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Topics - SaidaiSloth

ATHENIAD 2016 / Suggestions for other sites
February 28, 2016, 11:02:10 PM
If you have any suggestions for other forums we could invite to compete, please post them here.

Fandom Discussion - The Secret Garden / Wrestling
February 28, 2016, 09:03:33 AM
Right, no need for a subforum since the only other person on this forum who actually watches wwe is inactive at the moment... so, this will be my thread to comedically describe what is happening in wrestling, and I think it will be funny because wrestling sounds even more absurd then it actually is to people who don't watch wrestling...

if anyone is actually interested in watching wrestling (which I doubt) - don't worry, you're allowed to tell me that you think wrestling is stupid and people who watch it are insane. It's understandable. Wrestling is grown men wearing briefs and tights pretending to hit each other. It is the definition of stupid. You have to embrace that to enjoy it properly.

So, getting back to the point, if you are interested tell me and I will hook you up with some starting matches to decide if you like it or not.

I will begin my comedic updates on Tuesday. :)
Spamfest! / Have fun with your powers
January 26, 2016, 01:31:01 PM


General Chatter - The Boozer / Computer Mega thread
November 20, 2015, 11:17:55 PM
Post your computer specs, ask for advice for a new computer or why your old piece of armadillo isn't working, or hell, post your desktop.
I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in terms of computer hardware and software, so please, ask me if you can play a certain game or what kind of upgrades you should look into.
My personal rig isn't amazing, but I built it and I like it

Core i7 2600
Radeon HD 6850
8GB ram
2TB hard drive + 128GB SSD

General Chatter - The Boozer / CARS!
November 20, 2015, 09:31:47 AM
Not sure if many people here drive, but if you do, what do you drive?
What cars would you like to drive?
What cars do you absolutely loathe?
Discuss, and argue, and complain!
Spamfest! / NSFW
November 20, 2015, 08:29:18 AM

Spamfest! / Opening this post is a waste of your time.
November 20, 2015, 08:25:49 AM

I warned you.

SUICIDE SQUAD TRAILER LEAKED - JUST GOOGLE "suicide squad leaked trailer" and find one, they get taken down all the time


The Beer Garden of Babel / Français! (French)
January 29, 2015, 03:33:37 AM
Bienvenue sur le fil Français
The Beer Garden of Babel / Deutsch (German)
January 29, 2015, 03:30:36 AM
Willkommen in der Deutsch Gewinde :)
The Beer Garden of Babel / Italiano! (Italian)
January 29, 2015, 03:28:47 AM
Benvenuti al filettatura italiano :)
Star Wars / Star Wars Games!
January 04, 2015, 12:36:28 AM
From the shi.... lets just pretend those ones just don't exist, to the absolutely fantastic.

To jog your memory, here's a list:

Yeah, there's a damn lot.

Discuss things!  or probably just laugh at the armadilloty ones
Marvel/DC / Arrow / The Flash
December 10, 2014, 10:23:56 AM
As with Agents of SHIELD, this went from pretty alright to pretty good to.... well I can't say its gotten to Agents level of glorious..-ness

It is, despite its dark and edgy tone, quite a fun show. The arrow acrobatics and fight choreography are very enjoyable, and there is a healthy dose of humour.

One thing I don't like is the overuse of blood. It seems like they're trying too hard to be super edgy and dark and holy armadillo blood, trying to make the most use of their TV-14 rating.
But sometimes it just looks stupid.

Anyway, discuss and such.
Marvel/DC / Agents of SHIELD
December 10, 2014, 10:18:02 AM
It went from hey, not bad but could be improved a lot to the cap winter soldier stage - holy armadillo, this is really good, to now.

Holy portugal this is GLORIOUS.

Remember to spoiler tag spoilers!

Discuss and such.

March 25: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
May 6: Captain America: Civil War
May 27: X-Men: Apocalypse (Fox)
June 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
August 5: Suicide Squad
November 4: Doctor Strange
Schedule inconclusive: Gambit (Fox) (Several publications have reported that the film's original October 7 date has been "unset" with no rescheduled date announced, but there doesn't seem to be any official confirmation. Although give it's March and the film hasn't gone into production yet, an October 2016 release is highly unlikely.)

March 3: Untitled Wolverine sequel (Fox)
May 5: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
June 23: Wonder Woman
July 7: Marvel Studios co-produced Spider-Man reboot (Sony)
October 6: Reported but unconfirmed untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film (Fox)
November 3: Thor: Ragnarok
November 17: Justice League, Part 1
Unscheduled: Bloodshot (Valiant/Sony)
Schedule inconclusive: Fantastic Four 2 (Fox) (several publications have reported the release date has been changed from June 2 to TBD, and while there hasn't been any official confirmation by Fox, this seems like a likely bet)

January 12: Reported but unconfirmed untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film (Fox)
February 16: Black Panther
March 16: The Flash
May 4: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1
July 6: Ant-Man and the Wasp
July 13: Reported but unconfirmed untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film (Fox)
July 27: Aquaman
December 21: Spider-Man Animated Feature (Sony)

March 8: Captain Marvel
April 5: Shazam
May 3: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 2
June 14: Justice League, Part 2
July 12: Inhumans

April 3: Cyborg
May 1: Untitled Marvel Studios film
June 19: Green Lantern Corps
July 10: Untitled Marvel Studios film
November 6: Untitled Marvel Studios film

(all release dates are US - generally marvel studios films release dates in the UK, Europe and Australia are 1 - 2 weeks early)
(to be used for future reference)

Marvel/DC / DC Cinematic Universe
October 18, 2014, 03:43:35 AM

A thread for discussion of the DCCU!

The DC schedule for the next 6 years has been officially released.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 25, 2016)
Suicide Squad (August 5th, 2016)
Wonder Woman (June 23rd, 2017)
Justice League (November 17th, 2017)
The Flash (March 23rd, 2018)
Aquaman (July 27th, 2018)
Shazam (April 5th, 2019)
Justice League 2 (June 14th, 2019)
Cyborg (April 3rd, 2020)
Green Lantern (June 19th, 2020)

Discuss and post memes and whatever you guys do.
Thought I'd make a thread for you to post your top 5, 10, or whatever games, whether in order or no particular order.

I'm letting my brain do automatic ordering by whichever ones I think of first.

Mirror's Edge
Amazing. The feel of flow and speed is so damn good, leaping through the city, whether doing it how the game was meant to be played or using speedrunning techniques.
It is true that the combat, although looks cool breaks the flow and is absolute arse, it's made up for by the spectacular parkour aspect.

Battlefield 2: Project Reality Mod
I never thought I'd like a "realistic" mod. It makes the ballistic physics far more realistic, adds more maps and factions, more guns, makes the sound effects less like a kids toy, enemies actually react when they get hit, and you can't jump from 10 feet with an assault rifle, pistol, battle armour, and 2 - 4 grenades and just keep on strolling.

But god dammit it is so fun. It feels satisfying when you get a kill, whether you sneak up behind and stab your enemy in the back of the head, or throwing a smoke grenade then running in for the kill.
The game can be a bitch when it decides the AI are going to stand in the middle of the road and point their gun at the ground, utterly oblivious to the action around them, you can forgive it with the awesome gameplay and the fact that's it's made by a fairly small modding team.

Burnout Paradise
SO portugaling AWESOME.

Parkour and Free Running, discuss, share, whatever.
To clarify the difference:
Parkour is getting from point A - B, overcoming obstacles and getting there in the fastest time possible.
Free Running is similar but adding a personal "flair", with tricks and unnecessary stuff that looks cool.

Parkour example:

Free Running example:
The Side Room - Sport Discussion / Combat Sports
August 10, 2014, 06:34:45 AM
Hey, let's talk combat sports! Karate, judo, MMA, cat martial arts, wrestling, whatever you want

And hey, to stir up some discussion, rate how well you can fight on a scale of 0 - 5

0 - Hadouken!.... where's the fireball?
1 - Bitch slap
2 - My grandma showed me how to punch
3 - I did some martial arts as a kid, and can still remember them / I'm doing martial arts now and I'm OK
4 - Doing martial arts now, decent at it
5 - MMA Expert

(I rate myself a 3.5)
Game Reviews / Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
August 09, 2014, 07:23:22 AM
Welp, here's my review of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, which, after playing it for 2 hours, is not only one of my favourite fighting games of all time, but one of my favourite games of all time.

Game Type: Commercial, free demo available (only 6 characters, no story mode)
Genre: Fighting, jiggle simulator

First up, the ratings: (using 10 number scale because I prefer it ;p)

Graphics - 8 - Doesn't actually run at all on modern computers as it's a console game, but very good graphics for last gen, however some of the textures are a bit low res.

Gameplay - 9 - Will talk about this later

Immersion - N/A - I'm actually playing the free version, which doesn't have a story mode. I'll update once I have some cash

Now for why you should get this game:

God dammit it's satisfying. Most games slow down gameplay and make it a bit clunky to make you feel the hits... DOA5 is fast as hell... yet you still feel every blow - you feel your characters spine smashing into that fence, and you feel the impact of rolling down a flight of stairs and smashing your face on the concrete at the bottom.

Next up, how dynamic it is. As I mentioned before, you can slam characters into fences and break or bend them, or push them down flights of stairs or out windows and off rooftops. Characters also get sweat and dirt on them as the fight goes on and they take more damage. Crates and barrels roll around as you hit them. You can hit someone into an oil tank and make it explode, sending them flying across the stage, or hit them into the wall and launch an airstrike on them.

Variety of characters - 29 of them - 18 of them female, 11 of them male. I've so far only tried Hayate and Ryu Hayabusa, but they were both damn fun. There's also quite a bit of costume modification.

Story - I've only played the free version which doesn't have it, but it has been criticized by reviewers.

Oh, there's also the selling point which the developers apparently thought it needed even though, IMO, it doesn't.... Boobs, butts, and jiggle physics.
Hell it was rated 17+ over in the US just because of it.

Overall score: