00:43 PM
Updated !
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on April 06, 2011, 09:42:41 PM
Just a small note for the M&B Moderator : This thread should be updated.
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Cuddly Khan on April 06, 2011, 11:12:22 PM
I wish I had Warband so I could play some of these. :(
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on April 07, 2011, 06:11:21 AM
Hehe Silver Wolf, very subtle.  :)

I know I have to update it.  I'm actually compiling a detailed list at the moment.  It was only recently that I was able to start it due to real-life issues.  

Hopefully I'll have it up on the weekend, maybe Monday.
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Cuddly Khan on April 07, 2011, 06:40:14 AM
If that means more mods to know about than I can't wait. Oh just wait, I don't have Warbands so I have nothing to look forward to. :(
Title: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Phoenixguard09 on April 08, 2011, 01:05:04 AM

Get Warband...
Title: Re: Note worthy mods for M&B : Warband
Post by: Silver Wolf on November 10, 2012, 11:00:02 PM
Time for an update. This list was badly neglected, due to fact that I don't own Warband.
Anyone got Warband?